[TAS] 타스마니에서 유학을 하고 491 / 190 비자를 고려하는 분들 – 필독 | |||
늘 그렇지만 처음 법이 만들어졌을 때는 법이라는 것이 조금 느슨합니다. 그러나 2년이 되어가면서 이 법이라는 것이 점점 강해집니다. demand vs supply 원리에 따라 타지에 많은 유학생들이 와서 감당하기 힘들어지면 그중에서 조건이 더 나은 신청인을 더 선호하는 것이 인지상정이지 싶습니다. 그런 관점에서 볼때 타지도 점점 조건이 까다로워지고 있습니다. 아래 내용은 그런 차원에서 타지 정부에서 만들어 놓은 내용으로 필독하고 이해해야 할 내용입니다.
타스마니아에서 공부를 마치고 타스마니아 주정부에 nomination 을 신청할 때 고려할 내용들입니다.
과연 타스마니아 정부는 많은 신청서 중에서 무엇을 선택 기준으로 볼까? 아래 내용을 이해한다면 어느 정도 감을 잡을 수 있겠습니다.
내용을 모두 dump해 왔습니다. 이해하시고 잘 준비하셔서 꼭 성공하실 수 있길…
Source: https://www.migration.tas.gov.au/graduates
International student graduates (외국인 유학생)이 타지에서 491 / 190 비자를 신청할 때 알아야 할 내용들If you have graduated from a tertiary institution in Tasmania after studying in the state for at least one academic year (40 weeks at a CRICOS registered institution) you may be considered for a state nominated visa. For details of our nomination requirements please view our visa options for skilled migrants. Give yourself the best chance We recognise that international students who study in Tasmania have the potential to not only contribute economically to the state, but they also play a valuable role in enhancing Tasmania’s cultural diversity. As more and more international graduates are attracted by Tasmania’s unique environment and way of life, state nomination has become increasingly competitive. We are given only a limited number of nomination places every year by the Australian Government and unfortunately not every applicant can be nominated. If you are considering seeking Tasmanian state nomination after completing your studies, the information below may help you plan your future. What should I study? (무엇을 공부해야 하는가? 가능한 TSOL에 있는 직업군을 공부하고 그리고 job search도 미리 해 보고 결정하는 지혜를) We are most interested in those students who can make a positive contribution to the state. Your likelihood of Tasmanian nomination will be increased if your Tasmanian studies, or other experiences in Tasmania are related to our skills needs. The Tasmanian Skilled Occupations List (TSOL) may help inform your choice of course. We give particularly high regard to people who have studied or have experience in high-demand occupations, including:
Further weight is given to those applicants who currently live and work in an area outside Greater Hobart and intend to do so after nomination. Australian Jobs provides detailed information about where you could focus your training to find work after graduating. Acceptable courses of study include courses above Certificate 3 studied with a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania and meet the specific requirements for state nomination categories.
Who should I study with? (어떤 분야로 공부를 해야 하는가?) All study must be with a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania. You should research and choose a provider who you think can best provide the study or training for your particular needs and interests.
What else is Tasmania looking for? (타지 정부가 무엇을 들여다 보는가?_) Tasmania needs enthusiastic, skilled people who want to settle and make a genuine contribution to the economy and community. Along with skills you have and the study you have completed in Tasmania, we will also consider the following factors:
Do I need to have a job? (Job offer가 필요한가? 고려의 항목은 분명함) Employment is one aspect we consider when assessing nomination applications from Tasmanian Graduates. While employment can show you have a genuine capacity to contribute and commitment to stay in Tasmania, we also recognise that many graduates have focussed on their study and have only just begun to develop their professional career in Tasmania. We will look for the following in your application:
Career Plan (케리어 플랜: TSOL에 해당이 안되는 분야로 공부를 할 경우 작성해야 함; new conditions) International students get access to valuable work experience opportunities during their studies, giving them the opportunity to develop professional networks which they can use to get a job when they graduate. Many entrepreneurial graduates may establish businesses in Tasmania which boost the economy and also create local jobs. While current employment is not mandatory if you are applying for state nomination in the Tasmanian Graduate category, you must provide details of how your study, and your previous skills and experience, will enable you to settle in and contribute to Tasmania. If your study has been in an area that is not related to an occupation on the Tasmanian Skilled Occupation List you need to explain your career plan and how your studies have increased your ability to find skilled work in Tasmania. This may include areas unrelated to your Tasmanian study. Do: (케리어 플랜에 포함할 내용들)
Don’t: (케리어 플랜에 포함하지 않아야 할 내용과 회피해야 할 것)
Ling Woollams’s storyWhen I was still in the uni, I started working at the Tahune Air Walk and after I graduated I started to look for a full time position or a job relevant to what I studied and I found an accounting job and I am an auditor at the moment. The students who graduated at the University of Tasmania can get the State nominated visa which is what I got. I’d like to tell the people in China to choose Tasmania because if you want a real life, I think you’d better come here and have a look. When I was in Beijing I worked in a really good company and my salary was good but I was so busy I had to work over 12 hours a day. I think most people are like that. After I moved to Tasmania I could breathe the cleanest air and drink the cleanest water. I feel I am enjoying my life every day. I ask my friends why they choose the University of Tasmania and it is because the university fees are lower than the other university. Also, because they want to practice their English but they go to Sydney or Melbourne there are just too many Chinese so they didn’t get their chance to practice their English. Mustafa Ali’s story
I work as Tasmanian Territory Manager for Red Bull in Launceston. I studied in the Hobart campus of UTAS, absolutely enjoyed living and working there as well. I started working as a brand ambassador for brands like Microsoft, Sony and Samsung while I was studying. They were all casual roles but I knew that I was on a learning stage, I was getting experience, I knew once I finished my degree I would be able to get a full time job based on the experience and the skilled I was learning while I was studying. And it paid off. Once I finished my degree it paid off. Red Bull was looking for a Territory Manager based in Launceston and I applied. Luckily I found this job and it is all because of the experience and hard work I put in while I was studying. In terms of employment opportunities, all the big brands, big companies are operating in Tasmania and they are always looking for people who have got some good skills. 지피지기면 백전백승이라고 했던 것 처럼 공부중이거나 또는 공부를 타스마니아에서 할 경우 꼭 참고해야 할 내용임.
이 글을 접하는 많은 분들이 다른 분들 보다 더 조건을 쌓아 원하는 노미네이션을 얻을 수 있길 바라면서….
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철
Last update: 2019년 12월 19일 |