물맑은 호주이민닷컴


ACT, 타스마니아 & NT 경우 Off-shore 190 Nomination 신청자격조건들

2024-2025년 회계년도의 190 비자를 위한 타스마니아 주정부에서 요구하는 Off-shore (해외에서 190를 신청하는 분들의 경우) 조건을 모두 만족을 해야 됩니다. (참고로 모든 주는 개별적으로 서로 다른 조건을 가지고 있음에 이 부분을 면밀히 살펴봐야 함. 그렇지 않으면 물고기가 없는 곳에 낚시대를 던져 놓은 모양새가 될 수 있기 때문)

Subclass 190 –  Skilled Nominated Visa

To be considered for this pathway you must meet all the criteria below. (이렇게 못을 박아 둠)

Minimum requirements

  • You must have a health or allied health skills-assessment for an occupation within one of the 4-digit ANZSCO groups below. (일단 직업군에서 걸러 냄)
  • You must have received a formal job offer for a job that is based in Tasmania that is closely related to your nominated occupation. (쉽지 않은 job offer를 요구함; 더군다나 타스마니아주에 있는 업체로 부터 기술심사에 통과한 직업군으로)
  • You, or any of your dependents must not have lived in another Australian state or territory within the last 12 months. (호주내에서 12개월 거주하지 않았어야 함)
  • Your employer must have a well-established business that has been actively operating in Tasmania for at least the past 12 months. (고용주는 최소 과거 12개월이상 타스마니아에서 사업했어야 함)
  • Your wages and conditions must be no less favourable than those that would apply to an Australian citizen or permanent resident, and salary or wages must be at least equivalent to the local market salary rate. (급여 조건도 호주인들과 같은 조건이어야 함)
  • There must be a genuine and ongoing need for your position within the business and the capacity for the business to sustain your employment (고용이 사실이고 계속 유지되어야 함)

해외에서 신청할 수 있는 직업군 목록

Occupations eligible for this pathway

2511 Nutrition Professionals

2512 Medical Imaging Professionals

2514 Optometrists and Orthoptists

2515 Pharmacists

2525 Physiotherapists

2526 Podiatrists

2527 Audiologists and Speech Pathologists \ Therapists

2531 General Practitioners and Resident Medical Officers

2532 Anaesthetists

2533 Specialist Physicians

2534 Psychiatrists

2535 Surgeons

2519 Other Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals

2521 Chiropractors and Osteopaths

2523 Dental Practitioners

2524 Occupational Therapists

2539 Other Medical Practitioners

2541 Midwives

2542 Nurse Educators and Researchers

2543 Nurse Managers

2544 Registered Nurses

2723 Psychologists

2725 Social Workers

3112 Medical Technicians

Priority attributes for selection


Job offer from well-established Tasmanian business directly related to skills assessment

아래와 같은 job offer는 해당하지 않음에 명시되어 있음.

The following types of employment are not eligible in the Skilled Employment or Established Resident pathways, and will not be given weight when considering priority attributes for other pathways:

    • internships (unless paid professional internships undertaken for registration purposes), stipends, scholarships and volunteer positions
    • taxi drivers, ride-share, food delivery
    • subcontracting employment is only recognised where the applicant has a related skills assessment or at least two years prior experience. If the role is lower skilled (ANZSCO 4-5 equivalent, such as disability support worker) it is only recognised where the skills assessment is related to the industry in which the role is performed.
    • employment related to supermarkets* convenience stores and service stations
    • mobile phone sales and support – when immediately transferring from another state or territory
    • massage therapists without a related skills assessment and verifiable health fund provider number ^
    • employment related to limited-service restaurants* including:
      • fast food or takeaway food services
      • fast casual restaurants* that do not offer full table service
      • drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service
      • limited-service cafes including, but not limited to coffee shops or mall cafés, and
      • limited-service pizza restaurants.

* Retail supervisor and management positions in supermarkets (not convenience stores) and supervisory or management employment in limited-service restaurants will be considered and weighted in the Tasmanian Skilled Graduate and Established Resident pathways where the duties are consistent with at least ANZSCO Skill Level 4 (e.g., Retail Supervisor).

^ massage therapists must have their own provider number and cannot use the provider number of the business proprietor


그러니 타스마니아의 190 비자를 받기 위한 nomination 신청조건자중에서 Off-shore는 사실상 위의 조건을 만족하지 못하면 (한개라도 누락시) 받을 가능성은 없다고 예상됩니다.


