현재/과거 학생비자를 소지하고 485 비자를 신청하고자 하는 분들 특히 호주밖에서 | |
2020년 7월 20일 발표된 내용으로서 COVID-19으로 인하여 다음과 같은 경우에 처한 학생비자 가진 분들에게 혜택(?)이 주어질 전망입니다. 특히 호주밖에서 호주로 입국을 못하는 이전 학생비자 소지자들의 경우 485 비자를 신청하지 못하는데 호주밖에서도 485 비자를 신청할 수 있게 할 예정임. 현재 공부를 마쳤거나 또는 온라인으로 수업을 진행한 분들의 경우 (호주밖에서) 3번과 4번이 희소식이 될 것 같습니다.
이를 의해서는 관련된 법규가 변경이 되어야 하며 언제 정확히 관련 법이 만들어져 실제 적용될 것인지는 아직 발표되진 않았습니다만 연방정부에서 해당 학생비자소지자들을 위한 조치라고 보여집니다. Good News가 아닐 수 없겠습니다.
더 내용이 발표되면 공유해드리겠습니다.
The Hon Ministers Alan Tudge and Dan Tehan have released a joint media statement outlining the arrangements to be put in place for student visa applicants and student visa holders who have been impacted by the COVID-19 travel restrictions. (코로나 바이러스 때문에 학생비자소지하고 공부하는데 영향을 받은 분들을 위한 조치)
The release notes five visa changes: (아래와 같이 5가지 항목)
원문은 아래와 같음 (이민성 홈페이지에서 발췌)
Monday, 20 July 2020
Joint media release – Supporting international students to support Australian jobsThe Morrison Government is making a number of changes to student visa arrangements to ensure Australia remains a priority destination for international students as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. International students are extremely important to Australia and our economy, contributing $40 billion annually and supporting 250,000 jobs. Many also go on to become great Australian citizens. While the closure of our international borders has been critical to our success in slowing the spread of the coronavirus, and Australia has been a leader in this regard, it has presented challenges to the education sector and students, both here and offshore. These five visa changes will ensure international students are not worse off due to the coronavirus pandemic and that Australia remains competitive with other countries. The changes include:
Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alan Tudge said the changes provide assurance to international students already in Australia and those who haven’t been able to travel due to COVID-19 border closures. “These measures back the international education sector – our fourth largest export sector – and will assist its recovery,” Mr Tudge said. “In making these changes, we have been guided by the principles that the health of Australians is key, but that international students should not be further disadvantaged by COVID-19. “We are a welcoming nation with a world-class education system and some of the lowest rates of COVID-19 in the world. Students want to study here and we want to welcome them back in a safe and measured way when it is safe to do so. “Doing so will not only support the education sector, it will also have flow-on effects for many local communities and businesses, including accommodation services, tourism, hospitality and retail.” Minister for Education Dan Tehan said the changes would give international students confidence in their visa arrangements so they can make plans to study in Australia when it is safe to do so. “Our remarkable efforts in controlling the spread of the virus mean we can begin to welcome back international students in a COVID safe way once state borders re-open and face-to-face learning resumes,” Mr Tehan said. “As well as supporting jobs, international education builds our connection to the rest of the world and supports a number of critical industries like health, aged and disability care.” The Government has previously relaxed work restrictions for international students working in the health, aged and disability care sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has also been flexible in cases where the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented international students meeting their visa conditions, such as not being able attend classes in person.
Last update: 2020년 7월 21일 기술이민전문 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |