물맑은 호주이민닷컴


ADC 기술심사 과정 정리 – 2021년 9월 부터 필기시험변경

ADC 필기시험 형식 변경 예고

기존의 시험 형식이 2021년 9월 부터 ADC 1차 필기시험으로 대체됨

New written examination format released
In May we released the revised examination for general dentistry. This will replace the existing written examination for general dentistry from September 2021.
Key features of the new examination include: (변경내용)•  a reduction in the number of questions,
•  questions presented in a scenario-based, single-best-answer multiple choice
•  a revised blueprint, aligned to the current Professional competencies of the
newly qualified dentist that indicates the target percentage of questions to be
included in each examination for each discipline, domain and sub-
discipline, and
•  a change from a pass required per paper to a pass required per domain cluster.
The revised written examination is designed to provide you with a greater opportunity to showcase your application of knowledge of the science and practice of dentistry in a clinical situation and to pass the examination by your performance across the entire examination, rather than by paper.This review formed part of a bigger body of work completed by the Assessment Review Working Party (ARWP). Established in 2018, the ARWP’s role involved a comprehensive review all elements of the ADC assessment process. This work ensures every stage of the dental practitioner process, including the written examination, continues to be in line with best practice nationally and internationally.

– 요약

A snapshot of the differences between the revised written examination and the existing written examination are shown in the table below.


ADC 시험은 3가지 단계로 구성되어 있으며 위의 내용은 2번에 해당함

The ADC assessment process is a three-stage process.

  1. Inital Assessment (서류전형)
  2. Written Examination (필기시험)
  3. Practical Examination  (실기시험)

Dental practitioner assessment for registration

Overseas qualified dental practitioners wanting to register to practise with the DBA, who are required to complete the ADC assessment, must complete the three-stage assessment process.

1.  Initial assessment  

A paper-based qualification and documentation assessment.

2.  Written examination 

A multi-choice question examination of knowledge and the clinical application of knowledge.

3.  Practical examination 

A two-day simulation-based examination assessing technical and clinical skills.

Candidates must successfully complete each stage of the assessment process before being eligible to apply for the next stage.

호주에서 치과의료분야에 일을 할 경우 (예를들어 dentist) 위의 3가지를 모두 통과해야 함

Successful completion of the three stages of the ADC assessment process indicates that an overseas qualified dental practitioner has demonstrated they have the professional ability to perform safely in the role of a dental practitioner in Australia. It is only after the successful completion of these three stages that the practitioner is eligible to apply for registration with the DBA.


Key resources

The ADC has prepared a range of key resources for candidates intending to apply for the revised written examination during the application period commencing 31 May 2021.


물맑은호주이민닷컴을 통해 치과의사로 기술심사 및 영주비자를 받고 멜번에서 Practice를 하는 케이스 보기 


Last update: 2021년 8월 17일


물맑은 호주이민닷컴

이민법무사 (0208335)
