From 1 December 2021, citizens of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) who are considered fully vaccinated will be able to travel from the Republic of Korea to Australia without seeking a travel exemption and quarantine-free to participating states or territories.
To be eligible, travellers must: (적용 조건)
- hold a passport from the Republic of Korea (South Korea) (한국여권소지)
- hold a valid Australian visa. (호주 유효한 비자)
- be fully vaccinated with a completed dosage of a vaccine approved or recognised by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (호주에서 인정하는 백신완료)
- Children under 12 and those who are medically exempt from COVID-19 vaccination can access the same arrangements as fully vaccinated travellers.
- Arrangements are also in place to permit unvaccinated minors aged 12-17 years to travel with a fully-vaccinated adult. Travellers should check the specific requirements with the state or territory to which they are travelling.
- depart from the Republic of Korea and arrive in a participating Australian state or territory
- provide proof of their vaccination status ( NSW, VIC, ACT로 FreeTravel 자유롭게 입국이 가능함)
- present a negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test taken within 3 days of departure (unless a medical exemption applies). (출국 3일전에 PCR 테스트 한 것 소지해야 함)
The arrangement only applies to South Korean citizens travelling from South Korea. Eligible travellers will not need to have been in South Korea for 14 days before their proposed travel. (해당 내용은 한국에서 여행을 시작하는 한국인들에게 적용됨)
South Korean citizens travelling from countries other than South Korea are not eligible. (한국 이외의 나라에서 출국하는 한국인들은 해당하지 않음)
If a South Korean citizen is travelling with family members, including dependent children, who are not also citizens of South Korea (or Australian citizens or permanent residents), those family members are not eligible to travel to Australia unless they hold an eligible visa or a travel exemption. Travel exemption requests are assessed on a case by case basis. (함께 여행할 자녀가 한국인, 호주시민권자 또는 영주권자가 아닌 경우 그런 가족은 호주에 비자를 소지하거나 또는 여행 면제를 가지고 있지 않는 이상 호주에 여행이 자유롭지 않음. 여행 면제는 case by case 로 처리됨)
Valid visa
To be eligible for quarantine-free travel to Australia without seeking an exemption, South Korean citizens must hold a valid Australian visa. You can apply online for a visa that suits your needs through ImmiAccount. See our website to explore visa options.
To visit Australia as a tourist or business visitor, you may be eligible for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). You can apply for an ETA quickly and easily using the Australian ETA app on your mobile device.
Download the Australian ETA app for free from the App Store (Apple) or Google Play store (Android).
For more information see The Australian Electronic Travel Authority (ETA).
Australia Travel Declaration (ATD)
Travellers to Australia should complete an Australia Travel Declaration (ATD) at least 72 hours before departure. (여행 출발 최소 72시간전에 아래 자료ATD (호주 여행 신고서)를 완료해야 입국후 검역에서 지체되지 않음) The ATD contains a declaration regarding your vaccination status that is considered to be critical health information. You must be able to provide evidence that you made this declaration before boarding the aircraft. (비행기 타기 전에 이 내용을 제출했다는 증빙서를 제출할 수 있어야 함)
This is an enforceable requirement on travellers who are more than 12 years and 3 months old when their flight departs. A person who fails to comply with the requirement may be liable to a civil penalty (fine) of 30 penalty units (currently $6,660 AUD). This is set out in Section 46 of the Biosecurity Act 2015. Travellers who do not make the declaration before they board their flight will be delayed when arriving in Australia. (비행기 출발전에 제출하지 않은 사람은 벌금을 받을 수도 있고 지체될 수도 있음)
When filling out the ATD travellers will need to: (다음과 같이 처리해야 함)
- upload their vaccination certificate (백신증명서 업로드할 것)
- make a legally binding declaration in relation to their vaccination status (거짓 선언하지 않아야 함.)
- acknowledge that when they check-in for their flight, they must present evidence of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 3 days of their flight’s scheduled departure to Australia (3일전 음성 COVID-19 PCR 테스트 했다는 증명해야함) (unless medically exempt)
- make a declaration that they: (아래 두가지 발생할 경우 해당 규율 지킬 것을 선엄함)
- will comply with the quarantine requirements of the state/territory of first arrival and any other state/territory to which they intend to travel; and
- have made quarantine arrangements prior to travel where required.
Penalties will apply for giving false and misleading information, including potential criminal prosecution for providing false or misleading information. This is set out in s 137.1 of the Criminal Code Act 1995. (가짜 내지는 거짓정보를 제출하면 벌금은 물론 처벌 받을 수 있다고 함)
States and territories are responsible for determining and managing quarantine arrangements.
If you are planning on travelling onwards to or through a different state or territory when you arrive in Australia, you need to check domestic travel restrictions. States and territories can apply their own travel restrictions. (NSW, VIC, ACT 외의 다른 주로 갈 경우 해당 주의 규정을 따라야 함)
This includes student visa holders who have received a confirmation of enrolment to study in an institution outside of participating jurisdictions, as they will need to follow relevant border and quarantine arrangements for the relevant state or territory.
You are responsible for complying with travel restrictions and requirements that apply to you.
To check quarantine arrangements, see State and Territory Information for travellers.
Participating Australian states and territories
New South Wales, Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory have announced they will allow quarantine free travel for fully vaccinated people arriving in Australia. (현재 NSW, VIC, ACT만 free travel 이 가능함)
If an eligible South Korean citizen seeks to travel to an Australian state or territory other than those participating, they must adhere to all the entry rules of that state or territory, including quarantine requirements. (다른 주로 여행을 하려는 한국인들은 해당 주의 COVID 규정을 따라야 함)
Note: Any change in the COVID-19 situation in Australia or South Korea could lead to a pause in quarantine-free travel arrangements without notice. You are responsible for checking the entry requirements for each state and territory in Australia, including quarantine arrangements (언제 관련 내용이 변경될 수 있고 모든 선택의 책임은 여행자에게 있음을 명시함)