물맑은 호주이민닷컴


[AAT 케이스] 파트너비자 820 신청후 가정폭력을 당해 공식적인 서류있음에도 인정받지 못한이유

파트너 비자 820을 위해서 결혼도 하고 같은 주소에 거주도 하고 나름 같은 통장도 만듭니다. 그리고 주변에 지인들을 통해 증인도 세우고 사진도 찍고 하지만 그 모든 것이 genuine relationship of spouse / de facto partner 가 아니라고 판단이 되면 그 차후에 부부싸움으로 번져서 공식적인 가정폭력 서류가 만들어진 들 아래 케이스 처럼 비자는 거절되고 AAT 재심에서도 이민성에 손을 들어주지 재심신청자에게 손을 들어 주지 않습니다. 따라서, 이점을 늘 간과해서는 안됩니다. Genuine and on-going relationship을 보여주는 자료를 챙기고 또 챙겼을 때 혹시라도 있을지 모르는 가정폭력으로 인해서 서로 헤어지는 상황이 되더라도 좋은(?) 결과를 낳는다는 사실을요.


38. Based on the applicant’s evidence, supported by the Family Violence Restraining Order, the Tribunal accepts the sponsor was violent to the applicant in December 2019.

39. The evidence of the nature of the applicant and sponsor’s commitment to each other does not demonstrate they were a couple in genuine spouse relationship. The Tribunal accepts the applicant may have looked after the sponsor in the early days of their relationship as he recovered from cancer treatment. The relationship developed rapidly with the parties knowing each other for less than six months when they married and the applicant made her visa application. There is little objective evidence to show the parties lived together for the claimed duration of their relationship or that sponsor provided emotional support or companionship to the applicant.

40. Having considered the reg 1.15A(3) matters the Tribunal is not satisfied that at the time of visa application the relationship between the applicant and sponsor was genuine and continuing as required by s 5F(2)(c).

41. On the basis of the above the Tribunal is not satisfied that the requirements of s 5F(2) are met at the time the visa application was made.

42. Therefore the applicant does not meet cl 820.211(2)(a).

43. The applicant has not held a Subclass 300 visa and has made no claim that she meets the alternative criteria in cl 820.211(5), (6), (7), (8), or (9).

44. As the Tribunal has determined the applicant was not the spouse of the sponsor at the time of application, she cannot meet the time of decision requirements. The Tribunal therefore is not required to further consider the applicant’s claim for family violence. (아예 가정폭력으로 인한 문서는 더 이상 고려자체도 하지 않음)

45. For the reasons above, the applicant does not satisfy the criteria for the grant of the visa.


46. The Tribunal affirms the decision not to grant the applicant a Partner (Temporary) (Class UK) visa


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Last update: 2022년 4월 11일


물맑은 호주이민닷컴

