[시민권시험변경] 2020년 3월부터 9월 16일까지 85,000명 온라인세리모니마치고 시민권 획득 | |
현재 117,000 명이 인터뷰 예약을 기다리는 중이라고 합니다. 이중에서 40%가 VIC에 거주하는 분이라고 합니다. 아마도 Pandemic 때문이 아닐까 예상합니다.
2020년 6월 부터 대면 인터뷰를 1만4천명 진행했고 (2020년 10월 31일 까지) 2020년 3월 31일 이후로 온라인 세리모니를 통해 시민권을 확보하신 분들이 9만명이라고 합니다.
대면 인터뷰는 현재 (2020년 12월 1일) 모든 states and territory에서 (호주전역에서) 진행중입니다. 위의 내용은 2020년 12월 1일 업데이트한 내용임. ———————————————————————— 아래 내용은 2020년 9월 19일 공지한 내용임.
이민성이 2020년 9월 17일 발표한 내용으로 크게 3가지 내용입니다.
Thursday, 17 September 2020
Focus on values in updated Australian Citizenship TestFrom 15 November 2020, there will be an updated Australian Citizenship Test with a clear focus on Australian values. Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alan Tudge said the test would be updated for the first time in more than a decade to include a dedicated section on Australian values. “Our Australian values are important. They have helped shape our country and they are the reason why so many people want to become Australian citizens,” Mr Tudge said. “The updated Citizenship Test will have new and more meaningful questions that require potential citizens to understand and commit to our values like freedom of speech, mutual respect, equality of opportunity, the importance of democracy and the rule of law. (바뀐 이유) “We are asking those who apply for citizenship to understand our values more deeply before they make the ultimate commitment to our nation.” The updated Citizenship Test will comprise 20 multiple-choice questions, including five questions on Australian values. A person will be required to correctly answer all five of the questions on Australian values, with a mark of at least 75 per cent overall, to pass the test. (호주 가치에 대한 5가지 질문을 포함하여 20개 객관식 문제로 시험을 치루게 됨. 이중에 그 5개 문항은 100% 모두 맞아야 하고 최소 75% 점수를 확보해야 함) There will be no changes to the English language or residency requirements for citizenship. An updated version of the Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond resource is now available for download to assist people to prepare for the test. This includes information on the new Australian values component and an updated practice test. The changes have been announced today to coincide with Australian Citizenship Day. Citizenship Day is an opportunity for all Australians to reflect on the meaning of citizenship and the importance of the shared values that unite us. More than 2500 people will receive Australian citizenship at more than 100 ceremonies across the country today. They will join the record 204,000 people who became Australian citizens last year. Despite the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, since 31 March 2020, more than 85,000 people from every state and territory have become Australian citizens in online ceremonies. Citizenship testing has also resumed across Australia, with the exception of Victoria. From 30 October 2020, most new visa and citizenship applicants will be required to affirm the updated Australian Values Statement (AVS). The updated AVS will better reflect the shared values of Australian society, including the rule of law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association and equality of opportunity for all people in Australia. Further information on the updated Citizenship Test is available on the Department of Home Affairs website. 시민권 대행을 원하시는 분들은 연락주세요. 빠르고 정확하게 대행해 드리고 있습니다. Last update: 2020년 9월 19일 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |