남호주 South Australia 금년회계년도 노미네이션 마감 및 8월 오픈예정 | |
남호주 2019/2020년 노미네이션 신청서는 2020년 6월 28일 일요일 9PM 에 마감합니다. 그리고 2020/2021년 노미네이션은 7월 1일 또는 그 이후로 공지될 것입니다.
South Australian state nomination applications for the 2019/2020 program year will close on Sunday 28 June 2020 at 9pm ACST. Skilled migrants seeking state nomination will need to submit and pay for their application to Immigration SA by this time to be considered against the current state nomination requirements. Any incomplete application remaining in the system past 9pm ACST on the Sunday 28 June 2020 will be deleted. This includes applications that have been “saved but not submitted” and applications that have been “submitted but are still awaiting payment. Applications for 190/491 skilled migration for the 2020/2021 program year will be open at a date to be advised.
Last update: 2020년 6월 22일
아래와 같이 오늘 발표가 되었네요. 그리고 계획대로라며 2020년 8월초에 2020/2021 년회계년도 GSM 관련 비자 노미네이션이 열릴 전망입니다. South Australia’s General Skilled Migration (GSM) program for the 2019/20 financial year has closed. Immigration SA will no longer be accepting application for 190/491 state nomination visas. Applications received prior to program closure will continue to be processed. The GSM 2020/21 program year is scheduled to re-open from early August. Information relating to updated occupation lists, nomination requirements and criteria will be made available closer to program launch date. (직업군 목록, 노미네이션 요구조건 및 기준은 프로그램 발표가 가까워지면 업데이틀 될 것입니다)
기술이민전문 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |