물맑은 호주이민닷컴


Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) – 482 비자를 위한 Sponsorship accreditation

고용주 SBS (Standard Business Sponsor) 조건을 만족하고 아래의 4가지 중에 하나를 만족하면 Sponsorship accreditation 을 얻을 수 있고 이렇게 하면 TSS 482 비자가 빠른 처리가 됩니다.


밑에 보시면 아시겠습니다만 호주인 영주권자를 많이 고용 (최소 전체 인력중에 75% 또는 그 이상) 하고 호주의 노동법상 급여를 제대로 지불하였거나  매출이 일정하게 높은 경우 해당이 될 수 있습니다.


자세한 것은 아래 내용을 참고하세요.


Category Required Characteristics
Category 1

Commonwealth, state and territory government agencies

  • have Australian workers comprising at least 75% of their workforce in Australia
Category 2 

Australian Trusted Traders

  • have Australian workers comprising at least 75% of their workforce in Australia
  • engage all TSS and/or subclass 457 visa holders as employees under a written contract of employment that includes at least the minimum employment entitlements as required under the National Employment Standards (NES) (unless their occupation is exempt from this requirement)*
  • have all Australian employees paid in accordance with an Enterprise Agreement or an internal salary table that reflects the current market salary rates for all occupations in their business*
Category 3

Low volume usage and high percentage of Australian workers (at least 85%)

  • have Australian workers comprise at least 85% of their workforce in Australia
  • are not a sole trader or a partnership**
  • have an annual turnover of at least AUD4M for the last two years***
  • have been a standard business sponsor for at least one year***
  • have nominations approved for at least one primary TSS or subclass 457 visa holder in the last year***
  • have a nomination non-approval rate of less than 3% for the last year
  • have no adverse monitoring outcomes
  • have all Australian employees paid in accordance with an Enterprise Agreement or an internal salary table that reflects the current market salary rates*
  • engage all TSS and/or subclass 457 visa holders as employees under a written contract that meets NES where they apply*
Category 4

High volume usage and medium percentage of Australian workers (at least 75%)

  • have Australian workers comprise at least 75% of their workforce in Australia
  • are not a sole trader or a partnership**
  • have an annual turnover of at least AUD4M for the last two years
  • have been a standard business sponsor for at least two years
  • have nominations approved for at least 10 TSS and/or subclass 457 visa holders in the last two years
  • have a nomination non-approval rate of less than 3% for the last two years
  • have no adverse monitoring outcomes
  • have all Australian employees paid in accordance with an Enterprise Agreement or an internal salary table that reflects the current market salary rates*
  • engage all TSS and/or subclass 457 visa holders as employees under a written contract that meets NES where they apply*