887 비자 신청시 거주 및 경력 감면 due to COVID concession | ||||||||||
489 비자를 가지고 계시면서 887 영주비자를 고려하시는 분들은 아래 내용 참고하세요. 보통 2년중 1년 경력을 concession 해 준다는 내용임 due to COVID out-break
COVID-19 concessionsFrom 19 September 2020, COVID concessions to lodgement and eligibility requirements will be available to eligible prospective Skilled – Regional visa (subclass 887) applicants where they meet criteria set out below. Applicants outside of AustraliaEligible prospective subclass 887 visa applicants can make their visa application outside Australia during the concession period and be granted the visa while they are outside Australia. Applicants outside of Australia who lodge during the concession period are given access to shorter employment requirements and shorter residence requirements. These applicants must provide evidence of at least:
Applicants inside AustraliaEligible prospective subclass 887 applicants inside Australia who lodge during the concession period are given access to shorter employment requirements. These applicants must provide evidence of at least:
Have an eligible visaAll applicants must be in Australia and hold an eligible visa at the time a subclass 887 visa application is made unless COVID-19 concessions apply. An eligible visa is a:
The person seeking to satisfy the primary criteria must also have held one or more of the following eligible visas for a total of 2 years before a subclass 887 visa application is made:
Note: The person seeking to satisfy the primary criteria will be the person who seeks to meet the 887 work and residence requirements. 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |