NSW주 491 비자 노미네이션을 위한 ROI 오픈 – 3월달 – 마감됨 | |
NSW주 491 비자 노미네이션을 위한 ROI 신청이 오늘 오후에 오픈되었습니다. 지난 1월과 달라진 것은 아래와 같이
항목이 추가되었다는 점입니다. UpdateOffshore candidatesOffshore candidates skilled in occupations within some ANZSCO unit groups will now be considered in invitation rounds. These unit groups are identified with a tick (✔) under the ‘Offshore’ column below. Work experience requirementYou now must have a minimum three years work experience in your nominated (or closely related) occupation for occupations within some ANZSCO unit groups. These unit groups are identified with a tick (✔) under the ‘Experience’ column below. The work experience requirement (where applicable) applies to both onshore and offshore applicants.
Last update: 2022년 3월 3일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |