[코로나바이러스] PTE 시험정지 및 축소 현황 vs 현재는 다시 오픈 | |
아직 호주내에서도 CORONA VIRUS가 남아 있기 하지만 지난 3월에는 축소기사였지만 2020년 7월 10일 (금) 오늘은 시험장을 다시 오픈한다는 내용의 기사입니다. PTE is continuing to reopen our test center network in more countries and cities globally. Testing for PTE Academic for all Australian and New Zealand visas as well as PTE as a SELT (Secure English Language Test) for UK Visa & Immigration purposes is available in over 40 counties. In Australia, we reopened our national Pearson Professional Centre network of test centres and saw the majority of our partner sites such as UNSW, UQ, RMIT and Navitas resume delivery of test sessions in June. (UNSW, UQ, RMIT, Navitas 등 시험을 치룰 수 있다고 함) In addition to our existing network we have added more capacity to meet the high demand for testing through the opening of additional centres in Melbourne and Sydney. (여기에 멜번과 시드니에 추가적인 시험장을 오픈하여 높은 요구를 만족하고자 한다고) All test centers have been opened in strict compliance with local authority requirements and with all necessary health and safety measures, in light of Covid-19. Last update: 2020년 7월 10일 전례없는 코로나바이러스 때문에 PTE 시험은 물론 많은 다른 영어 시험의 정지 및 인원수 축소가 이어지고 있습니다.
아래 내용을 참고하시고 또한 호주는 현재 모든 PTE 시험관련하여 치룰 수 없고 한국의 경우는 인원수를 축소하여 시험을 치루는 것 같습니다. 관계 기관에 문의 & 확인해 보세요.
PTE Academic COVID-19 update As efforts to control the Coronavirus outbreak continue, Pearson’s primary focus is on ensuring the health and safety of PTE Academic test takers, our employees and test center administrators. We continue to monitor the global situation daily and are actively following advice from governments and healthcare authorities. Suspension of Testing We have suspended testing in a number of our locations. In other locations, we are restricting the number of test takers in each session in order to comply with official requirements and in the interests of protecting test takers and test center administrators. A full list of locations and information about testing is available here. Free resources to help test takers prepare As part of our efforts to support test takers during this difficult time, we are now providing increased access to digital preparation products. More details about available resources can be found below and regular updates can be found here. To help test takers to prepare for their PTE Academic exam they can complete the MOOC Introduction to PTE Academic developed with E2Language. It provides guidance videos on each of the question types, advice on how to approach each question, and more free practice! Access it here. They can also get 90 days free access to E2School to help with grammar, punctuation and general English! Learn more here. Plus we have more free resources on offer here. Register for the PTE Academic Agent newsletter 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철
Last update: 2020년 3월 31일 (화) |