[코로나바이러스] 물리적만남 기술심사 평가방법 변경 및 중지 | |
Vetassess 기술심사 및 TRA 기술심사 관련하여 업데이트 내용입니다.
코로나바이러스로 인해 Vetassess의 non-lincensed trade assessment 의 경우 온라인으로 인터뷰 가능하다는 공지사항입니다. 관련 있는 분들은 참고하세요. VETASSESS – Non licensed trade assessments available onlineTrades Recognition Australia has provided VETASSESS permission to conduct Technical Interview assessments by online video conferencing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. This process will commence from 1 April 2020 until further notice.
관련하여 공지 내용은 아래와 같습니다. Dear Agent/Applicant, I am pleased to advise that Trades Recognition Australia has given VETASSESS permission to conduct Technical Interview assessments by online video conferencing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. (coronavirus (COVID-19) 확산기간 동안 테크니컬 인터뷰 평가를 온라인 컨퍼런스로 할 수 있음) This applies to assessments for non-licensed occupations or Pathway 2 licensed occupations. It means the Technical Interviews can be conducted outside a VETASSESS-approved venue, such as in the applicant’s workplace or home. (인터뷰는 작업장 또는 집에서 가능함) We plan to start this process from Wednesday 1st April, 2020, until further notice. (해당 내용은 2020년 4월 1일부터 적용) We will notify all eligible applicants and send further instructions over the next few days. (해당 신청인은 이메일로 통보를 받을 것임) Please note that in these circumstances it is a mandatory requirement of Trades Recognition Australia that we verify the applicant’s identity. (컨퍼런스 평가시 신청인이 맞는지 ID 검사를 확인할 것임) The applicant must: (신청인은 다음 내용을 숙지해야 함)
The Interview will be conducted with an independent invigilator at all times. If the invigilator has any concerns about the integrity of the assessment, they will close and cancel the Interview. (인터뷰 동안 시험 감독자가 동반되어 감시하게 되고 평가상의 문제가 있다고 보면 인터뷰 중지 및 취소가 될 것임) VETASSESS will send out detailed instructions to applicants in relation to this new process. (이와 관련 베타세스에서 관련 메일을 보낼 것임) We look forward to implementing this solution and assisting applicants during this difficult time. Rob Thomason TRA JRP에서 step 3에 해당하는 사업장내 평가는 당분간 중지해야 한다고 합니다. 따라서, 이와 관련하여 문제가 있는 분들은 따로 밑에 이메일 주소로 연락을 해야 합니다.TRA Job Ready Program – Workplace assessmentsIn response to enquiries by the MIA on behalf of members, TRA has provided the following information on Job Ready Workplace Assessment during the COVID crisis: TRA are very aware that the COVID 19 outbreak and government imposed restrictions are impacting on Job Ready Program (JRP) participants. We are currently working through our options and talking to RTO’s who undertake the step 3 workplace assessment, to identify ways in which we can continue the service. There will, however, be a number of instances where it will not be possible to conduct a Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA) for various reasons such as an inability to attend the workplace because of COVID 19. Where possible we will reschedule to a time when it is possible to do so. TRA is continuing to monitoring the situation to ensure that applications and participation in the JRP will continue to be assessed wherever possible. While every effort will be made to minimise the impact of these interruptions, delays to some processes are anticipated, and may continue into the foreseeable future. TRA are endeavouring to maintain contact with people affected by closures etc, and asking that participants in the program contact us when they are directly affected, through JRPEnquiries@dese.gov.au with their TRA number, name and details of the effect (business restrictions or closure).
두곳 기술심사기관을 통해 기술심사를 준비하시는 분들에게 참고되길 바라면서… Last update: 2020년 4월 2일
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철