VIC 주정부 스폰서쉽 2023-2024 ROI를 제출가능함 – 2023년 9월 12일 시작됨 | |
빅토리아 주정부가 오늘 (2023년 9월 12일) 부터 Nomination을 승인하기 위해서 새로운 후보자( migrantion candidates)을 받습니다. 아래 내용은 EOI를 제출한 분들 중에서 VIC 주에 관심이 있는 분들 그리고 조건을 만족하는 분들에 한하여 ROI를 제출하라고 합니다. 그후 VIC 정부에서 ROI에 있는 각 직업군별로 nomination을 신청하라고 초대 (invitation)을 보낼 것이고 받은 신청인들만이 nomination 신청을 할수 있습니다. 그리고 승인이 되면 비자 신청을 할 수 있게 됩니다. VIC 주정부에 관심이 있는 분들은 참고하세요. To be selected for Victorian skilled visa nomination, you must first submit a Registration of Interest (ROI). The information you provide in your SkillSelect EOIexternal link and your ROI helps us to select applicants for Victorian visa nomination. A ROI is not an application for Victorian visa nomination. When assessing your ROI we consider the information provided in your SkillSelect EOI. It is important that your EOI is always accurate and up to date. Submitted a ROI in 2022-23?If you submitted a subclass 491 ROI for the 2022-23 program, you must submit a new ROI for the 2023-24 program. If you submitted a subclass 190 ROI for the 2022-23 program, you do not need to submit a new ROI for the 2023-24 program. You should ensure that all information in your ROI is still correct. Selection roundsROIs will be selected from September 2023. The program will close in early 2024 at a date to be confirmed. ROI selectionWhen selecting ROIs, we consider the following factors according to the information you have provided in your EOI and ROI:
Certain occupations in the following industry sectors will also be prioritised:
Annual earnings estimationDuring the completion of your ROI, you may be asked to provide an estimate of your annual earnings. Your earnings are one of many factors used to select ROIs for invitation. There is no minimum earnings required to be eligible for Victorian visa nomination. Please see Annual earnings estimation guide for information on how to calculate this figure. Updating and withdrawing your existing ROIYou cannot update a ROI once it has been submitted. What if the information in my SkillSelect EOI has changed? What if the information provided in my ROI has changed? What if I have a new SkillSelect EOI number? Multiple ROIsYou can only have 1 active ROI submitted at any time. You cannot submit a separate ROI for each subclass. If you wish to change the subclass, or anything else on your ROI, you must withdraw the existing ROI and submit a new ROI. How do I submit a Registration of Interest for Victorian visa nomination?
To submit a Registration of Interest, you must create an accountexternal link on the Live in Melbourne portal if you do not already have one.
출처: https://liveinmelbourne.vic.gov.au/migrate/skilled-migration-visas/registration-of-interest-for-victorian-state-visa-nomination
Last update: 2023년 9월 12일
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