NSW 주정부 2023-2024년 회계년도 노미네이션 초대 개시 – 10월 초부터 | |
아래 NSW 주정부에서 보내온 내용입니다. 다음주 부터 NSW 주정부 노미네이션을 위해서 초청이 발행될 것으로 예상됩니다. 꼭 알아야 할 내용을 강조해 드립니다.
Important Update: NSW will focus on priority sectors rather than skilled occupation listsTo better address the evolving skills shortages across the state, NSW is shifting from publishing a list of eligible ANZSCO unit groups to a new sector-focused approach. What’s Changing Previously, we published a skills list comprised of specific ANZSCO unit groups. Effective immediately, we’re now focusing on priority sectors that need skilled talent. NSW Target Sectors The sectors we’ve identified align closely with the skills shortages in NSW and include:
Although our focus this program year is on key sectors, high-ranking EOIs submitted in non-priority sectors may also be considered; however, due to the exceptionally high demand and limited places, we strongly recommend anyone considering NSW nomination to also explore all other migration options available to them. Skilled Invitation Rounds Invitation rounds are an important part of the NSW nomination process. Here is what you need to know:
We intend to commence invitation rounds for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) next week. Supporting Regional Development Regional development remains a priority for NSW. Our regional skilled migration program is designed to help businesses in regional NSW attract qualified talent. Information about the program’s reopening will be made available after we have finalised all applications from the previous financial year.
Last update: 2023년 9월 27일
기술이민전문 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |