Civil Engineering 분야에 Civil Engineer, 와 Civil Engineering Draftsperson 또는 Civil Engineering Technician 직업군이 있습니다.
아래 직업군의 경우는 토목공학 연구, 설계, 건설, 운영 및 유지보수를 지원하는 역할을 하는 사람을 의미합니다.
312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson
312212 Civil Engineering Technician
학위는 AQF Associate Degree, Advanced Diploma or Diploma 수준 이면 되고
기술심사는 Vetassess에서 관장을 합니다.
이들이 주로 하는 일은 아래와 같습니다.
- preparing sketches, charts, tabulations, plans and designs for civil engineering works such as drainage, water supply, sewerage reticulation systems, roads, airports, dams, bridges and other structures
- performing and directing fieldwork and laboratory testing
- interpreting work assignment instructions, applying appropriate procedures and selecting equipment
- collecting and analysing data, and carrying out computations
- estimating material costs and ensuring finished works are within specifications, regulations and contract provisions
- inspecting civil engineering works, and organising and supervising maintenance and repair work
- conducting field and laboratory tests of construction materials and soils, and collecting data for traffic surveys
따라서 아래 보면 알 수 있듯이 233211 Civil Engineer가 하는 일과는 다릅니다.
233211 Civil Engineer들은 주로 아래와 같은 일을 합니다.
Plans, designs, organises and oversees the construction and operation of civil engineering projects such as structural, transportation or hydraulic engineering systems. (구조, 교통 및 댐과 같은 유압 공학시스템과 같은 토목공사 프로젝트의 계획, 설계, 관리 및 감독을 한다)
구체적으로 아래와 같은 일을 하신 경우 기술심사가 통과되겠습니다.
Tasks Include: (구체적인 일)
- designs civil engineering projects such as hydraulic systems, roads, aerodromes, water supply systems, bridges and buildings (디자인)
- studies, evaluates and reports on the environmental implications of projects (연구, 평가 보고)
- determines construction methods, materials and quality standards (건설방법, 자재, 공법, 품질관리)
- drafts and interprets specifications, drawings, plans, construction methods and procedures (설계도 및 해석)
- organises and directs site labour and the delivery of construction materials, plant and equipment
- administers contracts and verifies and certifies satisfactory completion (감리)
- establishes detailed programs for the coordination of site activities (시공)
- sets up work control systems to ensure that standards of performance, quality, cost and safety are met (감리)
- consults with other engineers, architects, landscape architects and environmental scientists (기술 consulting)
- researches, investigates and evaluates materials, processes or systems related to civil engineering works (기술 consulting)
- supervises the testing and commissioning of completed works (감리)
이 직업군은 보통 대학 학위 (bachelor degree)를 필요로 하며 기술심사는 Engineers Australia에서 맡습니다.
이 직업군은 보통 Professional level 의 엔지니어를 의미하지요.
아무튼 3가지 직업군 모두 MLTSSL 에 포함되어 있어 자신의 조건에 따라
아래와 같이 대부분의 비자를 신청할 수 있습니다.
186, 189 (PT), 190, 407, 485 (GW),489 (F), 489 (S/T), TSS (M) |
186, 189 (PT), 190, 407, 485 (GW),489 (F), 489 (S/T), TSS (M) |
186, 189 (PT), 190, 407, 485 (GW),489 (F), 489 (S/T), TSS (M) |