190 / 491 비자를 위한 빅토리아주정부 노미네이션 – 자격 및 신청 절차 | |
VIC 주정부 190 비자를 위한 Nomination 신청에 관련 정보
2021-22년 회계년도에 해당 190 / 491 비자를 위한 nomination 신청은 2021년 7월 7일 부터 적용됨 190 비자는 3500건이 491 비자는 500건이 할당될 것임. (Victoria’s Skilled Migration Program for 2021-22 will open to new Registrations of Interest (ROIs) on 7 July 2021. The Department of Home Affairs has provided Victoria with 3,500 subclass 190 places, and 500 subclass 491 places.)
신청자격 Who can apply? 누가 신청가능한가?To be eligible to apply for Victorian Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa nomination, you must:
To apply for Victorian Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa nomination, you must:
Once you are nominated: (노미네이션 받고 나면)
필요한 서류 What you’ll needIn your application, you will need to provide the following documents to show you meet the requirements:
일과 관련하여 Your workEmployment
Victorian target sectorsYou must be working in one of the following target sectors:
Our Target sectors page provides more information about these sectors. OccupationAny occupation on the Department of Home Affairs skilled occupation lists is eligible to submit a Registration of Interest, provided you are using your STEMM skills in one of the target sectors listed above. We are currently selecting the following occupations with advanced skills:
Skills assessment
간호사 – 빅토리아주에서는 천명 이상이 할당되어 계속 190 비자를 위해 Nomination 을 주겠다고 함 For nursesWe value the contribution nurses continue to make to Victoria. In the 2020-21 program, we selected over 1,000 nurses to apply for Victorian visa nomination. This year, we will continue to select nurses to apply for Victorian visa nomination. Based on consultation with industry and the Department of Health, our focus will be on the specialisations below:
We also select nurses on advice from the Department of Health. Nurses employed directly by a health provider (e.g. nursing home or hospital) will be prioritised over those working for an agency. (이미 취업되어 있다면 우선권이 부여될 것임)
처리 시간 및 신청비 Our processing considerationsPhD candidates and graduates from Australian universitiesYou must meet the eligibility requirements to be considered for selection. This includes living and working in Victoria. We will not consider you as employed if you are receiving a scholarship or undertaking a professional placement as part of completing your qualification. Respond within 2 weeks (2주 안에 추가 자료 요청되면 제출해야 함)We may ask you for more information by email.
Incomplete applicationsYou must submit a complete application, including all relevant evidence to support your eligibility claims. Do not ask for updates on your applicationPlease do not ask for an update on your application. We assess all applications in order of when they were submitted. The assessment team is also responsible for responding to enquiries and we prioritise assessment of applications. Unnecessary enquiries slow down application processing times. Submit your application via the portalYou must submit your application and all documents via the Live in Melbourne portal. We will not accept any applications or documents via email. WithdrawalYou can withdraw your subclass 190 application at any stage. Please Contact Us to withdraw your application. For Registrations of Interest (ROI), you must withdraw your ROI using the Live in Melbourne portal only. Nomination application fees (신청비 따로 지불하지 않음)The Victorian Government does not charge any application fees for nomination. 여기까지는 190 비자이며 491 비자는 아래와 같은 조건을 만족해야 함. 이때 Regional 지역에 거주하고 일하고 있어야 함. To be eligible to apply for Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) visa nomination, you must:
신청방법도 190과 거의 유사함 To apply for Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) visa nomination, you must:
Once you are nominated:
필요한 서류도 동일함 In your application, you will need to provide the following documents to show you meet the requirements:
현재 / 향후 VIC 주정부의 위 조건을 토대로 190 / 491 비자를 신청할 수 있는 기회를 …. 더 자세한 내용 또는 도움이 필요한 분들은 문의 주세요.
Last update: 2021년 7월 1일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철