WA 서호주의 190 / 491 비자용 노미네이션 신청서 마감 | |
Closure of the WA State Nominated Migration Program applications for 2023-24가장 먼저 마감되는 주가 아닐까 싶습니다. WA 주는 WA 주에 할당된 노미네이션 숫자를 넘었다고 하면서 2월 2일 2023-2024년 회계년도의 노미네이션을 더 이상 받지 않는다고 발표함.
현재까지 신청된 것은 처리한다고 하니 신청하신 분들은 기다리다 보면 가부간의 결과가 나올 것입니다.
아래 내용은 WA 정부의 홈페이지에 공지된 내용입니다.
WA Migration Services will stop accepting new SNMP applications from close of business on 2 February 2024. Existing applications that have already been lodged prior to this time will continue to be assessed under existing eligibility criteria, and eligible applicants will be issued nominations (subject to availability of allocations). Some eligible applications lodged prior to the program closure date will not be considered as part of the 2023-24 program year. Applicants will be contacted if this applies to their application. Those who have visas expiring should seek professional advice from a Registered Migration Agent (RMA) and ensure that they remain lawful during their stay in Australia. A comprehensive list of RMAs is available at www.mara.gov.au(opens in a new tab). The State Government continues to advocate for nomination allocation numbers that meet the needs of the State. Source: https://migration.wa.gov.au/news/closure-wa-state-nominated-migration-program-applications-2023-24 Last update: 2022년 2월 5일 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |