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MigrationTasmania: Questions and Answers Skilled Migration State Nomination Interim Allocations and Priorities August – October 2020
General questions (일반적인 질문)
Why has the process changed? (왜 노미네이션 처리 방법이 바뀌었나?)The Department of Home Affairs has issued a small quota of nomination places for Tasmania to use until the Federal Budget is handed down on 6 October 2020. The Department of Home Affairs has directed that these places be used to support the COVID19 response, and industries critical to the economy. Every nomination must support economic recovery.
What will happen after the Federal Budget? Will the process go back to normal? (예산안 발표후 어떻게 되나? 처리방식이 예전처럼 정상적으로 갈까?)The Australian Government is still deciding the total size and shape of the state and territory nominated visa program. We do, however, expect the program will remain focussed on contributing to economic recovery for the 2020 – 2021 program year.
When will my application be processed? (언제 노미네이션 신청서가 처리될 지?)Migration Tasmania will process applications and nominate according to the priorities set out by the Department of Home Affairs. This means applicants who are engaged in critical roles will be considered and nominated first, regardless of when they applied. Pending discussions with the Department of Home Affairs, other applicants may be nominated later if there are places remaining if they can demonstrate they will be able to make a genuine contribution to Tasmania’s economic recovery. This may mean some applicants will experience very long processing times and may want to investigate other visa options.
My visa is about to expire, can you prioritise my case? (비자 만기가 가까워지는데 그런 케이스를 우선처리해 줄 수 있는가?)No. Visa expiry is not a sufficient reason to prioritise a case, unless you are in a critical role. If your visa is about to expire you should contact the Department of Home Affairs or a Registered Migration Agent about your visa options. How many places for subclass 491 visa and subclass 190 visa does the Tasmanian Government expect to approve? (얼마나 491 & 190 비자를 위해 타지정부는 승인할 예정인지?)We have been given a small interim quota to cover the period until the Federal Budget is handed down in October. Final program year allocations will not be known until after the Budget. We currently have many more applications than nomination places available.
What will happen if you have surplus places after nominating people with critical skills? Will you nominate other candidates? (주요핵심분야에 일하는 신청인이 지명되고 난 다음에 남은 자리에 그렇지 않은 신청인들을 지명해 줄까?)We must be able to show how each nomination will contribute to economic recovery. If there are places remaining after nominating people in critical roles we may nominate other candidates if they can demonstrate their potential contribution to economic recovery. This position will, however, be subject to further discussions with the Department of Home Affairs.
How will Tasmania change its occupation list this year? (어떻게 타지 직업군, TSOL이 변경되는가?)We are currently reviewing the Tasmanian Skilled Occupation List (TSOL) in line with the emerging needs of the Tasmanian economy and the advice of the Australian Government National Skills Commission. We expect to complete our review after the Federal Budget is handed down in October 2020.
Critical Roles
What are critical roles? (주요핵심역활이란)Which critical sectors or occupations are preferred? (어떤 것이 주요핵심분야 및 직업군인가)My employer says I am critical to the business, do I work in critical role? (고용주는 피고용주인 내가 사업에 중요하다고 하는데 내가 주요핵심역활에 해당하는가?) While you may be very important to your employer, this does not necessarily mean your role is critical. The Department of Home Affairs provides some guidance on critical roles or critical skills at https://covid19.homeaffairs.gov.au/critical-skills-and-sectors#toc-1. In relation to Tasmania these roles include:
In addition, Migration Tasmania will accept new applications from people employed in the following areas:
Migration Tasmania may add to these areas as the needs of Tasmania’s economy evolves.
I work in a food distribution warehouse (식품유통센타에서 일하는자)I am a delivery truck driver for a food distribution logistics company (운전자) I am a farmhand/meat processor (가공자) Do I work in a critical role? (주요핵심직업에 해당하는가?)No. You must be directly involved in the supply of essential goods and services, and supply must be in jeopardy if your employment ceased. These would normally be highly skilled, specialist roles. I am a chef, do I work in a critical role? (주방장인데 주요핵심직업에 해당하는지?)I am a baker for a retail chain / industrial bakery (베이커는?)No. You should not lodge an application for nomination until we reopen to general applications. However, these roles are important to the Tasmanian economy – if you lodged your application before 25 August you may be able to show that your employment is important or vital to Tasmania’s economy and recovery.
Do critical roles also include Registered or Enrolled Nurses and other skilled occupations in aged or disability care? (주요핵심역활에 RN, EN 과 노인/장애복지에 종사하는 다른 직업군도 포함되는지?)Registered and Enrolled Nurses, allied health professionals and senior support workers engaged in the aged, community and disability support sectors are critical to Tasmania. We will continue to accept applications from and nominate people engaged in this sector as a high priority if they have a minimum diploma qualification and are working in at least a senior support role. Other workers in the sector will be considered alongside other applicants if there are available nomination places. I operate a small business with strong income and turnover. Is this considered critical? (수입과 매출이 견고한 작은 사업을 하고 있는데 핵심분야로 인정될 지?)Small business owners making a strong or potential contribution to the local economy may be considered important to the state’s economic recovery. Positive attributes may include:
Tasmanian graduates (타지 졸업생)
Will international students in Tasmania be able to be nominated in the future? (타지에서 공부한 유학생들이 미래에 노미네이션 될수 있을지?)We value the contribution that international student graduates make to the Tasmanian community and expect that they will continue to play an important role in Tasmania’s migration program into the future. The current focus of the 2020 – 2021 skilled migration program is on people who can directly assist the COVID19 response and economic recovery. International student graduates who demonstrate their capacity in this area will have strong claims for nomination. While priorities for future program years are not yet clear, we expect that a focus on the skills and experience needed into the future will be important. We encourage students to study and obtain skills in areas which will give them the best chance of being able to contribute to Tasmania’s economy in the long term.
I’ve been in Tasmania for two years. I am a graduate but I don’t work in a critical area. What should I do? (타지에서 2년간 살았고 졸업생인데 핵심분야 에서 일하지 않고 있음. 어떻게 해야 할지?)If you have not yet applied for nomination you will not be eligible for consideration at this stage. You may consider applying for nomination sometime in the future when more places are available. You may want to investigate other visa options which will allow you to develop your skills and demonstrate your contribution to Tasmania’s economy.
If you have already applied for Tasmanian state nomination and you can demonstrate your contribution to Tasmania’s economic recovery, you may be considered for any nomination places available after we have exhausted higher priority candidates.
I’m planning to move to Tasmania to study, will I be nominated?I am one year into a three year course at the University of Tasmania. Will I be able to be nominated after I graduate? (타지 대학 3년짜리 코스를 1년 공부를 한다면 졸업후 노미네이션 받을 수 있을지?)What skills do I need to be nominated? What should I study? (어떤 기술이 있어야 할지. 어떤 공부를 해야 할지?) There is never any guarantee of state nomination. Nomination priorities change according to the needs of the Australian and Tasmanian economies. The current focus is on supporting critical industries and economic recovery. We encourage students moving to Tasmania to gain skills in areas which will be important to Tasmania’s future needs. Some resources to guide you in your choice of study include:
Last update: 2020년 10월 9일
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