[QLD 491비자] 노미네이션을 위해 소규모사업소유자 (SBO)자격 조건 – 오픈 | |
QLD주는 타주에 없는 기 방법으로 소규모 사업 소유자에게도 491비자를 위한 길을 만들어 줬습니다. 그만큼 자영업하는 신청인을 QLD에 정착할 수 있는 혜택을 주고자 하는 것 같습니다. FAQ를 보면 어떤 것인지 이해를 할 수 있겠습니다만 조건을 잘 숙지해고 신청하는 것이 좋겠습니다.
Please see below the responses to frequently asked questions about the 491 Small Business Owners Pathway.
How do I let BSMQ know that I want to apply for the 491 – Small Business Owner (SBO)?
You need to lodge an EOI and then an online 491-SBO Assessment form and submit it back to us by clicking on the submit button. (일단 65점을 확보하고 EOI를 제출할 수 있어야 함) What requirements do I need to meet?
The requirements are listed on the 491 – SBO website page. 요구조건은 링크를 클릭하면 볼 수 있고 또한 아래 내용과 같음 Eligibility criteria 자격기준To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both the Australian Department of Home Affairs (HA) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category. (전체 65점 조건 및 기타 이민법 조건을 만족) The HA criteria requires you to:
BSMQ criteria requires you to:
Do I need an occupation on the onshore QSOL? 직업군 목록은 연방정부목록을
No. You do, however, need an occupation on the relevant Home Affairs Instrument LIN 19/051. Do I need a skills assessment? 기술심사 선필수
Yes. You need a skills assessment in your nominated occupation which is listed on the relevant legislative instrument (LIN 19/051). Do I need to have sat an English exam? 영어성적 선필수
Yes. Even if you are from an exempt country (UK, Ireland, United States, Canada and New Zealand) you will still need to take an English test for points purposes. 한국인 해당무 Can I apply for this pathway if I am located offshore? 호주외 신청불가
No, this pathway is only available to onshore applicants only. Do I need to select Queensland as the preferred State on my EOI? 당연하겠지만 QLD선호
Yes, BSMQ does not select EOI’s that choose the option of Any. Do I still need to achieve 65 points through SkillSelect? 최소 65점 학보해야 함
Yes. You can use the extra 15 points from state/territory nomination towards the overall points. What regional areas can I operate my business? QLD 지방 우편번호
4124 to 4125, 4133, 4183 to 4184, 4207 to 4275, 4280 to 4287, 4306 to 4498, 4507, 4517 to 4519, 4550 to 4575, 4580 to 4895. Do I need to be living in a regional area? 지방에 거주해야 함
Yes. You need to have been living in a regional area for at least 6 months prior to lodging an EOI. Do I have to be living in the same regional area as my business? 자신의 사업장이 같은 지방에 있을 필요는 없음 그러나 그래도 QLD 지방으로 인정하는 지역에 거주해야 함.
No. However you still must be living in an area considered regional for Queensland (see postcodes above at “What regional areas can I operate my business?”). Do I have to operate the business for 6 months prior to lodging an EOI? EOI 제출전 6개월간 사업경력 필수 (BAS 자료 제출해야 함)
Yes. You can prove this by providing business BAS statements. How much do I need to pay for the business in regional Queensland? (투자비용 10만불)
You must purchase the business for a minimum of $100,000. Does my business need to be related to my nominated occupation? (사업은 자신이 지명한 직업군과 달라도 무관하지만 그러나 사업을 성공적으로 운영할 수 있는 능력을 보여주기 위해관련사업경험 및 학위을 보여 줄 수 있어야 함)
No. Your business does not need to be related to your nominated occupation, but you still must be able to show relevant business experience or a qualification to demonstrate you will be able to successfully run the business. What documents are required? 제출해야 하는 서류
Note: It is recommended you seek professional legal and financial advice before making an investment or starting a business. BSMQ takes no responsibility in the event that your business or investment is not successful. 투자 및 사업을 시작하기 전에 전문 법률 및 재무조언가로부터 조언을 얻길 권장한다고. BSMQ 전혀 책임이 없음. How do I show the $100,000 investment? 10만불투자했음을 매매계약서로 가능
We will look at your business purchase contract of sale. Can I start-up a new business? 신규사업 불가하고 기존에 있는 사업장만 인정
No, it must be an existing business. A start-up business is not an eligible business for this pathway. Is there any limitations to the type of business I can operate? 사업유형이 제한 없음
No. Do I need to employ anyone in my business? 사업장에 최소 한명의 호주인이 근무하며 근무시간은 최소 주당 20시간. 가족이나 외부컨트렉터 인정무
Yes, you need to employ a minimum of one Australian employee. They must be an Australian resident. They also need to be working a minimum of 20 hours a week. They cannot be a family member or a subcontractor. Do the funds that I use to invest into the business have to already be in Australia? 투자금은 호주에 있어야 할 필요 없으며 해외유입해도 무관. 신청인의 사업장은 신청전 신청인이 최소 6개월간 운영했어야 함
No, it does not matter if the funds have come from offshore as long as you have purchased a business and you have been running it for 6 months before applying. Can I apply for the nomination, but my partner is operating the business? 사업장을 배우자가 운영하는 경우 인정불가
No, the person applying must be the one operating the business. What is the current processing time? 신청비 포함하여 제대로 준비된 서류의 처리시간은 대략 10일
The current processing times is approximately 10 days from receipt of a completed application, unless otherwise stated. A complete application includes the processing fee, not just the documents. How long do I have to submit my BSMQ required documents? 추가서류 요청시 14일 안에 제출해야 함
You are given 14 days to submit your required documents to BSMQ. If you are unable to provide all your documents for processing within the 14 days, you need to contact your case officer and request an extension of time. Can I email documents to you? 이메일로 문서 제출 불가 하며 반드시 해당 홈페이지의 링크를 통해 업로드해야 함
No, you have to upload document through the document portal link provided in the Invitation email. You can only upload one file per document option. If you want to upload multiple document’s then you will have to save the altogether as one file and upload together. Do I have to show my business is registered in Queensland? QLD주에 등록된 사업장임을 보여줘야 함
Yes. How do I show I have been running the business for 6 months prior to lodging an application? 6개월동안 신청인이 사업장 운영했다는 자료로 최소 2개의 BAS 문서 필요
You will need to provide the last two BAS statements. How do I show that I have one employee? 직원이 고용되었음을 증명하는 것으로 payslips, PAYG 및 여권/VEVO 자료 필요
You need to show payslips, PAYG statements and their passport/VEVO. How do I show my business management or qualification to successfully run the business? 신청인이 사업을 성공적으로 운영하기 위한 사업경력 및 학위증명으로 관련 학위 그리고/ 또는 과거 사업 경험관련 문서를 제출
By answering the business experience question on the 491-SBO application form and providing a copy of any qualifications awarded and/or evidence of past business experience. What percentage business ownership do I need to have? 사업장은 신청인이 100% 소유해야 함
You need to have 100% ownership in the business. It cannot be a partnership or a joint venture. Can I have a partner in the business? 사업장에 파트너소유 인정하지 않음
No – you must have 100% ownership of the business. The business must entirely be in your name. QLD 주 491 비자중에서 소규모사업장소유자로서 신청 자격조건을 알아 봤습니다.
보다 자세한 상담은 언제든지 무료 / 유료상담을 열어 두고 있으니 자유롭게 선택하여 문의 가능합니다.
이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철
Last update: 2019년 12월 13일 |