온라인 비자상담실 (재능보시)
안녕하세요 .
약 22년전인 2002년 2월 부터 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 무료 온라인 상담실 을 운영해왔고요.
이곳 온라인비자 상담실은 재능보시차원에서 간단한 질문에 조언드리는 장입니다.
호주 비자, 호주 시민권, 취업, 생활, 호주자녀교육, 취미생활 등 무슨 질문이든 주셔도 좋습니다.
물론 한눈에 볼 수 있는 자신의 비자관련 master plan은 유료상담을 통해 가능하고
비자업무대행관련 내용 (서류 조언 및 신청서작성조언)은 업무계약을 하신 고객님께 드리는 서비스임을 양해 바랍니다.
이용해 주셔서 감사합니다.
무주상보시(無住相布施)를 행(行)하는 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철
Re:호주이민에 관하여 문의
2017-06-09 10:00
Electrician (전기기술자)로 호주로 이민을 오기 위해서 다음과 같은 절차를 따를 수 있습니다.
1. TRA가 지정한 3곳의 RTO 중에 한 곳을 통해 한국에서 받은 관련 교육과 자격증, 이력서, 추천서 신청서, 면접등을 통해 기술심사 (임시비자 또는 영주비자)를 받습니다.
2. 1번을 잘 통과하시면 기술심사기관에서 Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR, 외국인 기술 레코드) 라고 하는 일종의 증명서 (certificate)를 발행해 줍니다.
3. 이 증빙서류까지 받았으면 일단 자신의 상황에 맞는 비자 (RSMS / 489 /189 / 190 중에서)를 신청할 수 조건 중에 하나를 통과하게 됩니다. 이후 영어성적과 기타 조건을 만족하여 자신에게 맞는 비자를 신청하고 비자를 받습니다.
4. 호주에 비자를 받고 왔다고 하여 한국에서 받은 전기라이센스가 바로 인정이 되지 않음에 유의하십시오. 대신 OTSR 를 2번에서 잘 받은 분은 provisional licence (임시 라이선스) 를 신청할 수 있습니다. 이 임시라이센스를 소지하고 있는 분들도 (호주에서 호주전기기술자가 되기 위한 부족한 코스만 마치는 기간 동안 – 이 코스 반드시 해야 합니다) 숙력된 전기기술자의 관리감독하에 일을 할 수 있도록 허용합니다. (즉, 일과 부족한 학습을 동시에 해야 합니다. 일은 최소한 12개월간입니다)
5. 따라서 호주에 오시기 전에 자신의 관련 전기분야의 학력과 경력을 토대로 기술심사를 신청하여 통과를 해 둡니다. (이 내용은 2번에 해당함)
6. 호주에 (어떤) 비자를 받고 나서 해당 주에 거주를 하게 됩니다. (3번의 과정을 통과해야 함) 해당 주에 전기기술자의 면허를 등록하는 기관이 있습니다. 이 기관에 provisional license (임시비자)를 신청합니다.
7. 해당 주에서 운영하는 (지정된 코스가 있음, Australian context gap training 라고 부름) 코스를 공부하면서 일을 함께 병행합니다. 공부와 경력 (12개월)을 마치고 나면 Full license를 신청할 권한이 주어집니다.
6번과 7번에 해당하는 내용을 관장하는 곳의 연락처 및 자세한 내용은 아래에서 참고할 수 있습니다.
Electrician (General) and Electrician (Special Class)
If you are applying for a skills assessment under the 457 Skills Assessment Program, the Offshore Skills Assessment Program (OSAP) or Trades Recognition Service (TRS) in the licenced occupations of Electrician (General) or Electrician (Special Class), you will be required to apply for a skills assessment through a Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) approved registered training organisation (RTO). If successful, you will be issued with an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR).
An OTSR holder is eligible to apply for a provisional licence, registration or certificate with Australian state and territory licensing authorities. This will allow you to work as an Electrician (General) or Electrician (Special Class) under supervision whilst completing Australian context gap training.
An OTSR holder is also eligible to apply for temporary and permanent migration with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).
IMPORTANT: Each state and territory has different requirements in relation to Australian context gap training for the licensed occupations Electrician (General) and Electrician (Special Class). For further information on Australian context gap training in the state or territory in which you are planning to work, please click on the relevant link below.
Expanded -Australian Capital Territory
To apply for an Unrestricted Permit Electrotechnology Systems, OTSR holders wishing to work in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) must contact Access Canberra who is the regulator responsible for issuing ACT electrical licences.
Holders of an Unrestricted Permit Electrotechnology Systems must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full unrestricted Electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months, and;
include a letter of need fro the applicant's employer stating:
i) the principal trade to which the incidental electrical work applies, and;
ii) the need for the restricted electrical permit or licence in that trade.
For permits, the letter must include the name and licence number of the person who will be supervising their work.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for an unrestricted electrical licence.
For more specific information about electrical licences in the ACT, please contact Access Canberra.
Access Canberra
T: 02 6207 8096
E: cwpl@act.gov.au
W: Access Canberra
Expanded -New South Wales
To apply for a Provisional Tradesperson Certificate, OTSR holders wishing to work in New South Wales (NSW) must contact New South Wales Fair Trading, who is the regulator responsible for issuing NSW electrical licences.
Holders of a Provisional Tradesperson Certificate must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence or qualified supervisor's certificate for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician and obtaining a Certificate of Proficiency through the NSW Vocational Training Review Panel, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
Applicants should refer to the Licence classes and qualifications page for Electricians in order to view the full requirements to obtain a contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate.
For specific information about electrical licences in NSW please contact NSW Fair Trading.
Fair Trading
T: 13 32 20
E: HBLicensing@finance.nsw.gov.au
W: NSW Fair Trading
Expanded -Northern Territory
To apply for a Permit to Work Under Supervision, OTSR holders wishing to work in the Northern Territory (NT) must contact the Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board, who is the regulator responsible for issuing NT electrical licences.
Holders of a Permit to Work Under Supervision must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For specific information about electrical licences in the Northern Territory please contact the Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board.
Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board
T: 08 8936 4079
E: Electrical.licensing@nt.gov.au
W: Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board
Expanded -Queensland
To apply for an Electrical Work Licence/Permit (Other than Apprentice), OTSR holders wishing to work in Queensland must contact the Electrical Safety Office, who is the regulator responsible for issuing Queensland electrical licences.
Holders of an Electrical Work Licence/Permit (Other than Apprentice) must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training. The gap training must be undertaken with an approved Queensland RTO;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months. Any work undertaken must be recorded in a worker's log book, and;
complete a structured training program co-ordinated by a Queensland RTO.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For more specific information about electrical licences in Queensland, please contact the Electrical Safety Office.
Electrical Safety Office
T: 1300 632 993
E: Licensing.ProcessingServices@justice.qld.gov.au
W: Electrical Safety Office
Expanded -South Australia
To apply for a Restricted Electrical Worker Registration, OTSR holders wishing to work in South Australia (SA) must contact Consumer and Business Services South Australia, who is the regulator responsible for issuing SA electrical licences and registrations.
Holders of a Restricted Registration must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's registration.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical registration.
For specific information about electrical licences and registrations in South Australia, please contact Consumer and Business Services South Australia or visit their website.
Consumer and Business Services South Australia
T: 131 882
E: occupational@sa.gov.au
Expanded -Tasmania
To apply for a Provisional Licence, OTSR holders wishing to work in Tasmania must contact the Tasmanian Government Department of Justice, who is the regulator responsible for issuing Tasmanian electrical licences.
Holders of a Provisional Licence must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training through TasTAFE, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence (Electrical Practitioner Licence).
For specific information about electrical licences in Tasmania, please contact the Tasmanian Government Department of Justice.
Tasmanian Government Department of Justice
T: 1300 654 499
E: cbosinfo@justice.tas.gov.au
W: Department of Justice
Expanded -Victoria
To apply for a Supervised Workers Licence, OTSR holders wishing to work in Victoria must contact Energy Safe Victoria, who is the regulator responsible for issuing Victorian electrical licences.
Holders of a Supervised Workers Licence must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months, and;
successfully complete the Licensed Electricians Theory (LET) and Licensed Electricians Practical (LEP) assessments.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician and the completion of the LET and LEP licensing assessments, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For specific information about electrical licences in Victoria, please contact Energy Safe Victoria.
Energy Safe Victoria
T: 1800 815 721
E: licensing@esv.vic.gov.au
W: Energy Safe Victoria
Expanded -Western Australia
To apply for an Electrician's Provisional Licence, OTSR holders wishing to work in Western Australia (WA) must contact EnergySafety at the Western Australia Department of Commerce, who is the regulator responsible for issuing WA electrical licences.
Holders of an Electrician's Provisional Licence must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training with a WA registered training organisation (RTO), and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For more specific information about electrical licences in Western Australia, please contact Energy Safety.
Energy Safety
T: 08 6251 2000
E: energylicensing@commerce.wa.gov.au
W EnergySafety
3년이란 기간동안 준비하신다고 했습니다. 따라서, 충분히 시간을 가지고 1번부터 천천히 그러나 꾸준히 방향을 가지고 준비하면서 호주에 와서 Full license 받는 과정 까지 함께 할 수 있길 기대합니다.
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 신순철 이민법무사는 기술심사 통과를 위한 내용부터 비자 받는 것 그리고 호주에 와서 Full license 받는데 까지 모든 과정을 기술이민전문 에이전트로서 고객님과 함께 할 수 있습니다.
보다 자세한 내용은 유료상담자로 전환하셔서 고객님이 현 상황의 충분한 점과 부족한 점은 물론 이를 토대로 1번부터 7번까지 지나오는 과정에 (필요한 것이 더 있다면) 필요한 것이 구체적으로 무엇인지 상담을 받으시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 고객님의 소개로 찾아 와 주셔서 더욱 감사드리고요.
지인처럼 전기기술자로 호주에서 더 나은 삶을 영위하실 수 있길 미리 기원드립니다.
물맑은 호주이민닷컴
이민법무사 (0208335)
신순철 드림
1. TRA가 지정한 3곳의 RTO 중에 한 곳을 통해 한국에서 받은 관련 교육과 자격증, 이력서, 추천서 신청서, 면접등을 통해 기술심사 (임시비자 또는 영주비자)를 받습니다.
2. 1번을 잘 통과하시면 기술심사기관에서 Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR, 외국인 기술 레코드) 라고 하는 일종의 증명서 (certificate)를 발행해 줍니다.
3. 이 증빙서류까지 받았으면 일단 자신의 상황에 맞는 비자 (RSMS / 489 /189 / 190 중에서)를 신청할 수 조건 중에 하나를 통과하게 됩니다. 이후 영어성적과 기타 조건을 만족하여 자신에게 맞는 비자를 신청하고 비자를 받습니다.
4. 호주에 비자를 받고 왔다고 하여 한국에서 받은 전기라이센스가 바로 인정이 되지 않음에 유의하십시오. 대신 OTSR 를 2번에서 잘 받은 분은 provisional licence (임시 라이선스) 를 신청할 수 있습니다. 이 임시라이센스를 소지하고 있는 분들도 (호주에서 호주전기기술자가 되기 위한 부족한 코스만 마치는 기간 동안 – 이 코스 반드시 해야 합니다) 숙력된 전기기술자의 관리감독하에 일을 할 수 있도록 허용합니다. (즉, 일과 부족한 학습을 동시에 해야 합니다. 일은 최소한 12개월간입니다)
5. 따라서 호주에 오시기 전에 자신의 관련 전기분야의 학력과 경력을 토대로 기술심사를 신청하여 통과를 해 둡니다. (이 내용은 2번에 해당함)
6. 호주에 (어떤) 비자를 받고 나서 해당 주에 거주를 하게 됩니다. (3번의 과정을 통과해야 함) 해당 주에 전기기술자의 면허를 등록하는 기관이 있습니다. 이 기관에 provisional license (임시비자)를 신청합니다.
