새로운 임시 초청부모비자 (SC 870) 최대 5년거주 – 2019년 4월 17일부터 적용 | |||||||||||||
자녀스폰서 임시 초청부모비자 (SC 870)에 대해서 소개합니다. 2019년 4월 17일부터 이 비자 신청이 가능하며 자격은 기존의 부모 / 기여 부모비자와 달리 자녀의 반 또는 그 이상이 호주 영주권자 / 시민권자 / 자격있는 NZ 시민권자로 거주하지 않아도 됨. (No family balance test required) 단, 자녀중에 단 한명이라도 영주권자 / 시민권자 / 자격있는 NZ 시민권자로 호주에 정착하여 최소 4년을 살고 있을 때 부/모/부모님이 자녀스폰서 초청부모비자 (SC 870) 신청을 위한 스폰서(sponsor) 자격이 될 수 있습니다.
Commencement of the five year subclass 870 Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visaOn 1 March 2019, Minister Coleman announced that applications to sponsor a parent for a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa will be open from 17 April 2019. Once a sponsorship application has been approved, a sponsored parent will be able to apply for a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa. Applications for the visa are intended to open from 1 July 2019 (2단계 처리: 즉, 스폰서쉽 먼저 승인되고 비자 신청서 제출가능함) 이 비자 탄생 배경:The visa provides parents with a new pathway to temporarily reunite with their children and grandchildren in Australia, while ensuring that taxpayers are not required to cover additional costs. The visa responds to community concerns about the limited number of Parent places in the migration program and associated lengthy waiting periods. (영주권은 제한되어 있고 조부모님들과 손자손녀가 만날 기회 제공 그러면서도 국민들 세금부담없도록…) To be eligible for the visa, a parent must be the biological, legal (including adoptive) parent, step-parent or parent in-law of the Parent Sponsor, who must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. The following information is subject to introduction of supporting regulations. 관련정보는 아래와 같습니다. General informationBenefits of the new pathwayThe visa allows parents to remain in Australia for a longer period of time, up to five years at a time without departing. It provides an alternative option to Visitor visas which only allow shorter periods of stay. Parents are still eligible to apply for Visitor visas and/or permanent Parent visas. (이 비자는 관광비자로 짧게 거주하는 것 대신 최대 5년 거주 가능한 임시 초청부모비자임. 부모들은 관광비자 및 영주비자를 신청할 자격을 또한 가짐. ) While the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa allows for a significantly longer stay period than a visitor visa, it is still only a temporary visa and does not allow for permanent residence in Australia like a permanent Parent visa. (특징으로 관광비자보다 훨씬 오래 거주 가능하지만 그렇다고 영주 거주할 수 있는 비자는 아님) Number of places availableUp to 15,000 Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visas may be granted each program year (from 1 July to 30 June). (회계연도 마다 최대 1만 5천명이 그란트될 것임) The 15,000 cap has been set by the Government in recognition of the challenges of an ageing population, as well as the overall budget impact of older migrants. The limit also reflects the Government’s priority of providing visa pathways for children and partners of Australians, as well as the need to target young skilled migrants to maximise the economic benefits of migration. If the cap is reached in a program year, no further visas will be granted until the next program year commences on 1 July. (매년 7월 1일 시작하여 15,000명이 다 차면 다음 회계연도까지 기다려야 함)
The visa and existing pathwaysStandard Visitor visa arrangements remain unchanged. The Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa replaces the Visitor visa concession that existed for parents of Australian citizens/permanent residents to stay in Australia for longer periods. (기존의 표준 방문비자는 변화하지 않지만 영주/시민권자의 부모에게 제공된 기존의 방문비자에 제공된 혜택이 대체됨) While the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa allows for a significantly longer stay period than a visitor visa, it is still only a temporary visa and does not allow for permanent residence in Australia like a permanent Parent visa. The new visa provides a pathway for existing Parent visa applicants to travel to Australia temporarily to spend time with their children and grandchildren while their permanent Parent visa application is being processed. (방문비자보다 훨씬 오래 거주가능함 그러나 영주거주는 아님. 그럼에도 불구하고 호주내 자녀/손자와 함께 호주에서 보다 오랫동안 거주가 가능하게 해 줌) Potential applicants are in the best position to determine which visa is most appropriate for their own circumstances, noting that each visa has different requirements, visa application charges, conditions and stay periods. (신청인이 처해져 있는 상황에 따라 선택이 더 생긴 것) Learn more about Visitor visa requirements.
SponsorshipThe information below applies to sponsors of Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visas, not other kinds of sponsors, such as work visa sponsors. (아래 정보는 부모초청비자를 위한 스폰서로서 고용주 스폰서쉽 또는 스폰서 자격조건이 아님에 유의) Only two parents per household can be sponsored for this visa at a time. The limit allows more households to sponsor a parent and reflects the potential costs a sponsor will be required to meet. (한가정에 딱 두 명의 부모만 한번에 스폰서 가능함) EligibilitySponsors must meet the following criteria: (스폰서는 다음 조건을 반드시 만족해야 함)
Sponsors must also agree to comply with sponsorship obligations in relation to the parent(s) they are sponsoring. (스폰서가 의무조항 반드시 지키겠다는 서약이 요구됨) Sponsorship obligations (스폰서쉽 의무조항)A parent sponsor will be required to meet obligations including: (아래 의무조항을 지킬 것)
If an obligation is breached, the Department can consider: (의무조항 어길 경우)
If the parent incurs public health debts in Australia and these are not paid, the party owed the debt will be able to pursue the sponsor, through the Courts if necessary, to have the debt repaid. (부모가 발생한 의료비 빚을 갚아야 할 의무; 그렇지 않으면 강제로 지불하도록 할 수도 있음) Sponsorship validity (유효기간)A parent sponsorship will cease: (아래와 같은 일이 발생하면 부모스폰서쉽이 종료됨)
However, some sponsor obligations will continue after the sponsorship ceases, including the obligation to pay any outstanding health debts incurred by the visa holder in Australia, even after their visa has ceased. (해당 비자가 만기되었다 할지라도 그 비자를 소지한 부모때문에 발생하고 지불하지 않은 의료비용이 남아 있다면 스폰서쉽이 종료된 후라도 스폰서의무조항은 유지됨에 유의) Sponsorship costThe sponsorship application fee is $420. (420불) Sponsoring other kinds of visasSponsored Parent (Temporary) visa sponsors will also be able to sponsor other types of visa holders if they meet the requirements of that sponsorship (for example a work visa sponsor for a Temporary Skill Shortage visa, or sponsor for a Sponsored Family Visitor visa). A sponsor can lodge an application to vary their sponsorship which will allow them to sponsor a different (new) parent. The new parent must also be a parent or step-parent of the sponsor or their spouse/partner. If the sponsor already has two sponsored parents, they will need to withdraw their sponsorship for one parent and that parent must either leave Australia or apply for and be granted a different visa before an application for sponsorship variation can be lodged. (최대 2명의 부모만 스폰서쉽 신청이 가능함; 또 다른 부모를 스폰서해주고 싶을 때는 기존의 스폰서쉽을 철회하고 그 부모가 호주를 떠난 다음 또는 다른 비자로 합법적으로 호주에 거주한 다음에 다른 스폰서쉽 신청서를 제출할 수 있음) Sponsors who wish to sponsor two new parents must lodge a new sponsorship application. (두명의 새로운 부모를 스폰서하고자 하는 스폰서들은 새로운 스폰서쉽 신청서를 제출해야 함)
Visa eligibility
Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa applicants must:
Unlike permanent Parent visas, there is no Balance of Family Test requirement for this visa, meaning a visa applicant is not required to have more than half of their children residing in Australia. How long you can stay (한번에 최대 5년거주)The visa allows parents to stay in Australia temporarily for a period of up to five years at a time. A parent must be outside Australia for at least 90 days before being eligible to apply for a further Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa. (또 다른 비자 신청전에 90일동안 호주 밖에서 기다려야 함) A parent will be able to hold visas up to a total stay in Australia of 10 years, reflecting that the visa is a temporary visa and does not lead to permanent residence. (최대 10년 거주 가능) Parents who have held Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visas for the cumulative maximum 10 year period must either depart Australia or apply for another visa that will allow them to remain in Australia. They will not be eligible for grant of a further Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa. (10년 이후로는 다른 비자를 신청해야 함. 누적하여 870 비자를 10년 이상 소지한 경우 연장 불허) Visa cost (비자 비용)The visa application charge is:
The visa application charge is payable in two instalments, with one payment at time of application and the remainder paid prior to visa grant. (비자 신청시점과 비자 그란트 직전에 두번 나눠 지불가능) The visa application charge represents a contribution to the cost of the services parents will use in Australia for extended periods. Most visa holders will have never paid tax in Australia but will benefit from using existing infrastructure. (세금을 호주에 전혀 지불하지 않았지만 호주에서 제공하는 현존하는 인프라 스트럭쳐로부터 이득을 얻게 된다) The charges also reflect that there are benefits for both parents and their Australian families. The visa holder can stay in Australia for up to five years continuously (up to a cumulative maximum of 10 years), thereby saving on the cost of airfares that would be incurred over this period if they were required to depart and re-enter Australia on a regular basis.
비자 지불관련하여 구체적으로 아래와 같음
(2) Visa application charge: (a) first instalment (payable at the time the application is made)—the base application charge is $1 020; and (신청시 1020불 지불) (b) second instalment (payable before grant of the visa): (비자 그란트 직전에 지불하는 금액)
Processing times (비자신청서 및 요구된 정보에 따라 처리시간 다름)Processing times will be dependent on a number of factors, including the number of applications lodged and whether an applicant provides all required information with their application. Processing times will be on the Department’s website when available. Work rightsVisa holders will generally be subject to a “no work” condition. (일할 권한 전혀 주어지지 않음)
“스폰서쉽 신청자가 일반적 스폰서 요구조건을 만족할때” An applicant for approval as a family sponsor in relation to the parent sponsor class meets the general sponsor requirements if: (a) the applicant is at least 18; and (b) the applicant has satisfied the Minister as to the applicant’s identity; and (c) the applicant is an Australian citizen or all of the following apply: (i) the applicant is an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen; (ii) the applicant has been usually resident in Australia for at least the 4 years immediately before the day the application is made; (iii) at no time during those 4 years has the applicant been an unlawful non-citizen or the holder of a bridging visa (other than a Bridging A (Class WA), Bridging B (Class WB) or Bridging C (Class WC) visa); (불법체류자 또는 브리징비자 A B 또는 C 가 아닌 다른 브리징비자 소지자가 아니었어야 함) and (d) the applicant has agreed that information about the applicant provided in relation to the application may be disclosed to any permitted sponsored person in relation to the applicant who is specified in the application.
2022년 2월 4일 기준 현재 처리시간 Processing times
Last update: 2022년 2월 4일
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