어렵사리 Nomination 신청하라는 초대를 받았는데 승인 (approval)이 아닌 거절 (refusal) 소식을 접하는 경우가 있을 수 있습니다. DIY 하시는 분들은 아래 내용을 충분히 숙지해야만 거절 가능성이 적어질 것입니다.
Once you are nominated
- Submit your visa application to the Department of Home Affairs within 60 days. We cannot nominate you again in 2024-25 if your visa application is not submitted in this time or if there are errors in your EOI information when we nominated you. (EOI 제출시 반드시 정확한 정보게 제출되어야 함)
- Keep your contact details up to date so we can provide you information on important services.
- Complete regular surveys we will send you about your experience with us and your settlement in Victoria
- Commit to living and working in Victoria for at least two years.
Nomination refusals
Before submitting a Registration of Interest make sure you meet all the minimum eligibility requirements for the visa you are seeking nomination for. (ROI 제출 전에 반드시 조건을 #모두 만족해야 함)
Your nomination application will be declined for the following reasons: (다음과 같은 이유로 거절됨)
- You do not meet the minimum eligibility requirements. (최소 조건을 만족 못할 때)
- You cannot provide sufficient evidence for the claims made in your Registration of Interest or Expression of Interest. (ROI / EOI 에 적시된 점수를 증빙하는 자료 부족시)
- You do not respond to our requests for further information in a timely manner. (주어진 시간에 자료 제출 불가시)
- You provide false or misleading information. (이점도 매우 심각한 것으로 가짜 또는 오해를 사는 정보를 제공시)
Common reasons for refused applications include: (그외 거절되는 흔한 이유)
- Over-estimated earnings (for onshore).
- Working in employment that is not eligible (for onshore).
- Working for an employer not operating in Victoria (for onshore).
- Living in an Australian state and territory other than Victoria (for onshore)
- Incorrect partner points. (잘못된 파트너 점수을 위해서 조건 및 직업군 등 잘 선택해야 함)
- Modification of SkillSelect EOI after invitation. (초대후 점수 변경 불가)
- False and misleading information related to employment and residence. (가짜 정보제공시)
- Expired Skills Assessment or English language test results. (필수 증빙서류 만기시)
If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate the claims you make in your EOI and ROI, your application may be refused. (EOI & ROI시 클레임한 점수를 반드시 맞출 수 있어야 함)
If your application is refused, you will not be able to submit a new application for 6 months. This ensures our resources are allocated to processing applications that meet the requirements of the visa. (한번 거절되면 6개월 이내에 제 신청 불가)
False and misleading information (가짜 정보 제출은 절대 해선 안됨)
If you provide false or misleading information as part of your nomination application, your application will be refused. We may also report it to the Department of Home Affairs who can conduct their own investigation.
We encourage you to submit all documents unaltered, including all PDF documents in their original form and not combined into one document.
We conduct verification checks on many of the documents you provide to ensure that your employment matches the skill level of your nominated occupation that you outline in your EOI. This includes contacting employers and institutions directly to confirm whether the documents are genuine.
If you are aware of instances, or yourself are pressured to submit an application with false and misleading information, we encourage you to report this to the Department of Home Affairs.
Review of nomination decision
If your nomination application has been refused as you did not meet the eligibility requirements, you cannot request a review of your application. (Nomination 거절에 대해 Appeal 불가)
If you believe that an error was made in assessing your nomination application, you can submit a request for us to review the application. (거절전에 발견한 경우 요청해 볼 수는 있음)
We do not provide renomination in the following instances: (재 Nomination 초대 불가하는 경우)
- You do not submit your visa application within 60 days. (60일 안에 신청서 제출 불가)
- Your EOI was incorrect when we nominated you, including points claimed by you or your agent.(Nomination 초대시 EOI에 에러가 있었던 경우 시간과 무관하게 재초대 불가)
If an applicant has been nominated for any skilled subclass (either 190 or 491), they cannot be nominated again in the same program year. (한번 Nomination 된 다음에는 해당 회계년도에 재 nomination 불가)
원문: https://liveinmelbourne.vic.gov.au/migrate/skilled-migration-visas/skilled-nominated-visa-subclass-190
Last update: 2024년 8월 16일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴
이민법무사 (0208335)