임시비자소지자 – 호주코로나바이러스 보건명령을 어길 경우 | |
호주 코로나바이러스 보건 명령을 어기는 호주내 임시비자 소지자의 경우 비자 취소가 되면서 호주에서 추방될 수 있다고 오늘 12:01pm Dec 29, 2020 발표된 내용입니다.
Immigration Minister Alex Hawke says temporary visa holders who breach Australia’s coronavirus health orders could be stripped of their visas and deported back home.
Mr Hawke made the remarks during an interview with 2GB today in response to a Bronte Beach backpacker party held on Christmas Day. (이민성 장관이 오늘 한 라디오 방송에 나와서 언급함)
NSW Police were called to the popular beach in Sydney’s eastern suburbs to break up large crowds gathered at a Christmas Day event, dispersing scores of revellers in Santa hats who appeared to be giving little consideration to social distancing. In a video of the event, crowds of people, many of them backpackers, can be seen bunched together while singing and dancing. The party was held just half an hour’s drive from the Northern Beaches, where thousands of families remain under lockdown this Christmas period due to a coronavirus outbreak. “I was shocked by the scenes on Bronte Beach there and I’ve heard from a lot of people from across Sydney who are doing the right thing who are very upset about it,” Mr Hawkes said. “And absolutely under the Migration Act if somebody is threatening public safety or health their visa can be cancelled or revoked. So, certainly the Federal Government is looking at that issue.” (이민법상 누군가 호주 공공보건안전에 위협을 가할 경우 그 사람의 비자는 취소 또는 철회하할 수 있음)
He said he has instructed the Department of Home Affairs to work closely with NSW authorities in the lead up to New Year’s Day to make sure “everyone is doing the right thing”.
“And if anyone is caught doing the wrong thing, that their visa status will be brought before the Federal Government,” he said.
“There has been a couple of incidents and I think Sydneysiders would agree that 10 months into a pandemic we all know the drill now, we all understand how difficult it has been around the world. We understand why we have to be doing what we’re doing.
“People who are guests in our country also have to do the right thing… most temporary visa holders and guests in our country are doing the right thing, like Australians, but of course it is unacceptable for people who are on temporary visas to be breaching public health orders.”
Mr Hawke said one possible consequence of a health order breach by a temporary visa holder is deportation. (보건 명령 어길 경우 임시비자소지자가 추방될 수 있음)
“We can deport people, we have chartered flights to continue the normal process of immigration overseas where we return people to home countries,” he said.
(호주도 엄청난 노력을 들여서 코로나 바이러스를 잡고 있음을 호주에 사시는 분들은 다들 아실 것입니다. 현재도 2020년 3월 부터 호주의 국경을 막고 임시비자 소지자는 입국을 사실상 맞고 있음)
“We don’t want to have public health and safety jeopardised by a small group of people who are not respecting the country that they’ve come and been in. “They know the situation in their home countries is worse in many respects and we’re warning them very clearly that if they are caught and are found doing it we will certainly carefully examine their visa status.” (비자가 임시비자인데 코로나바이러스 보건 명령을 지키지 않았다면 추방될 수 있음을 꼭 명심)
새해 불꽃 놀이 등에 가서 공연히 연류가 안되길 바라면서…
Source: Channel 9 뉴스
Last update: 2020년 12월 29일 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335)