ACT 오늘부터 경력은 그에 준하는 학위가 있는 경우에 인정 – RPL 인정불가 | |
ACT nomination 고려하시는 분들 중에 RPL 로 학력수준을 만족하면서 일하는 경우 경력 점수 클레임 할 때 인정되지 않는다고 하는 내용의 이메일입니다. 경력은 학력을 인정 받은 다음의 경력만 인정한다고 함. 아래와 같이 ACT에서 받은 이메일로 그 적용은 오늘 부터 당장 적용한다고 하오니 관련된 분들은 참고하시길 ….
Dear Agents
Greetings from Canberra
As you are aware, applicants claiming Matrix points for ACT employment – skill level must have a tertiary qualification relevant to the occupation. We also make it very clear in the guidelines that an RPL certificate is not recognised as a tertiary qualification. (RPL certificate은 TAFE 수준 학위로 인정하지 않는다는 함)
Unfortunately we have received complaints about a cohort of migration agents claiming a guaranteed success rate those clients with RPL as they are arranging for new certificates to be issued which do not reference RPL. This alleged practice raises significant integrity concerns about the actions of these agents. It is also unfair to those applicants whose Matrix has not been ranked as they cannot claim skilled employment points.
Therefore, effective immediately, if your client is claiming Matrix points for ACT Employment – Skill Level, the relevant qualification (and period of study) must be recorded on SkillSelect EOI. The guidelines have been updated:
Any application submitted from today must meet the new ACT Employment – Skill Level criteria, regardless of when the Matrix was submitted.
Last update: 2021년 8월 26일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |