기여부모비자 및 가족 비자를 위한 할당된 비자수 및 처리시간 – Updates | |||||||||||||||||||||
2018/2019 회계년도 vs 2019/2020 회계년도
부모비자의 처리대기시간은 매우 깁니다. 현재 2019년 10월 기준으로 아래와 같습니다.
Queue release datesAs at October 2019, we have released for final processing:
처리 시간 Processing timesOnce we reach the number of visa places available in the current Migration Program year we will consider any applications that have been queued and released for final processing, but not yet finalised, for a place in a subsequent year. Contributory Parent, Parent and Aged Parent visa processing times change for a number of reasons, including: (아래 요소들이 처리 시간에 영향을 줌)
We don’t provide processing times for Contributory Parent, Parent, Contributory Aged Parent and Aged Parent visa applications. Applications for these visas are subject to capping and queueing. However, based on current planning levels, we estimate new Contributory Parent visa applications lodged that meet the criteria to be queued are likely to take approximately at least 52 months to be released for final processing. (기여부모비자의 경우 최소 52주 소요됨) New Parent and Aged Parent visa applications lodged that meet the criteria to be queued are likely to take approximately 30 years for final processing. (새로운 부모비자 및 고령부모비자의 경우 대략 30년이 소요될 전망)
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철
Last update: 2019년 11월 25일 |