AAT가 새로운 Administrative Review Tribunal (ART)로 변경됨 | |
2024년 10월 14일 부터 AAT 가 아닌 Administrative Review Tribunal (ART)로 명칭이 변경됩니다. 이날 전에 AAT에 제출하고 아직 결정이 안된 경우 따로 할 일은 없고 이날 전에 AAT에 제출되고 이미 결정된 것은 ART에 취급하지 않게 됩니다.
Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) to commence in OctoberAs previously advised, legislation to abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and replace it with the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) passed Parliament in May 2024 and received royal assent in June 2024. The Attorney-General has announced that the new ART will commence operations on 14 October 2024. All matters currently before the AAT will continue as usual and will automatically transition to the ART upon its commencement. People who have applied to the AAT for review of a decision do not need to submit a new application, and all AAT decisions that have already been finalised will not be considered by the ART.
Last update: 2024년 7월 19일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |