학생비자의 필수요건 중에 하나 OSHC (Overseas Student Health Insurance) 사보험기간 | |
학생비자를 신청할 때 반드시 만족해야 할 것중에 하나가 사보험가입니다. 그런데 학생비자가 만약에 4년 대학 입학을 위한 것이라면 사보험을 4년짜리 또는 그 이상을 해야 할지 아니면 학기별로 연장을 하면 될 지 궁금해 하는 분들이 계십니다. 거두절미하고 이야기드리면 전기간을 모두 cover해야 학생비자가 grant 되면 그렇지 않으면 비자 거절 (refuse) 가 됩니다. 아래 내용은 이민법에 있는 내용을 제 해석을 넣고 공유하오니 학생비자를 신청하는 분들은 참고하십시오.
학생비자 법 500의 조항 215와 314 조항에 보면 아래와 같이 나와 있습니다. (아래 내용은 이민법무사들이 참고하는 법조항에서 발췌한 내용임; 일반인 접근 불가)
500.215The applicant gives to the Minister evidence of adequate arrangements in Australia for health insurance during the period of the applicant’s intended stay in Australia.
500.314 The applicant gives to the Minister evidence of adequate arrangements in Australia for health insurance during the period of the applicant’s intended stay in Australia. 500.215는 주신청자에 대한 사보험 이야기입니다.
Health insurance (clause 500.215) OverviewA student visa applicant must provide evidence of adequate arrangements in Australia for health insurance during their period of intended stay in Australia. (호주에 거주하려는 전체 기간 즉 학생비자의 마지막 까지 cover되어야 한다는 뜻입니다.) ‘Adequate’ does not have legislated meaning under migration law. Start dates (호주에 입국하는 날짜부터 cover가 되어야 한다는 점에 유의 그렇지 않으면 학생비자법 8501을 위반하는 격이 됨) Decision makers should check the start date for a student’s OSHC prior to visa grant. A common mistake is for students to nominate the date of the commencement of their course as the start date for their OSHC, rather than the date they intend to enter Australia. In these circumstances:
If the student enters Australia before their OSHC begins, they will be in breach of visa condition 8501. End dates (끝나는 날짜는 최소한 학생비자의 마지막 까지 또는 최대한 거주할 수 있는 날까지 cover되어야 함; 그렇지 않으면 학생비자 거절이 됨에 유의) If a visa applicant does not hold OSHC or falls into an exemption, the officer should request evidence. If a visa applicant has OSHC coverage for the full study period (that is, to the end of all combined courses) but less than the maximum period they would have otherwise been eligible for (refer to The student visa end date) the decision maker should grant the visa to the end date of the OSHC coverage. If a visa applicant has OSHC that does not cover the full study period, the decision maker must provide the applicant with an opportunity to purchase additional OSHC. The decision maker should advise the applicant of the maximum period they would be eligible for, to assist in their OSHC purchase (refer to The student visa end date). If, after a request is sent, a visa applicant provides evidence of OSHC coverage that covers the full period of study but less than the maximum period they would have otherwise been eligible for, the decision maker should grant the visa to the end of the OSHC coverage. If, after a request is sent, a visa applicant does not provide evidence of OSHC coverage or does not provide evidence of OSHC coverage for the full study period, the decision maker should refuse the application. (사보험을 전체 기간까지 커버하라고 요청했는데도 불구하고 하지 않으면 학생비자 거절된다고 분명히 명시되어 있음에 유의)
500.314는 가족 (동반가족)에 대한 사보험이야기입니다. Health insurance for accompanying family members (clause 500.314)Family members of students must provide evidence of adequate arrangements in Australia for health insurance before a visa can be granted (clause 500.314). This approach ensures that the family members of students can meet the cost of the medical and hospital care during their period of stay in Australia. Family unit members applying outside Australia to join a student already in Australia should provide details of their policy with their application. Arrangements for family members of Endeavour Award students, Defence students and DFAT students are covered under their own headings in the section ‘Health Insurance (OSHC)’ Health insurance must be taken out for the entire proposed visa period. (여기에 보시면 학생비자의 기간 전체를 즉, 체류하려는 기간 전체를 커버하는 사보험이어야 함을 명시하고 있습니다.) 아래 내용은 일반인 접근 가능한 정보 (이민성 홈페이지에서 발췌함 ) Health insurance for studentsAll student visa holders must have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) which provides medical and hospital insurance in Australia. You must not arrive in Australia before your health insurance starts. If you are in Australia and do not have adequate health insurance, you are in breach of visa condition 8501. Your education provider might organise your OSHC coverage for you, or you can select an approved OSHC provider yourself and pay the policy. You will need OSHC coverage for the duration of your visa. To find out the length of coverage you will require, see student visa grant periods. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/stud/more/health-insurance-for-students
물맑은 호주이민닷컴 이민법무사 (0208335) 신순철
Date: 1 May 2018 |