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Park (Migration) [2019] AATA 1091 (23 May 2019)
Last Updated: 31 May 2019
Park (Migration) [2019] AATA 1091 (23 May 2019)
DIVISION: Migration & Refugee Division
APPLICANTS: Mr Hae Sung Park
Mrs Hye Ran Jang
Mr Seunghyuk Park
CASE NUMBER: 1830149 
DIBP REFERENCE(S): BCC2018/2720733
MEMBER: Mr S Norman
DATE: 23 May 2019
DECISION: The Tribunal remits the applications for reconsideration, with the direction that the first named applicant meets the following criteria for a Subclass 482 visa:
- cl.482.223(1) of Schedule 2 to the Regulations
Statement made on 23 May 2019 at 3:25pm
MIGRATION – GK – Temporary Skill Shortage (Class GK) visa – Subclass 482 – English language ability – not eligible for exemption – IELTS test results provided – decision under review remitted
Migration Act 1958, s 65
Migration Regulations 1994, Schedule 2, cl 482.223(1)
- This is an application for review of a decision made by a delegate of the Minister for Immigration to refuse to grant the applicants GK – Temporary Skill Shortage (Class GK) visas under s.65 of the Migration Act 1958 (the Act). The applicants applied for the visas on 20 July 2018. The delegate refused to grant the visas on 26 September 2018.
- The delegate made the decision on the basis that evidence of English language ability was not provided as required to satisfy a criterion for the grant of the visa under the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Regulations). In their decision, the delegate stated:
- After then noting the applicant did not fit within any of the exemptions (which the Tribunal accepts), the delegate refused to grant the GK – Temporary Skill Shortage (Class GK) visas.
- With the Tribunal, the applicant subsequently lodged IELTS test results achieved in a single sitting on 6 April 2019.[1] These results were as follows:
- Listening – 5
- Reading – 5
- Writing – 4.5
- Speaking – 5
- Overall Band – 5
- In light of the new evidence received, the Tribunal is satisfied that the criterion is met and has concluded that the matter should be remitted for reconsideration.
- The Tribunal remits the application for reconsideration, with the direction that the first named applicant meets the following criteria for a Subclass 482 visa:
- cl.482.223(1) of Schedule 2 to the Regulations
Last update: 2022년 4월 11일
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