Invitations for WA State nomination are anticipated to be issued each month. The number of invitations issued each month may vary depending on the number of applications being processed by WA Migration Services. If you are invited, WA Migration Services will contact you via email with a link to the State nomination application form. (매달 초대를 한다고 보시면 되며 초대가 되면 이메일이 옵니다. 이메일은 가능한 gmail을 사용할 때 이메일 사고 나지 않는 것 같습니다 경험적으로 볼때)
Future invitations
Having an eligible EOI does not guarantee you will receive an invitation for State nomination. To receive an invitation in a future round, please ensure that: (영어, 직업군, 기술심사, 점수, 거주조건등을 다 만족을 하더라도 EOI 받을 수 있다는 보장이 없다는 점)
Please note that WA Migration Services does not provide feedback on individual EOIs that have not received an invitation. (신청자의 EOI에 대해서 좋다 좋지 않다 안된다 된다 등 답을 주면 얼마나 좋겠습니까만 전혀 그런 것에 대한 제공이 일체 없음에 신청인들은 참 답답해 하는 것도 사실임)
Ranking system (랭킹 시스템 -> 이 내용이 중요!)
EOIs are selected based on the following ranking system. (어떻게 EOI 선택되는가에 대한 대략 설명임)
General stream EOI
Candidates eligible for the General stream will be ranked in accordance with the following.
- currently residing in Western Australia (서호주에 거주하는 것을 최우선으로 본다는 사실)
- currently residing offshore or in another Australian state or territory (비록 호주밖에 있거나 다른 주에 거주하는 사람들도 신청은 할 수 있지만)
- occupations in priority WA Industry sectors (in no particular order): (이왕이면 아래 4가지 분야에 해당하는 직업군을 가진 EOI)
- building and construction;
- healthcare and social assistance;
- hospitality and tourism; and
- education and training.
- occupations in all other WA industry sectors (이왕이면 WA에 원하는 그외 직업군을 갖는 EOI)
- highest EOI points score (이왕이면 높은 점수를 갖는 EOI)
- oldest EOI submission date (이왕이면 빨리 접수된 EOI)
위의 ranking 을 토대로 예를들면 이런 경우가 있을 수 있습니다.
점수가 매우 높다 그러나 WA가 원하는 직업군이 아니다. 그러면 안될 가능성이 높다.
점수가 매우 높다 그러나 해외에 거주하고 있다. 반면 점수가 턱거리를 넘었지만 WA에 거주한다. 후자가 될 가능성이 높다.
Graduate stream EOI (아래 내용은 WA주에서 공부한 유학생들에게 적용)
Candidates eligible for the Graduate stream will be ranked in accordance with the table below.
Graduate stream — Higher education graduates |
Graduate stream — Vocational education and training (VET) graduates |
Currently residing in Western Australia |
Currently residing in Western Australia |
Currently residing offshore or in another Australian state or territory |
Currently residing offshore or in another Australian state or territory |
Occupations in priority WA Industry sectors (in no particular order):
- building and construction;
- healthcare and social assistance;
- hospitality and tourism;
- education and training.
Occupations in priority WA Industry sectors (in no particular order):
- building and construction;
- healthcare and social assistance;
- hospitality and tourism;
- education and training.
Occupations in all other WA industry sectors |
Occupations in all other WA industry sectors |
Completed a PhD or Masters qualification in Western Australia |
Completed a VET qualification at Advanced Diploma level in Western Australia |
Completed a Honours degree or other higher degree in Western Australia |
Completed a VET qualification at Diploma level in Western Australia |
Completed a Bachelor degree in Western Australia (학사학위는 학위 수준에서 제일 낮음) |
Completed a VET qualification at Certificate III or IV level in Western Australia |
Highest EOI points score |
Highest EOI points score |
Oldest EOI submission date |
Oldest EOI submission date |
Please note: (아래 보시면 대학학위 또는 그 이상의 학위를 소지한 분들이 75% 차지하고 Cert IV 또는 그 이상의 준학사 학위를 공부한 경우는 25% 밖에 안된다는 점에서 WA주에서 TAFE 코스를 다니는 것은 그 많은 상대적으로 대학에서 공부를 하는 분들보다 불리함을 볼 수 있습니다 )
- up to 75% of SNMP graduate stream nominations will be made for higher education graduates; and
- up to 25% of SNMP graduate stream nominations will be made for VET graduates.
If you are eligible for an invitation through multiple streams, you will receive an invitation for each stream you are eligible for. However, you will only be able to lodge one application for State nomination through your chosen stream. If multiple EOIs are ranked at the same level, invitations will be issued based on the EOI submission date. (한개의 EOI 초대됨)
If your EOI indicates you are seeking State nomination for both the subclass 190 and subclass 491 visa, you will generally be invited for the subclass 491 visa in the first instance. This is because you will generally have a higher EOI points score for this visa. (491과 190이 가능한 경우 491 비자용 먼저 발행됨)