[호주연금] 임시비자소지하고 호주에서 누적한 미리 연금을 이용할 수 있는 분들 그리고 신청방법 | |
몇일전 정부에서 코로나바이러스 여파로 호주임시비자를 소지한 사람들중에서도 호주에서 일하면서 누적한 자신의 연금을 최대 만불까지 사용할 수 있다고 발표했습니다.
그렇다면 누가 언제 어떻게 신청하여 사용할 수 있는가를 알아야 할 것 같습니다.
관련 내용이 아래 자료이며 참고하길 바라면서 공유해 드립니다.
Temporary early release of superannuationThe government is allowing individuals affected by the coronavirus to access up to $10,000 of their superannuation in 2019–20 and a further $10,000 in 2020–21. Individuals will not need to pay tax on amounts released and the money they withdraw will not affect Centrelink or Veterans’ Affairs payments. From mid-April 2020, eligible individuals will be able to apply online through myGov to access up to $10,000 of their superannuation before 1 July 2020. They will also be able to access up to a further $10,000 from 1 July 2020 for approximately three months. Eligibility (누가 신청 가능한가?)To apply for early release, you must satisfy any one or more of the following requirements:
관련 서류는 제출할 필요는 없다고 함. You will not be required to attach evidence to support your application; however, you should retain records and documents to confirm your eligibility.
How to apply (신청 방법)If you are eligible for this new ground of early release, you can apply from mid-April directly to the ATO through the myGov website: my.gov.auExternal Link. You will need to certify that you meet the eligibility criteria. If you are a member of an APRA fund, after we have processed your application we will issue you with a determination. We will also provide a copy of this determination to your superannuation fund, which will advise them to release your superannuation payment. Your fund will then make the payment to you, without you needing to apply to them directly. If you are a member of a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) who is eligible, you can apply through myGov from mid-April. We will then issue you with a determination advising of your eligibility to release an amount. When your SMSF receives the determination from you, they will be authorised to make the payment. Timing (언제부터: 처음 발표는 4월 중순 이라고 발표함 그러나 발표된 것에 의하면 4월 20일부터 신청서를 받는다 합니다)You will be able to apply for early release of your superannuation from mid-April 2020.
자세한 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) – early release of superannuationApplications for early release of superannuation (super) will be accepted through myGov from 20 April. (신청서는 2020년 4월 20일 부터 받습니다)
아래 링크에 가서 계정 만들고 신청할 수 있습니다. 미리 등록을 하십시오. 그러면 email / SMS로 알려 준다고 합니다. 전화는 따로 할 필요 없다고 함. You can register your interest now by logging in to your myGov accountExternal Link and following the Intention to access coronavirus support instructions. If you don’t already have a myGov account, you can set one up by selecting ‘create an account’. We will notify you by email or SMS when applications open. You do not need to phone us.
이와 관련하여 scam 에 주의해야 함. Be awareWe’re concerned about scams or schemes where people:
If you receive a phone call, text message or email offering to help you release your super early, do not: (혹시라도 ATO 라고 하면서 누군가 연금을 이용할 수 있게 도와주겠다는 전화 또는 문자메세지가 오면 개인정보 및 해당 링크를 클릭하지 마세요)
You can contact us to confirm if an interaction is genuine. (대신 확인 여부를 아래와 같이 ATO에 다양한 방법을 확인이 가능합니다) Reporting ATO impersonation scams (Scam 신고하기)If you’ve been affected by an ATO impersonation scam you can report it to us in various ways. Phone scams
Email and SMS scamsIf you receive a suspicious email or text message (SMS) claiming to be from us:
Don’t click on a link, open an attachment or download a file. Verifying ATO contact (응답하지 말고 아래 연락처로 전화하세요)If you’re ever unsure whether an ATO interaction is genuine, do not reply. You should phone us on 1800 008 540.
어려운 시기에 모두 코로나바이러스에 안전하시면서 모두 이시기를 잘 이겨낼 수 있길 바랍니다.
Take care and be safe
기술이민전문 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 드림 |