[코로나바이러스] 호주시민권신청서처리 마지막단계 세리모니의 변경관련 공지내용 | |
호주 시민권을 신청하고 나면 서류처리가 된 다음 가장 마지막 단계는 시민권 세리모니 (Ceremony)를 통해 공식적인 호주인 선언식까지 포함하여 일종의 의식을 다른 시민권 신청인 가족 그리고 지인들을 모셔 놓고 함께 하곤 했습니다.
그런데 COVID-19 때문에 사회적 거리두기 물리적 거리두기가 있어서 집단 세리모니는 이젠 하지 못하고 온라인으로 개별적 세리모니를 할 계획입니다. 하루 최대 750명까지 할 수 있다고 하며 이렇게 시스템이 만들어지면 직접 만나서 하는 세리모니는 이젠 역사속으로 사라지는 것은 아닌가 싶습니다. 그로 인해 시민권 수여식 사진도 찍지 못하는 사태(?) 가 발생할 것 같습니다.
관련 내용이 발표된 것 공유합니다.
Statement on Australian citizenship processingThe Hon Alan Tudge MP is currently acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs The Government will hold online citizenship ceremonies via secure video link, to enable people to continue to become Australian citizens during the coronavirus crisis. Current health advice around COVID-19 means it is not possible for traditional, in-person citizenship ceremonies to be held. Australian citizenship is an immense privilege, and fundamental to our national identity. The Department of Home Affairs has commenced trialling one-on-one ceremonies for those already approved for Australian citizenship. We will work with individuals with an urgent need, who cannot access the internet, to ensure their ceremony can occur safely in line with health advice. When fully implemented, it is expected this new capability will see up to 750 people per day having their citizenship conferred. The Australian Citizenship Act 2007 requires a person to make a pledge of commitment to Australia before a presiding officer. This is a legal requirement which has been in place for decades. Applications for Australian citizenship are still able to be accepted during this period, though citizenship interviews and testing have been put on hold. Additional resources will be deployed to conduct testing and interviews as soon as social distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 ease. The Morrison Government recognises the importance of Australian citizenship for migrants and for the wider Australia community. Already in 2019-20, more than 157,000 people have been conferred Australia citizenship, up 70% on the same period in 2018-19. There are currently 85,000 people awaiting a ceremony. People who were scheduled to attend a Citizenship appointment or ceremony over the coming months will be contacted to make alternative arrangements.
Last update: 2020년 5월 28일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철 |