다음은 NT (Northern Territory)주의 경우 offshore에 거주하면서 신청하려는 분들의 자격조건을 알아 봅니다.

우선 NT 의 경우는 아예 190 비자는 사실상 해외거주 (offshore)하는 분들의 경우에는 open 하지 않음에 못을 박아 둔 듯 합니다.

Offshore applicants will generally only be nominated for a subclass 491 visa. (이 내용이 그 내용임)

Offshore applicants must meet the minimum requirements above and meet the following NT nomination criteria: (위에 언급된 최소 조건이란, 45세미만, 기술심사통과, 점수는 최소 65점 또는 그 이상을 의미함)그리고 아래 조건을 만족해야 함. 

  • have post-qualification work experience of at least 2 years in your nominated occupation in the last 5 years (note: additional work experience may be required for some occupations under the priority occupations stream)
  • demonstrate a genuine commitment to live and work in the NT on a long-term basis
  • declare that they have the financial capacity to settle in the NT
  • meet criteria against one of the 3 streams below.

(사실상 위의 4가지는 보통 다 만족을 할 수 있지만 아래 3가지 중에 반드시 하나를 만족해야 하는데 이부분을 살펴봅니다)

Please note: those applying under the NT Family stream or the NT Job Offer stream can nominate any occupation on the national eligibility list (NT 가족 또는 NT Job offer 스트림을 통해 신청하는 분들은 연방정부에서 정한 모든 직업군에 해당이됨)

  1. Priority occupation stream (NT에서 요구하는 직업군에 포함되는가?)Offshore applicants under this stream must:
    • have a full migration skills assessment in an occupation listed on the Northern Territory Offshore Migration Occupations List (NTOMOL) (엔토몰 이란 직업군 리스트에 신청자의 기술심사 ANSCO가 포함되어 있어야 함. 예를 들어 전자공학 Electronics Engineer로 기술심사를 통과한 경우 엔토몰에 해당이 없기 때문에 이 stream에 해당이 안됨. 이런 경우 아래 2가지 중에 하나 stream에 만족해야 함) 
    • meet any additional work experience required for the occupation as specified on the NTOMOL.
  2. NT Family Stream (NT에 시민권자 영주권자 가족이 살고 있는가?)Offshore applicants under this stream must:
    • have a family member in the NT who:
      • is an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand citizen (see definition on Home Affairs website) or hold one of the following visas:
        • Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa subclass 491
        • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) visa subclass 494
        • Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa subclass 489
        • a bridging visa granted in association with an application for a Skilled Regional Visa subclass 887 or Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) subclass 191 visa
      • is usually resident in the Northern Territory, and has been living in the NT for at least 12 months
      • is the applicant’s eligible relative* or their partner’s eligible relative if their partner is also intending to apply for the same visa (see below for definition of eligible relative)
      • has confirmed in a statutory declaration that they are willing and able to provide settlement support to the applicant and migrating dependants including assistance with finding accommodation and employment in the NT
    • have evidence of sustained efforts to seek employment in the NT, including evidence of research in to the NT job market, and sustained records of applying for jobs in the NT or making contact with NT employers

    *an eligible relative must be the applicant’s or their spouse/partner’s:

    • parent
    • child or step-child
    • brother, sister, adoptive brother, adoptive sister, step-brother or step-sister
    • aunt, uncle, adoptive aunt, adoptive uncle, step-aunt or step-uncle
    • nephew, niece, adoptive nephew, adoptive niece, step-nephew or step-niece
    • first cousin, or
    • grandparent
  3. NT Job Offer Stream (NT 로 부터 job offer를 가지고 있는가?)Offshore applicants under this stream must have a verifiable job offer in their nominated occupation for a job that is based in the NT with an NT business / organisation that has been actively operating in the NT for at least 12 months


만약 위의 3가지 조건을 하나도 만족할 수 없다면 NT 주정부를 위해서 EOI를 제출했더라도 NT 주정부에 nomination 신청 자격은 안됨을 알아야 합니다. 이런 경우는 EOI제출을 하실 필요는 없다고 판단되는 것이고요.


다음은 ACT입니다. (캔버라라는 수도가 있는 곳이지요)


If you want to apply for ACT nomination for a Skilled Nominated (Permanent) visa (subclass 190) as an Overseas resident, you must meet the following criteria at the date you submit the Canberra Matrix: (캔버라는 자체 Matrix을 운영하며 그 Maxtrix를 통해 자체 점수를 계산합니다 나중에 이 점수를 또한 활용하여 당락을 결정하는 하나의 factor로 활용함)

  • Department of Home Affairs Criteria: you meet the relevant Department of Home Affairs Criteria and can apply for your visa. You must meet this criterion when you submit your Canberra Matrix and continue to do so until you receive ACT nomination. This includes having a valid English test and Skill Assessment. (일단 기술심사 및 영어성적 확보는 기본으로 되어 있어야 함)
    • Your English test and Skill Assessment must be valid at date of Canberra Matrix submission and at date of ACT nomination.
  • Nominated occupation: your nominated occupation is on the latest ACT Critical Skills List. (캔버라에서 원하는 직업군 목록에 신청자의 직업군 = 기술심사통과한 직업군이 포함되어 있어야함. 만약 누락되어 있다면 ACT는 offshore 거주자로서 신청 불가)
  • Relevant overseas work experience: you have at least three years full-time, post graduate work experience in your nominated occupation in the last five years. The work experience must be assessed as relevant by the assessing body in your points tested skill assessment (if the points advice service is provided by the assessing body). (관련 학위를 졸업후 최소 3년 경력을 가지고 있어야 하며 관련 경력을 기술심사에서 인정해 줘야 함)
    • Your skills and experience in the nominated occupation are relevant to the ACT economy.
    • If required, you hold the relevant Australian registration or licence for your nominated occupation. (자격증이 필요한 직업군 예를들어, 전기기술자, RN 등의 경우 관련 라이센스 소지하고 있어야 함)
  • English: you meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for ‘Proficient‘ or ‘Superior‘ English unless your nominated occupation: (아래 직업군들이 아닌 이상 7.0 또는 8.0 영어성적을 확보해야 함)
    • Is Chef 351311; or,
    • Has an ANZSCO skill level of 3 to 5.
  • ACT employability: you have researched the ACT labour market and you are satisfied that you are employable in Canberra and that your background is relevant to the ACT economy. Please note, you may not be eligible to apply for positions within the Australian Government due to citizenship / security clearance requirements. (해외에 있으면서 취업하기가 쉽지 않지만 최소한 work permission 이 있다면 취업할 수 있는지 여부를 연구해서 제출해야 함)
    • You must attach an employment statement explaining the research undertaken and confirming that you are employable in Canberra. The statement should include recent job vacancies you are eligible for.
  • Commitment to Canberra: you have researched Canberra and you are committed to living in the ACT. (190 비자를 받고 나면 Canberra에 살아야 하는데 그에 대한 Commitment 필요)
    • You must attach a commitment statement to the application, explaining in your own words why you want to live in Canberra.
    • You must sign a declaration committing to living and working in Canberra for at least two years from the date of arrival in Australia.
  • Residency: you and any migrating dependents(except children enrolled at school in the ACT):
    • are living overseas. (해외 거주중)
    • have not lived in Australia for the last 12 months.  (지난 12개월 호주에 머물지 않음)
    • do not hold a current Australian visa (or bridging visa) with the exception of an Australian visitor visa. (현재 호주 어떤 비자도 소지하지 않음)
  • Settlement funds: you have access to sufficient money to fund your migration and settlement in Canberra. (정착자금 필요)
  • If you have a Spouse / Partner and you wish to claim Canberra Matrix points in a spouse or partner category: (파트너가 있는 경우)
    • You must have proof of the relationship: either a marriage certificate or civil partnership/union certificate. For ACT nomination purposes, we do not accept a de facto relationship without a relationship certificate unless you cannot legally obtain a relationship certificate in your country of residence.
    • When claiming Matrix points in the spouse / partner employment category, they must meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for ‘competent’ English; or hold an Australian passport.

2024년 5월 Canberra Matrix 를 보면 직업군별 점수가 나와 있습니다.

해당 점수는 최소한 만족을 해야 합니다. 그래야 offshore 신청자로서 가능성(?) 이 있다 없다를 점칠 수 있을테니까요.

Canberra Matrix – Invitation ranking

2023-24 Invitation round rankings PDF 685KB
2023-24 Invitation round rankings DOC 179KB


Last update: 2024년 7월 24일


물맑은 호주이민닷컴

이민법무사 (0208335)
