NSW 주정부 이민프로그램 2019-2020
NSW 주정부의 경우 새로운 추가요구조건이 생겼으며
모든 직업군은 아니지만 아래 일부 직업군에 해당한다고 발표함.
Occupation |
Availability |
221111 |
Accountant (General) |
Medium |
261311 |
Analyst Programmer |
Medium |
233111 |
Chemical Engineer |
Limited |
233211 |
Civil Engineer |
High |
263111 |
Computer Network and Systems Engineer |
Medium |
261312 |
Developer Programmer |
High |
233311 |
Electrical Engineer |
Limited |
233411 |
Electronics Engineer |
Limited |
221213 |
External Auditor |
Medium |
132211 |
Finance Manager |
Medium |
261111 |
ICT business Analyst |
High |
262112 |
ICT Security Specialist |
Low |
233511 |
Industrial Engineer |
Limited |
221214 |
Internal Auditor |
Low |
221112 |
Management Accountant |
Limited |
233512 |
Mechanical Engineer |
Low |
233513 |
Production or Plant Engineer |
Limited |
254415 |
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
Limited |
254499 |
Registered Nurses nec |
Limited |
241411 |
Secondary School Teacher |
Low |
261313 |
Software Engineer |
High |
261314 |
Software Tester |
High |
261112 |
Systems Analyst |
High |
221113 |
Taxation Accountant |
Limited |
263311 |
Telecommunications Engineer |
Limited |
263312 |
Telecommunications Network Engineer |
Limited |
Source: https://www.industry.nsw.gov.au/live-and-work-in-nsw/visas-and-immigration/nsw-skilled-occupations-list/nsw-190-priority-skilled-occupation-list
발표된 추가조건이란?
- NSW 주에현재 거주해야 함
- 자신이지명한 직업군으로 최소한 1년간 NSW에서 고용되었어야 함
NSW주 경우 회계 분야 PY를 마쳤다 할지라도 5점을 받을 수 있는 직업군과 받지 못하는 직업군이 있음에 유의
You are eligible to claim five points for a Professional Year in Accounting if your nominated occupation is either: (PY를 마치고 5점 받을 수 있는 직업군들)
- Accountant (General) (221111),
- Management Accountant (221112), or
- Taxation Accountant (221113).
You are not eligible to claim five points for a Professional Year if your occupation is: (PY를 마쳤다 할지라도 5점 받지 못하는 직업군들)
- External Auditor (221213),
- Internal Auditor (221214), or
- Finance Manager (132211).
해당 내용은 NSW 주정부에서 보내온 자료를 정리해 드림.
Last update: 3 September 2019
물맑은 호주이민닷컴
이민법무사 (0208335)