물맑은 호주이민닷컴


호주군 채용은 관련 특정국가의 출신들이 우선 순위가 될 듯

호주군 채용관련하여 호주에 호주영주권자로 최소 12개월 거주를 했고 최근 외국에 군복무를 하지 않은 호주영주권자에게  호주군에 채용하는 것을 허용한다는 내용입니다.

해당 발표내용은 2024년 6월 4일.

그전에는 호주군입대는 호주시민권자가 기타 나이 및 신원조회 신체검사 (physical) 등을 받고 지원 신청서를 제출할 수 있었는데 반에 아래 내용처럼 NZ 출신은 물론 호주영주권자들도 신청이 가능하도록 한다는 내용입니다.

2024년 7월 부터 변경된 조건하에 호주에 거주하는 NZ 출신 (444 비자 소지자)에게 채용을 허용하며

추가적으로, UK, USA 그리고 카나다 출신의 호주영주권자는 2025년 1월 부터 ADF에 지원할 수 있다고 함.


지원자들은 호주에 반드시 영주권자로 최소 1년을 거주했어야 하며 신청전 2년 동안 타국의 군대에 복무하지 않았어야 한다는 조건도 있음.


결론적으로 군입대는 최소 NZ시민권자이면서 444비자를 소지한 자 그리고 UK, USA 그리고 카나다 출신 호주영주권자이면서 최소 12개월 거주했고 지난 2년간 타국군대 복무하지 않았어야 지원 자격중에 하나를 만족한다는 점에서 그외 국적을 가진 심지어 그외 국가의 호주 영주권자는 군대 채용에 있어서 어려움이 있을 것으로 보여집니다.


아래 내용은 관련 자료이며 https://www.minister.defence.gov.au/media-releases/2024-06-04/australian-defence-force-opens-recruitment-non-australian-citizens  에서 발췌함.

Australian Defence Force opens recruitment to non-Australian citizens

Release content

4 June 2024

As one of the Albanese Government’s initiatives to grow the Australian Defence Force (ADF), New Zealanders who call Australia home will soon be able to apply to join the ADF.

As outlined in the National Defence Strategy, Defence must recruit, retain and grow a highly specialised and skilled workforce.

To help achieve this, Defence is expanding the eligibility criteria to enable more people to join the ADF, including permanent residents who have been living in Australia for 12 months. (호주에 12개월 거주한 호주영주권자에게도 오픈)

Under this expanded criteria, from July 2024, eligible New Zealanders who are living in Australia can apply to join the ADF. (NZ 출신 444비자를 소지한 경우 2024년 7월부터)

Additionally, from January 2025, eligible permanent residents from the United Kingdom, United States and Canada will also be able to apply to join the ADF. (UK, USA 그리고 카나다 출신자 호주영주권자 2025년 1월부터)

As well as meeting ADF entry standards and security requirements, permanent residents wishing to join the ADF must have lived in Australia for at least one year immediately prior to applying, not have served in a foreign military in the preceding two years, and be able to attain Australian citizenship.

Defence is also streamlining the existing Overseas Lateral Recruitment Scheme, which allows the ADF to fill capability shortfalls by recruiting skilled military overseas applicants.

Quotes attributable to the Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon Richard Marles MP:

“Australia and New Zealand have a longstanding relationship – opening the Australian Defence Force to New Zealanders living in Australia will increase opportunities whilst strengthening our ANZAC bond.

“The Australian Government has chosen to grow the Australian Defence Force because it is essential to meet the nation’s security challenges through the next decade and beyond.”

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Defence Personnel, the Hon Matt Keogh MP: 

“Our people are our most important capability, but reversing the Defence recruitment shortfalls of the last Government requires innovation – we’re being bold in order to grow the Australian Defence Force.

“Recruiting from a wider pool of people, will help ensure our Australian Defence Force reflects the full diversity of Australia and is able to draw on the talents of the entirety of Australian society.”


그럼에도 불구하고 만약에 호주시민권자와 위에 언급된 부류의 지원자들을 통해 군에서 필요한 병력을 얻지 못할 경우 해외 군복무중인 군인들로 부터 충당할 수도 있음. 해당 내용은 아래와 같습니다. 

Overseas applicants with relevant military experience may be eligible to start a new career in the ADF and a new life in Australia through a lateral transfer. To be eligible, you must:  (아래 7가지 조건을 만족할 때 ADF에 새로운 career를 시작할 수 있을 지 모른다고 명시되어 있습니다)

  • be a current serving member, or separated less than 3 years ago from a foreign military service
  • have no less than 5 years’ full time military experience
  • hold qualifications, skills and experience that can be recognised by and directly transferred to the ADF
  • meet the minimum academic and military educational standards required by the ADF
  • be less than 48 years of age at the time of visa nomination
  • be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language (speaking, reading, writing and listening) as defined on the International English Language Testing System website
  • have your occupation listed within the Labour Agreement.

Lateral transfer (foreign military)

Bring your foreign military experience to the ADF

Changes to the processing of Overseas Lateral Entry applications

Please note the ADF is streamlining processes for overseas lateral entry, moving from a single service approach to a tri-service, integrated system. Navy and Air Force will continue to accept new applications over this period in line with the guidance below (Army EOIs are currently closed).

New and existing applicants may experience changes throughout their application process, such as new email addresses and/or points of contact. Communication with applicants throughout this period is of the highest importance, and your Case Manager will inform you of any relevant changes.

Thank you for your patience throughout this period. The ADF looks forward to providing a new and streamlined overseas lateral entry process in the near future.

Who it’s for (대상)

  • Overseas applicants with relevant military experience

Requirements (요구조건)

  • When applying for a lateral transfer from a foreign military service, you must meet the requirements of the job you are applying for
  • You’ll need to submit an expression of interest (EOI) accompanied by a CV/resume. If qualified, experienced, and suitable for an available position, you’ll be invited to proceed with a full application.

What you need to do (해야할 일)

While lateral transfers involve a number of steps, the first step is to establish if a transfer is possible. This can be done via an expression of interest (EOI). If you are assessed as having the qualifications, experience and potential to fill an expected vacancy, you will be invited to submit a full application. (일단 EOI를 제출해 두고 군에서 연락이 오길 기다려야 함)

Specific Instructions for submitting your EOI (EOI 제출을 위한 구체적인 절차)


  • Accepting EOIs:
    • 1 February to 28 February (for January appointments/enlistments)
    • 1 August to 31 August (for July appointments/enlistments)
  • Email for Navy Lateral Transfer: ran.overseasrecruiting@defence.gov.au


Air Force

Lateral transfer application process

  • STEP 1: Expression of Interest (EOI 제출)
  • STEP 2: Full application (Step1 후 초대가 와야 함)
  • STEP 3: Medical assessment (신체검사 검사후 통과)
  • STEP 4: Letter of Offer (직무 지책 역할 offer 제공받음)
  • STEP 5: Obtain a visa (군에서 비자 처리해 줌)
  • STEP 6: Security clearance (신원조회 철저하게 하고 통과되어야 함)
  • STEP 7: Resignation from current service (대한민국 군대 제대해야 함)
  • STEP 8: Enlistment / Appointment. (그리고 호주 군에 입대하게 됨)

Last update: 2024년 10월 3일

물맑은 호주이민닷컴

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