Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) – 482 비자 조건 (visa conditons) | |
TSS 비자 조건 – 이 비자 조건을 유지하지 못하거나 어길 경우 비자 취소가 있을 수 있음을 숙지해야 합니다.
Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa – Conditions다음과 같이 크게 3가지 비자 조건, 8607, 8501 그리고 8303가 있음 If you are granted a TSS visa, there are certain conditions that apply to you depending on whether you are the primary or a secondary visa holder:
You must comply with the visa condition(s) that apply to you. Failure to do so might result in your visa being cancelled. For information on any conditions imposed on your visa, please check the letter you received from us when your visa was granted. If you no longer have this letter, you can access VEVO instead. Condition 8607This condition applies to all primary TSS visa holders. You must:
Who do I need to work for (고용주 찾을 때)If your sponsor is a standard business sponsor and is an Australian business, you can work for the sponsor directly or an associated entity of the sponsor. If your sponsor is a standard business sponsor and an overseas business, you must only work directly for the sponsor. That is, you mustnot work for an associated entity of an overseas business. Special arrangements are in place for medical practitioners and general managers who can work for employers other than their sponsor or an associated entity of their sponsor. The specific occupations that this applies to are listed in the related legislative instrument at TSS legislative instruments. Changing employer (고용주 변경시)이미 TSS 비자를 소지하고 있고 고용주를 변경하려고 할 때 이민성에서 반드시 새로운 고용주에 의하여 고용되었음을 이민성에 알려서 그 노미네이션이 승인된 다음에 일을 해야 함. 그렇지 않으면 비자조건 8607을 어기는 것이 되어 비자가 취소됨에 각별히 주의. If you have been already granted a TSS visa and you want to change your employer, you are not required to apply for a new visa. Before you start working for a new employer, however, you must be nominated by your proposed new employer (who must also be an approved business sponsor) and have that nomination approved first. If you start working for your proposed new employer before the new nomination is approved, you will be in breach of visa condition 8607 and your TSS visa might be cancelled. The approval of a new nomination only allows you to change your employer. It does not extend the length of your TSS visa, it does not allow you to work in a different occupation and does not change the conditions attached to your visa. What job do I need to do (무슨 일을 해야하는가?)You must work in the nominated occupation. Under policy, if your employer varies your duties for more than 60 days and your duties no longer align with your nominated occupation, you will be considered to be in breach of your visa conditions. 지명된 일을 해야 하며 60일 이상 다른 일을 하게 되면 비자조건을 위배함에 유의. Changing occupation (직업군을 변경할 시)직업군을 변경할려고 할 경우에는 (기존에 비자를 가지고 있다 할지라도) 새로운 노미네이션을 고용주가 신청서를 제출해야하며 피고용주는 새로운 TSS 비자신청설르 제출해야 함. If you have been already granted and still hold a TSS visa and you want to change your skilled occupation, a number of steps will be required as follows:
The new nomination must be approved and the visa application granted before you can commence working in the new skilled occupation. (새로운 직업군으로 일하기 전에 2가지 즉, 노미네이션 신청서와 비자 신청서가 둘다 승인이 난 다음에 일을 해야 함에 유의 그렇지 않으면 비자조건 8607를 위배함에 따라 기존비자의 취소될 수 있으니 각별히 유의) If you start working in your new skilled occupation before the nomination is approved, you will be in breach of visa condition 8607 and your TSS visa might be cancelled. Ceasing employment (더 이상 고용관계 유지하지 않을 시)더 이상 고용관계가 유지가 아니될 경우는 고용주 또는 본인이 반드시 이민성에 언제 그만 둘 것인지 날짜를 통보해야 함. 다른 고용주가 신청인을 고용하거나 또는 다른 비자가 그란트 되지 않는 이상 60일 안에 호주를 떠나야 함) You are considered to have ceased employment when either you or your employer notifies us of the date you stopped work. If you stop working for your approved sponsor, you must depart Australia unless within a 60 day period, you:
일을 하지 않고 60일 이상 지나면 비자조건 8607을 위반하는 것이 되고 기존의 비자가 취소가 되며 이런 경우가 발생하며. If more than 60 consecutive days have passed, you could be in breach of Condition 8607 and your visa could be cancelled. This includes situations where a new nomination application:
If you abandon your employment, or are absent without leave, you could be considered to have ceased employment. Licensing, registration or membership (자격 및 라이센스를 유지해야 하는 경우)해당 직업군과 관련하여 자격증 및 라이선스를 호주 도착후 90일 또는 호주에서 비자승인이 된 경우 비자승인후 90일 안에 취득을 해야함. 90일 안에 관련 자격증 및 라이센스를 취득하지 못하면 이민성에 관련 이메일로 통보를 해야 함. You must obtain any mandatory licence, registration or membership necessary to perform your occupation in Australia and comply with any provisions within 90 days:
If you have not obtained the mandatory licence, registration, or membership within 90 days, notify us by sending an email to:sponsor.notifications@abf.gov.au.
마지막 변경: 2018년 6월 25일 |