홍콩 & BNO (British National Overseas) 여권을 소지하고 호주에 거주하는 경우 | |
홍콩 그리고 BNO 라는 여권을 소지하고 호주에 유효한 비자를 소지하고 있을 경우 2가지 비자 스트림을 통해 영주권을 받을 수 있음.
New permanent residence visa streams for Hong KongTwo new permanent residence visa streams for Hong Kong and British National Overseas (BNO) passport holders have been introduced as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to strengthening ties with Hong Kong. Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, Alex Hawke said Australia has delivered on its July 2020 commitment to providing a pathway to permanent residence for people from Hong Kong. “These new visas will provide a pathway for temporary graduates and temporary skilled workers from Hong Kong currently in Australia on extended visas and will build on the already close family connections and economic ties with Hong Kong that have existed for many years,” Minister Hawke said. The pathways to permanent residence will open on 5 March 2022 for eligible Hong Kong and British National (Overseas) (BNO) passport holders, through two new visa streams:
“These dedicated and simpler visa streams for Hong Kong nationals will attract skills and talent and build business links, helping to boost productivity and create further job opportunities for Australians,” Minister Hawke said. There are approximately 8,800 existing temporary skilled, temporary graduate and student visa holders who will be eligible for these new visas. (대략 호주에 8,800 명이 해당할 것으로 봄) More information about the pathways to permanent residence for Hong Kong and BNO passport holders is available on the Department of Home Affairs website.
Last update: 2021년 11월 8일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |