2022년 1월 1일 부터 적용 – 새 이민자들의 정부복지 (Wealfare) 혜택 대기(waiting)시간 | |
안녕하세요.최근 새 이민자들의 정부복지 (Wealfare) 혜택대기시간관련 정책이 변경되었습니다. 적용은 2022년 1월 1일부터 입니다. 아래와 같습니다.Recent and upcoming policy changesUpcoming policy changesProposed changes to the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period from 1 January 2022Announced in the 2021-22 Budget, subject to the passage of legislation, migrants granted a relevant permanent or temporary visa (see below) on or after 1 January 2022 will have a Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period of four years before they can access carer payments and family payments. This applies a consistent four-year waiting period for these payments with the existing four-year waiting period for working age payments, such as JobSeeker Payment. The Budget announcement is available at: Budget measure: Strengthening the social security safety net From 1 January 2022, the changes will:
The measure will also ensure the existing four-year waiting period for concession cards is applied consistently to relevant temporary visa holders, in line with permanent visa holders. (수입이 가정 또는 concession 카드 수령자 예를들어, 60세에 이상 이민자도 4년 대기해야함) Those granted a relevant permanent or temporary visa before 1 January 2022 are not affected by these changes and remain subject to the rules that applied when they were granted their visa (see below for rules introduced in 2019). (2022년 1월 1일 전에 비자 그란트 된 분들은 이전 법규 적용, 걱정무) The relevant permanent and temporary visas are:
Existing exemptions from the waiting period will continue to apply, including for humanitarian entrants and their families, and people who experience a substantial change in circumstances and are in financial hardship. Visit the residence criteria page for further information on the existing Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period and exemptions. New International Social Security Agreements with Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Republic of SerbiaTwo new social security agreements, one with Bosnia-Herzegovina and one with the Republic of Serbia, are scheduled to commence on 1 January 2023, subject to the passage of legislation. Further information is available at New International Social Security Agreements. Recent policy changesPortability Extensions for PensionersThe Government has introduced new permanent provisions from 1 July 2021, which enable eligible pensioners to apply for a portability extension if they are unable to return to their usual place of residence within 26 weeks due to circumstances beyond their control. The new provisions build on the temporary arrangements put in place until 30 June 2021 for pensioners stranded away from home due to COVID-19. Under the new provisions, portability extensions may be granted for reasons, such as serious illness or injury, hospitalisation, legal proceedings, war or natural disaster, or a public health crisis (including COVID-19). Age Pensioners and certain Disability Support Pension recipients can request an extension if they are temporarily overseas and unable to return to Australia within 26 weeks for one of these approved reasons. Normally, after 26 weeks overseas, their pension rate will be recalculated based on their Australian Working Life Residence and certain supplements may cease. The extension ensures their pension rate is not affected after 26 weeks. Some pensioners have ‘saved’ status under changes made to the portability rules from 20 September 2000 or 1 July 2014. A person who normally resides overseas but is temporarily in Australia can also request a portability extension, for one of the approved reasons, if they are unable to leave Australia within 26 weeks. Normally, after 26 weeks in Australia, their ‘saved’ status ends and they become covered by the current portability rules. The extension ensures their ‘saved’ status and associated entitlements are not affected after 26 weeks. Pensioners who want to apply for a portability extension should contact the Services Australia International Services team to discuss their circumstances. Contact details are available at https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/services/centrelink/international-services/how-we-can-help. New Overseas Welfare Recipients Integrity Program from 20 December 2019From 20 December 2019, Australian pension recipients residing permanently overseas and aged 80 years and over are required to complete a proof of life certificate every two years to continue receiving their pension. (2019년 12월 20일 부터 시행된 것으로 80세 이상으로 해외에 거주하는 호주 연금 수령자는 매 2년마다 해당 연금을 받기 위해서 life certificate을 제출해야 연금을 받을 수 있음) This new requirement applies to Australian pensioners receiving Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, or Carer Payment. (노인연금, 장애보조연금, 돌봄이수당에 해당 됨) Services Australia (Centrelink) will notify Australian pensioners living overseas by letter if they are required to complete a proof of life certificate. The proof of life certificate must be verified by an authorised certifier. An authorised certifier can be:
Those who do not provide a certified proof of life certificate to Services Australia within 13 weeks of the request will have their pension suspended. If they have not provided their certified certificate after a further 13 weeks (26 weeks in total), their payment will be cancelled. (13주 안에 제출을 하지 않으면 연금지불정지. 그리고 추가 13주 즉 26주가 되면 연금지불이 취소가 됨) Pensioners who have their pension suspended or cancelled can have it restored if they provide a certified proof of life certificate to DHS. They will be paid any arrears they are entitled to. Changes to waiting periods for migrants from 1 January 2019Migrants granted a permanent visa, or temporary partner visa, on or after 1 January 2019 must wait between one and four years before they can access certain welfare payments and concession cards. This period is called the Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period (NARWP).
2019년 1월 1일 부터 적용되는 혜택 대기시간 보기
Last update: 2021년 11월 18일
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