408 비자 (COVID-19 Pandemic event로 인해 생긴) AGEE 의 소멸가능성? | |
408 팬데믹 비자가 의외로 빨리 사라질 전망은 지금 현재 상황에서 볼때 없을 듯 합니다.
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408 비자 (COVID-19 Pandemic event로 인해 생긴) AGEE 의 소멸가능성? 어쩌면 의외로 빨리 살아질 수도 있습니다 그 이유는?
408 비자의 AGEE의 경우 아래 2가지 조건을 만족해야 하는데 만약에 연방정부가 travel을 풀어 버리면 그래서 보다 자유롭게 여행이 가능해지면 즉 출국과 입국이 자유로워지면 첫번째 조건을 만족하지 못하면 408 AGEE 비자의 경우 거절될 가는성이 높아집니다. 따라서 COVID-19의 호주내외의 상황에 따라 이 비자는 뜻하지 않게 일찍 소멸될 수도 있는 것입니다.
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————— 아래는 408 비자의 다양한 stream을 보여주는 내용임 ———————
here are ten activity types under the Subclass 408 visa as follows. (408 비자 하에 밑에 10가지 activity 항목이 있음)
This activity type provides for unsponsored entry of offshore applicants for up to three months for persons invited to participate in social and cultural activities associated with community-based events. These include, but are not limited to:
Entry must be supported through a letter of invitation by an Australian organisation. Entertainment industry activities are managed separately under the Entertainment activity type (see below). An onshore application may also be made in relation to this activity, however, the application must be sponsored by an eligible temporary activities sponsor.
The Sport activity type enables the entry of:
Alternative visa arrangements are available, as follows: Contracted professional players alternatives for fully professional sportspersons (including adjudicators) contracted to an Australian sporting club or organisation for competition at the national level, are the Short Stay Specialist (Subclass 400) for short stays, or the Temporary Skill Shortage (Subclass 482) visa for longer stays.
The Religious Worker activity type provides for the temporary entry of persons who will be full-time religious workers in Australia. Religious work is work of a devotional nature for which the applicant has had relevant religious training. It includes providing spiritual leadership, conducting worship and ministering, pastoral care or proselytising. The religious work must be predominantly non-profit in nature and must directly serve the sponsoring organisation’s religious objectives. Non-government schools that have a religious ethos are not religious institutions so are unable to sponsor religious workers. However, a religious worker sponsored by a religious organisation associated with the school is able to provide religious services to the school within their broader range of duties agreed with the sponsor. Alternative visa arrangements may be available, as follows. Volunteers persons at the start of a religious life who want to volunteer in a monastery or other religious institution before undertaking formal religious training or tertiary study may be eligible for the Special Program activity type. Training and study some persons who want to undertake a formal religious training program, may be eligible for a Training (Subclass 407) visa. Persons undertaking full-time courses registered with the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) may be eligible for a student visa. Labour agreement entry of Ministers of Religion under a labour agreement may be suitable if an agreement is in place between the religious organisation and the Commonwealth. Short stay persons intending a short stay (less than 3 months) to lecture or speak at religious events, or otherwise deliver religious instruction, can apply under the Invited Participant activity type of this visa.
The Domestic Worker activity type provides for the temporary entry of persons to be employed as domestic workers by:
Australian Government policy does not, in general, allow domestic workers temporary entry to Australia. Such entry is not compatible with the temporary residence objective of encouraging the entry of persons who can make a contribution to Australia by transferring skills to the local workforce, while protecting training and employment opportunities for Australians. However, the Domestic Worker activity type exists as a concession, recognising the representational and entertainment responsibilities of certain senior executives while working in Australia.
The principles that underpin the entry of superyacht crew (SYC) include:
The main objective of the SYC activity type is to provide greater flexibility for the superyacht industry. Streamlined application processing is available to all crew members who do not raise any security, health or serious character concerns.
This activity type is for:
The exchange activity type is intended to facilitate the entry of skilled persons under genuine one-for-one exchange arrangements that identify a reciprocal employment placement for Australian residents to work with overseas organisations, promoting international understanding and cooperation. The purpose of the exchange arrangement must be primarily to benefit the exchange staff involved and not to circumvent skilled employment requirements under the Temporary Skill Shortage (Subclass 482) visa.
This activity type is for persons who have been invited by an approved sponsor to participate in:
This activity type is for persons intending to work in the entertainment industry, including:
Journalists working for overseas media seeking a stay of up to 6 months can apply for a Short Stay Specialist (Subclass 400) visa.
Eligibility for the Australian Government Endorsed Events (AGEEs) activity type is based on the Minister listing major Australian events in a legislative instrument. The instrument also includes the classes of persons eligible under this activity type. They must be invited by the event organiser. This allows the Department to manage most, if not all, visa applications associated with an AGEE through a single visa pathway. The visa criteria are streamlined to take into account that the event and the activities associated with the event have already been assessed and approved by the Department. Visa applicants continue to be subject to genuine temporary entry requirements and other standard Subclass 408 criteria.
Last update: 2020년 9월 18일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |