[코로나바이러스] aged care 분야에 공부와 일을 하는 외국인 유학생들께 | |
유학생중에 aged care 관련 코스를 공부를 하는 분들은 이미 아시겠습니다만 호주정부에서 아래와 같이 2주에 40시간 일하는 시간을 완화한다는 내용의 발표가 있었습니다. 모르시는 분들을 위해서 공유해 드립니다.
호주내 코로나바이러스 확산으로 인하여 외국인 유학생이 aged care 에 일하고 있다면 2주당 40시간 일하는 것을 임시 직원부족현상을 채우기 위하여 2주당 40시간을 완화한다고 발표했습니다.
고용주는 반드시 호주노동법대로 급여를 줘야 호주인 직원들과 동등하게 취급해야 하고 외국인 학생은 동일한 근무 조건과 여건에서 일을 할 권리가 있음을 또한 강조하고 있습니다.
Aged care에서 공부를 하는 유학생들은 고용주와 상의하여 근무 시간을 더 할당 받아 일을 해도 학생비자 조건을 위반 breach 하는 것이 아닙니다 작금의 시대적 상황에서.
Joint media release with Senator the Hon. Richard Colbeck – International students ready to fill critical staff shortages in aged careThe Hon Alan Tudge MP is currently acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Aged care providers will temporarily be able to offer more hours to international students to ensure the care of senior and vulnerable Australians, as part of the campaign to combat the impact of coronavirus. Acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Alan Tudge said international students would help fill critical staff shortages emerging in the sector. “As more workers take leave to quarantine or because of health concerns, we need to make sure there are enough staff to look after our older Australians who are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus,” Mr Tudge said. “Many international students already work in the aged care sector but are restricted to 40 hours a fortnight. We’re relaxing those limits to help fill the temporary staff shortages. “This follows similar concessions to major supermarkets to keep shelves stocked with essential items. “We will continue to listen to businesses as the coronavirus situation develops and may consider expanding these measures to assist other sectors if and when required. We will also consider providing flexibility with other temporary visas should the need arise.” The measures will be administered by the Department of Home Affairs and are available to approved providers of Commonwealth-funded aged care services, only for existing employees. Providers can register with the Department if they believe the changes will assist them. Employers are still required to abide by all relevant Australian workplace laws. Students have the same rights under Australian workplace law as all other employees. Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians Senator Richard Colbeck said COVID-19 affects older Australians more than others and this is putting a huge strain on many aged care providers and workers. “Residential aged care providers are limiting visits to help prevent and control the spread of COVID-19,” he said. “Further restrictions are being considered – but it’s critical we plan for a scenario where a large part of the aged care workforce is unable to come to work. “Today’s announcement expands existing temporary arrangements relaxing visa work conditions to the aged care sector, applying to both residential and home care. “Aged Care providers have told me that a relaxation of student visa work conditions would support their workforce continuity in the face of COVID-19 challenges. “These are temporary measures and are solely designed to address staff shortages. “The Government will continue to work closely with the sector to ensure we have strongest possible workforce in place as we deal with this extraordinary health challenge,” he said. More information is available on the Department of Home Affairs website or the Global Service Centre on 131 881. URL: https://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/davidcoleman/Pages/international-students-ready-to-fill-critical-staff-shortages-in-aged-care.aspx Last update: Thursday, 19 March 2020