7. 해당 주에서 운영하는 (지정된 코스가 있음, Australian context gap training 라고 부름) 코스를 공부하면서 일을 함께 병행합니다. 공부와 경력 (12개월)을 마치고 나면 Full license를 신청할 권한이 주어집니다.
6번과 7번에 해당하는 내용을 관장하는 곳의 연락처 및 자세한 내용은 아래에서 참고할 수 있습니다.
Electrician (General) and Electrician (Special Class)
If you are applying for a skills assessment under the 457 Skills Assessment Program, the Offshore Skills Assessment Program (OSAP) or Trades Recognition Service (TRS) in the licenced occupations of Electrician (General) or Electrician (Special Class), you will be required to apply for a skills assessment through a Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) approved registered training organisation (RTO). If successful, you will be issued with an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR).
An OTSR holder is eligible to apply for a provisional licence, registration or certificate with Australian state and territory licensing authorities. This will allow you to work as an Electrician (General) or Electrician (Special Class) under supervision whilst completing Australian context gap training.
An OTSR holder is also eligible to apply for temporary and permanent migration with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).
IMPORTANT: Each state and territory has different requirements in relation to Australian context gap training for the licensed occupations Electrician (General) and Electrician (Special Class). For further information on Australian context gap training in the state or territory in which you are planning to work, please click on the relevant link below.
Expanded -Australian Capital Territory
To apply for an Unrestricted Permit Electrotechnology Systems, OTSR holders wishing to work in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) must contact Access Canberra who is the regulator responsible for issuing ACT electrical licences.
Holders of an Unrestricted Permit Electrotechnology Systems must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full unrestricted Electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months, and;
include a letter of need fro the applicant's employer stating:
i) the principal trade to which the incidental electrical work applies, and;
ii) the need for the restricted electrical permit or licence in that trade.
For permits, the letter must include the name and licence number of the person who will be supervising their work.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for an unrestricted electrical licence.
For more specific information about electrical licences in the ACT, please contact Access Canberra.
Access Canberra
T: 02 6207 8096
E: cwpl@act.gov.au
W: Access Canberra
Expanded -New South Wales
To apply for a Provisional Tradesperson Certificate, OTSR holders wishing to work in New South Wales (NSW) must contact New South Wales Fair Trading, who is the regulator responsible for issuing NSW electrical licences.
Holders of a Provisional Tradesperson Certificate must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence or qualified supervisor's certificate for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician and obtaining a Certificate of Proficiency through the NSW Vocational Training Review Panel, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
Applicants should refer to the Licence classes and qualifications page for Electricians in order to view the full requirements to obtain a contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate.
For specific information about electrical licences in NSW please contact NSW Fair Trading.
Fair Trading
T: 13 32 20
E: HBLicensing@finance.nsw.gov.au
W: NSW Fair Trading
Expanded -Northern Territory
To apply for a Permit to Work Under Supervision, OTSR holders wishing to work in the Northern Territory (NT) must contact the Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board, who is the regulator responsible for issuing NT electrical licences.
Holders of a Permit to Work Under Supervision must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For specific information about electrical licences in the Northern Territory please contact the Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board.
Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board
T: 08 8936 4079
E: Electrical.licensing@nt.gov.au
W: Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board
Expanded -Queensland
To apply for an Electrical Work Licence/Permit (Other than Apprentice), OTSR holders wishing to work in Queensland must contact the Electrical Safety Office, who is the regulator responsible for issuing Queensland electrical licences.
Holders of an Electrical Work Licence/Permit (Other than Apprentice) must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training. The gap training must be undertaken with an approved Queensland RTO;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months. Any work undertaken must be recorded in a worker's log book, and;
complete a structured training program co-ordinated by a Queensland RTO.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For more specific information about electrical licences in Queensland, please contact the Electrical Safety Office.
Electrical Safety Office
T: 1300 632 993
E: Licensing.ProcessingServices@justice.qld.gov.au
W: Electrical Safety Office
Expanded -South Australia
To apply for a Restricted Electrical Worker Registration, OTSR holders wishing to work in South Australia (SA) must contact Consumer and Business Services South Australia, who is the regulator responsible for issuing SA electrical licences and registrations.
Holders of a Restricted Registration must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's registration.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical registration.
For specific information about electrical licences and registrations in South Australia, please contact Consumer and Business Services South Australia or visit their website.
Consumer and Business Services South Australia
T: 131 882
E: occupational@sa.gov.au
Expanded -Tasmania
To apply for a Provisional Licence, OTSR holders wishing to work in Tasmania must contact the Tasmanian Government Department of Justice, who is the regulator responsible for issuing Tasmanian electrical licences.
Holders of a Provisional Licence must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training through TasTAFE, and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence (Electrical Practitioner Licence).
For specific information about electrical licences in Tasmania, please contact the Tasmanian Government Department of Justice.
Tasmanian Government Department of Justice
T: 1300 654 499
E: cbosinfo@justice.tas.gov.au
W: Department of Justice
Expanded -Victoria
To apply for a Supervised Workers Licence, OTSR holders wishing to work in Victoria must contact Energy Safe Victoria, who is the regulator responsible for issuing Victorian electrical licences.
Holders of a Supervised Workers Licence must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months, and;
successfully complete the Licensed Electricians Theory (LET) and Licensed Electricians Practical (LEP) assessments.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician and the completion of the LET and LEP licensing assessments, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For specific information about electrical licences in Victoria, please contact Energy Safe Victoria.
Energy Safe Victoria
T: 1800 815 721
E: licensing@esv.vic.gov.au
W: Energy Safe Victoria
Expanded -Western Australia
To apply for an Electrician's Provisional Licence, OTSR holders wishing to work in Western Australia (WA) must contact EnergySafety at the Western Australia Department of Commerce, who is the regulator responsible for issuing WA electrical licences.
Holders of an Electrician's Provisional Licence must:
enrol in and complete Australian context gap training with a WA registered training organisation (RTO), and;
work under the supervision of a holder of a current and full electrician's licence for a minimum period of twelve (12) months.
On successful completion of the Australian context gap training and supervised employment, applicants are eligible to apply for a Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician.
On receipt of the Certificate III in Electrotechnology - Electrician, an applicant may then apply for a full electrical licence.
For more specific information about electrical licences in Western Australia, please contact Energy Safety.
Energy Safety
T: 08 6251 2000
E: energylicensing@commerce.wa.gov.au
W EnergySafety
3년이란 기간동안 준비하신다고 했습니다. 따라서, 충분히 시간을 가지고 1번부터 천천히 그러나 꾸준히 방향을 가지고 준비하면서 호주에 와서 Full license 받는 과정 까지 함께 할 수 있길 기대합니다.
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 신순철 이민법무사는 기술심사 통과를 위한 내용부터 비자 받는 것 그리고 호주에 와서 Full license 받는데 까지 모든 과정을 기술이민전문 에이전트로서 고객님과 함께 할 수 있습니다.
보다 자세한 내용은 유료상담자로 전환하셔서 고객님이 현 상황의 충분한 점과 부족한 점은 물론 이를 토대로 1번부터 7번까지 지나오는 과정에 (필요한 것이 더 있다면) 필요한 것이 구체적으로 무엇인지 상담을 받으시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 고객님의 소개로 찾아 와 주셔서 더욱 감사드리고요.
지인처럼 전기기술자로 호주에서 더 나은 삶을 영위하실 수 있길 미리 기원드립니다.
물맑은 호주이민닷컴
이민법무사 (0208335)
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