[자녀비자] Child Visa 신청하는 곳 변경 – 2020년 4월 1일 부터 적용 | |
향후 자녀 비자를 신청하실 분들은 참고하세요.
2020년 4월 1일부터 Child visas 신청해야 할 곳이 아래와 같이 변경됨 Legislative Instrument – F2020L00349 – LIN 20/049: Arrangements for child visa applications Amendment Instrument 2020 updates the form, place and manner for making an application for certain classes of child visas. (관련 법규) This Instrument amends IMMI 16/051 by repealing sections 4 and 5 of that instrument and substituting the forms, places and manner of making applications. The only change from the previous instrument is the updating of the addresses for the lodgement of the following visa applications: (다음과 같은 비자에 모두 적용됨)
Applications must be: (신청서는 immiaccount 가 아닌 아래 주소로 접수가 되어야 함) Posted to: Department of Home Affairs Child and Other Family Processing Centre, Locked Bag 7 NORTHBRIDGE WA 6865 AUSTRALIA; 또는 Delivered by courier service to: Department of Home Affairs Child and Other Family Processing Centre, Wellington Central, 836 Wellington Street WEST PERTH WA 6005 AUSTRALIA. This Instrument commenced on 1 April 2020 (해당 법은 2020년 4월 1일부터 시행 됨)
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철