코비드비자 408 비자 마감하루 남겨두고 마감된다고 발표 – 2023년 9월 1일까지만 접수 | |
2023년 9월 1일 까지만 코비드비자 (408비자)를 신청할 수 있습니다. 오늘 늦은 오후에 발표되었으니 사실상 24시간 조금 남겨두고 발표된 것입니다.
2023년 9월 2일 부터는 현재 코비드비자를 소지하고 있지 않은 이상 역사속으로 사라집니다.
그리고 현재 코비비자를 소지한 분들도 향후 2024년 2월 부터 완전이 신청 마감이 됩니다.
아래 내용은 이민성 장관의 발표내용입니다.
Closure of the Pandemic Event visaJoint media release with the Hon Andrew Giles MPThe Albanese Labor Government is closing the Pandemic Event visa. From February 2024, the visa will be closed to all applicants. This will provide certainty to our visa system now that the circumstances that drove the operation of the visa no longer exist. From2 September 2023, the Pandemic Event visa will only be open to applications from existing Pandemic Event visa holders. All other visa holders will be ineligible for the Pandemic Event visa. This is a transitional measure to promote visa integrity. Anyone with a valid Pandemic Event visa will remain lawful until their current visa expires. (유효한 코비드비자를 소지한 분들은 합법적으로 만기 전까지 호주에 남아 있을 수 있음) The staged closure of the visa is another measure to ensure the visa system is serving the needs of the Australian people. Labor inherited a migration system with backlog after backlog, delays and endless waitlists. The Albanese Government hasn’t wasted a day in cleaning up the mess left by the former Liberal Government. The Albanese Government has recently ended a series of pandemic measures, including unlimited work hours for international students and work exemptions for Working Holiday visa holders. These measures combined place downward pressure on Net Overseas Migration, which continues to rebound post-pandemic, and will help support the return to pre-pandemic levels of population growth. From 2 September 2023, new applications will receive a six month visa. A Visa Application Charge of $405 AUD will also be introduced. (2023년 9월 2일 부터 신청하는 기존 코비비자소지자분들은 405불 신청비를 지불해야 함) These settings will further ensure that the visa is only used by those who have a genuine need to remain and contribute to Australia. People who currently hold a Pandemic Event visa and seek to apply for a different visa will need to meet the criteria for that visa. Those without any options for other visa applications are expected to depart Australia when their visa expires. Source: https://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/ClareONeil/Pages/closure-of-the-pandemic-event-visa.aspx
Last update: 2023년 8월 31일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |