퀸스랜드 (QLD) 주 491 지방임시비자 / 190 영주비자 신청 자격조건 | |
QLD 주의 경우 491 / 190 비자 nomination 을 위한 3 가지 방법 Before submitting an EOI, please review the BSMQ criteria relevant to your circumstances to confirm eligibility:
Please also carefully check the Queensland Skilled Occupation List to confirm whether your occupation remains on the list: (직업군은 예고 없이 변경 가능함에 유의) Queensland Skilled Occupation List (현재 목록) Occupations removed from the list (기존 직업군 목록에서 제거된 직업군) Please do not submit your EOI if you do not meet criteria or if your occupation has been removed from the relevant list as it will not be picked up. (현 직업군 목록에 있는 경우만 EOI 제출해야 함)
Updated EOI’s will not be picked up or considered. You must submit a BRAND NEW EOI from 25 November 2019. No EOIs prior to this date will be considered. (새로운 EOI 를 제출해야 함; 기존의 것에 변경된 EOI는 선택에서 제외될 것임) Please ensure you have all documents ready to upload prior to submitting an EOI. Do not contact us to ask for an update on your application as at this significantly slows down processing times. (모든 최소충분 조건을 만족한 신청인 만이 EOI 제출해야) Note: The BSMQ Skilled Program may only be open for a limited time depending on the demand for the program. (190 비자를 위한 nomination 은 무려 하루도 안되어서 마감됨)
1. Queensland Skilled Occupation List for Onshore Applicants (호주내 신청인을 조건)
Eligibility Criteria (자격)To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both Australian Department of Home Affairs (HA) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category. (우선 자신의 491 비자 조건을 만족하는지 확인이 필요) HA criteria requires you to: (최소 충분 조건들)
BSMQ criteria requires you to: (QLD 최소충분 조건들)
2. Queensland Skilled Occupation List for Offshore Applicants (호주외 신청인)
Eligibility Criteria (자격)To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both Australian Department of Home Affairs (HA) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category. HA criteria requires you to: (호주내 신청인과 동일)
BSMQ criteria requires you to:
Please note: if you are an overseas PhD graduate, you may be eligible for a work experience requirement waiver if you have a minimum 12 month job offer with a Queensland employer registered in Australia. The job offer must be related to your occupation, and evidence is required showing acceptance of the offer. (박사학위 소지자이면서 12개월 Job offer를 가지고 있으면 경력 면제가능) 3. Queensland Skilled Occupation List for Queensland Postgraduates (Alumni) (QLD 석사 / 박사 졸업자) Eligibility Criteria (조건)To be eligible for Queensland nomination, you must meet both Australian Department of Home Affairs (HA) criteria and Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) criteria for your chosen visa category. HA criteria requires you to: (1&2 조건과 동일)
For Queensland Master Graduates, BSMQ criteria requires you to: (석사 졸업자 조건)
If you are applying for the 491 you must provide evidence you have been working for a regional employer and living in a regional area immediately before applying. (491 비자를 신청하고자 할 경우 Nomination 신청전 QLD 지방의 고용주를 위해서 거주하며 일하고 있어야 함) For Queensland PhD Graduates, BSMQ criteria requires you to: (QLD 주 에서 박사학위 졸업자)
여기까지 퀸스랜드 (QLD) 주의 491 / 190 비자 신청 자격조건을 정리해 드립니다. 기타 더 궁금하신 분들은 무료 / 유료 상담 링크를 이용하여 연락주실 수 있겠습니다. Source: https://migration.qld.gov.au/skilled-occupation-lists/ 물맑은 호주이민닷컴 (2002년 부터 기술이민 전문 )
이민법무사 신순철 드림
Last update: 2019년 11월 26일