EOI 초대 받고 60일 안에 기술심사결과 인정됨을 공식발표함 | |
최근 몇개월 사이에 수만명이 189 비자 EOI 초대를 받았고 그런데 때마침 자신의 기술심사 결과가 유효기간이 끝남에 따라 이것이 문제가 되는 경우가 있었습니다. 그로 인해 Federal court까지 법정다툼을 하고 결국은 EOI 초대 받고 나서 얻은 기술심사 결과도 인정이 된다에 손을 들어줬고 그 케이스가 있고 나서 드디어 오늘 공식적으로 이민성에서 인정하는 것입니다.
다시 말씀드려서 기술심사 결과 (EOI 초대 받은 후 60일 안에 새롭게 받은 분의 경우) 수락한다는 뜻입니다.
자세한 내용은 아래와 같습니다.
You might need a skills assessment if you apply for the following visas and streams:
General Skilled Migration (GSM) visasApplicants for the following points tested GSM visas must have a suitable skills assessment for their nominated occupation:
To be invited to apply for a points tested visa, you must have nominated an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupation list for that visa subclass. When you submit your visa application you will need to provide evidence that you have a suitable skills assessment for your nominated occupation. You must have obtained a skills assessment by the time you are invited to apply. Your skills assessment must also be valid at the time you are invited to apply for a points tested visa. Delegates of the Minister will now accept a suitable skills assessment for an applicant’s nominated skilled occupation which has been obtained within the 60 day invitation period. (EOI 초대 받고 60일 안에 받은 기술심사 인정된다고 이민성에서 발표하는 내용입니다) This change of approach is made as a result of the decision of Thapa v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2021] FCCA 686 (Thapa). The Minister will administer the Migration Regulations 1994 in accordance with the decision in Thapa, but the Minister reserves the right to make submissions in a Court that Thapa was wrongly decided. Skills assessment validity periods are calculated as follows:
You are encouraged to arrange your skills assessment well before you intend to submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) in SkillSelect. You cannot rely on a skills assessment that was obtained after you were invited to apply. Skills assessing authorities may issue more than one type of skills assessment. You must have a skills assessment that meets the requirements for permanent migration. The criteria that an assessing authority uses for the different types of skills assessments is determined by them, set against their relevant professional standards. Some assessing authorities issue a provisional skills assessment for recent graduates of Australian educational institutions, who are applying for a subclass 485 visa. A provisional skills assessment issued for a subclass 485 visa application is not a suitable skills assessment for a points tested visa application. DoctorsFor doctors, evidence of full registration is a suitable skills assessment. We accept one of the following certificates issued by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as evidence of full registration:
SolicitorsFor solicitors, evidence of admission to practice as a lawyer in the relevant Sate/Territory is a suitable skills assessment.
PS 초대를 받고 신청을 하지 못한 분들이 계시다면 참 아쉬운 (?) 소식이 될 수도 있고 그 위험 (?) 부담이 있음에도 불구하고 과감하게 신청하신 분들에게는 희소식이 아닐 수 없겠다 싶습니다. 저도 한시름 놨습니다. 아무튼 저한테 참 좋은 소식이 아닐 수 없네요.
출처: (이민성 홈페이지)
Last update: 2023년 2월 15일 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |