물맑은 호주이민닷컴


호주비자 vs 신원조회 (Character Test)의 모든 것

신원조회에 대해서 오늘은 공유합니다.

호주비자를 위해서 일부 비자는 신원조회를 반드시 통과를 해야 합니다.

이때 어떤 사람들이 통과를 하지 못할 수 있는지 반대로 이야기 하면 어떤 사람이 통과를 할수 있는지 알 수 있겠습니다.

관련된 분들은 아래 내용을 조심스럽게 참고해 주시고 더 궁금하신 점는 무료 상담에 문의를 하셔도 되겠습니다.


You will not pass the character test if: (만약에 신청인이 1-6번에 하나라도 해당이 되면 신체검사 통과 못할 가능성 99.999999%입니다)

  1. you have a substantial criminal record (중대 형량이나 그에 준하는 경우 밑에 자세히 설명함)
  2. you have been convicted of any offence that was committed while in immigration detention, during an escape from immigration detention, during a period where you escaped from immigration detention, or if you have been convicted of the offence of escaping from immigration detention (이민난민자수용소에서 유죄를 선고 받은 경우)
  3. you have, or have had, an association with an individual, group or organisation suspected of having been, or being, involved in criminal conduct (범죄집단과 연결고리가 있는 경우)
  4. having regard to your past and present criminal conduct, you are found not to be of good character
  5. having regard to your past and present general conduct, you are found to be not of good character
  6. there is a significant risk that you will engage in criminal conduct in Australia; or harass, molest, intimidate or stalk another person in Australia; or vilify a segment of the Australian community; or incite discord in the Australian community or in a segment of that community; or represent a danger to the Australian community or to a segment of that community.


Power Basic description Policy information (관련 정책 설명)
501(6)(a) Person has a substantial criminal record
(형량이 많다면 얼마나 많아야 하는지 이민법 조항에 상세히 오른편에 있는 것처럼 명시되어 있음)
A person will not pass the character test if established they have a substantial criminal record as defined in s501(7) of the Act (refer to Substantial criminal recordfor further information) – namely”:

·         the person has been sentenced to death (사형)

or 또는

·         the person has been sentenced to imprisonment for life (무기징역)

or 또는

·         the person has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 12 months or more (12개월 또는 그 이상 징역)

or 또는

·         the person has been sentenced to 2 or more terms of imprisonment, and the total of those terms is 12 months or more (2개 또는 그 이상의 징역이 있고 누적하여 12개월 또는 그 이상인 경우)

or 또는

·         the person has been acquitted of an offence on the grounds of unsoundness of mind or insanity, and as a result the person has been detained in a facility or institution (심리적 또는 정신적 이상으로 인해 형을 면하게 되고 이로 인해 정신병원 또는 그에 준하는 시설에 있는 경우)

or 또는

·         in relation to an offence, the person has been found by a court to not be fit to plead but the court has nonetheless found that, on the evidence available, the person committed the offence; and as a result, the person has been detained in a facility or institution. (범죄와 관련하여 형을 받는데 있어 건강하지 못하지만 형은 받고 그럼에도 불구하고 격리된 시설에 가둬진 상태인 경우)

501(6)(aa) and (ab) Person has been convicted of crimes in immigration detention during escape from immigration detention, or after the escape but before being immigration detained again (난민수용소에서 유죄를 범한 경우) This includes community detention and alternative places of detention (APODs). Does not include offshore regional processing centres (ORPCs), but any conduct or crimes in ORPCs can still be considered under other character test grounds.

Persons need only be convicted (it is not required that they receive a sentence of imprisonment).

501(6)(b) Association or membership
(범죄 집단에 가입이 된 경우)
Person will not pass the character test if the Minister reasonably suspects that they have been or are a member of a group or organisation or has or has had an ‘association’ with a person, group or organisation, whom the delegate ‘reasonably suspects is or has been involved in criminal conduct’.

The “reasonable suspicion” test is met if the following two elements exist:

the delegate’s suspicions are aroused by the evidence available to them and

the suspicion is an honestly held suspicion based on that evidence and it is reasonable in the circumstances.

Reasonable suspicion does not have to equate to actual belief.

501(6)(ba) Reasonable suspicion that the person is, or has been involved in conduct constituting people smuggling, trafficking in persons, genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture or slavery; or a crimes that is otherwise of serious international concern – whether they have been convicted of such an offence or not. (사람을 밀매매하거나 하는 행위 또는 그와 같은 곳에 조직원으로 관련되어 있는 합리적 의심이 가는자) This is intended to capture within s501 persons in circumstances where there is sufficient intelligence or evidence to suggest that they have been involved in serious crimes, but the evidence is insufficient to demonstrate guilt to the standard expected by the courts in civil or criminal proceedings.

People smuggling – conduct that is reasonably suspected of being an offence under one or more of s233A to s234A of the Act.

Trafficking – not defined in the Act or Direction no. 65. Convictions are not required to fail this limb of the character test but Australian laws criminalising human trafficking are in Divisions 270 and 271 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 and are a useful reference to a range of conduct that is considered to be slavery. For advice on trafficking issues, email people.trafficking@border.gov.au.

Genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes involving torture or slavery – officers should email war.crimes.screening@border.gov.au in the first instance if they need further advice in situations where there are questions relating to possible genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes offences. Refer also to PAM3: Character and security – War Crimes – Screening of Visa and Citizenship Applicants for further advice. Australian laws criminalising slavery are in Divisions 270 and 271 of the Criminal Code Act 1995.

Crimes of serious international concern – not defined in the Act or Direction no. 65. In a practical sense, any suspicion of committing crimes of a trans-national nature could feasibly be considered.

501(6)(c) (i) past and present criminal conduct

(ii) past and present general conduct

과가와 현재 범죄행위 및 일반적 행위

This covers conduct that might not meet criminal thresholds, but nonetheless is of concern. Significant case law on this limb exists – this is reflected in Direction no. 65 – Annex A – Application of the character test.

In short, both past and present criminal or general conduct needs to be considered and such conduct must go towards establishing the lack of the person’s enduring moral character over a continuum of time. Any good conduct must also be considered. (일정한 시간을 두고 신청인의 지속적인 도덕성의 결여가 있다고 판단될 경우; 이런 경우 과거와 현재 범죄 및 일반적인 행위 관련하여 신원조회 통과 안될 가능성이 높다. 그러나 만약에 자원봉사 및 지역사회 발전을 위해서 사회에 도움이 되는 행동 등의 선행이 있다고 판단이 되면 그 자체가 신원조회 통과 가능성이 높아진다)

501(6)(d) Multiple grounds relating to risk of the person (아래와 같은 다양한 것과 관련인 있는 경우)

(i) engaging in criminal conduct (범죄에 가담)

(ii) harassing, molesting, intimidating or stalking another person in Australia (호주인을 못살게 하고)

(iii) vilifying a segment of the community (사회의 일부에 나쁜 평을 하고)

(iv) inciting discord in the Australian community (or a segment of that community (호주사회 또는 한 공통체의 일부에 불여화음을 조장하고)

(v) representing danger to (by way of being liable to become involved in activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threatening harm to), that community or segment, or in any other way). (공동체나 한 집단에 파괴적이고 위협을 가하는 행위을 보여줄 때)

This relates to risk of conduct in the future, noting that evidence of past conduct is relevant (but not determinative) to assessing this risk, as is intelligence material that may relate to the individual’s intentions or capabilities. Harass, molest, intimidate, stalk, vilify, incite discord, all have their ordinary meaning.

Information obtained from external sources must be assessed and consideration given as to whether the information indicates that it is reasonable to hold concerns about the person’s actual or intended presence and behaviour, including forming a view that any potential adverse consequences are sufficiently representative of a segment of the community – this requires subjective judgment having regard to the person’s or group’s background, their role and prominence in the community etc.

Under s501(11) conduct may amount to harassment or molestation even though it does not involve violence, or threatened violence; or is only damage, or threatened damage to property belonging to, in the possession of, or used by the other person.

Cases that potentially enliven 501(6)(d) (iv) or (v) may involve conduct (such as history of public rallies causing law and order problems, extremist views, being liable to provoke an incident in Australia) that may attract significant adverse media and/or political attention, but which are not straight-forward police matters and therefore require cross-portfolio coordination. As such, these cases should be referred to the Controversial Visitor Unit (cvu@border.gov.au)

501(6)(e) Sexually based offences involving a child (minor)

어린아이 성폭행/성폭력을 저지른 경우 신원조회 통과 가능성 매우 희박; 호주내에서 실제 중대 범죄로 취급함

A person will not pass the character test if a court in Australia or a foreign country has: (어린 아이 성폭력 / 성폭행을 저지른 경우 신원조회 통과하지 못함)

·         convicted the person of one or more sexually based offences involving a child

·         found the person guilty of such an offence or

·         found a charge against the person proven for such an offence, even if the person was discharged without a conviction.

Covers all sexually-based offences, six examples being: (아래 성폭행관련 6가지 예제에 해당할 경우 신원조회 통과 가능성 희박)

·         possession, distribution or production of child pornography

·         indecent dealings with children

·         solicitation or grooming offences

·         possessing an indecent photograph or pseudo-photograph of a child; incest (if the victim is a child)

·         other non-contract carriage service offences

·         sexual trafficking of children.

It may also cover some sexually-based offences against a child who was over the age of consent at the time of the offence, but the perpetrator was in a position of authority or trust over the child (for example, a teacher, babysitter, foster carer or parent).

501(6)(f) Person has been charged or indicted in Australia or in a foreign country for one or more of the following: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, torture or slavery; crimes otherwise of serious international concern.

(종족 학살, 인류에 대한 범죄, 전쟁범죄, 고문 및 노예와 관련하여 죄를 받거나 보여지는 경우)

Whereas s501(6)(ba)(iii) relates to reasonable suspicion, s501(6)(f) relates specifically to situations where a person has been charged with or indicted for one or more of the listed matters.
501(6)(g) Adverse ASIO security assessment (ASA)

호주 보안 정보 조직에 행하는 보안 평가를 통과하지 못하는 경우 (이 조항은 오른편에 있는 비자를 신청하는 사람들에게만 적용)

Whether or not ASIO makes a specific recommendation in relation to the person’s visa status, a person will not pass the character test if they have been assessed by ASIO by way of an ASA to be a direct or indirect risk to security.

Section 501(6)(g) also captures applicants for visas for which public interest criterion 4002 (PIC 4002) is not a criterion for grant – namely:

·         Bridging visas (WA010 to WE050, and WF060)

·         Resident Return (five year)(BB155) visa

·         Resident Return (three month)(BB157) visa

·         Provisional Resident Return (TP159) visa

·         Special Category (TY444) visa

·         Humanitarian Stay (Temporary)(UJ449) visa

·         Confirmatory (Residence)(AK808) visa

·         Permanent Resident of Norfolk Island (AW834) visa

·         Diplomatic (TF995) visa.

For those visa subclasses to which PIC 4002 applies, a s65 delegate can refuse the visa if the applicant is the subject of an ASA. The exception is applications for protection visas, which must be refused under s36(1B) of the Act if the applicant is the subject of an ASA.

Note: In practice, Diplomatic (TF995) visas will not be refused under s501(6)(g) of the Act, because they are granted with the Foreign Minister’s recommendation. The Foreign Minister is responsible for ensuring that diplomats and consular officials do not pose a national security risk to Australia.

501(6)(h) There is an Interpol notice in effect from which it is reasonable to infer that the person would present a risk to the Australian community or a segment of that community.
(호주 사회 및 호주의 어떤 사회 일부에 위험을 줄 수 있다고 인터폴의 공지가 있는 경우)
Interpol notices are international requests for cooperation or alerts allowing police in member countries to share critical crime-related information. Interpol Canberra (attached to the Australian Federal Police) provides the Department with details of relevant Interpol notices (the various colour notices are described on Interpol’s Notices webpage (http://www.interpol.int/INTERPOL-expertise/Notices), which are then stored on CMAL.

Merely having an Interpol notice in force does not necessarily mean that the person should be considered under s501; the content of the notice must be considered and assessed in terms of risk to the Australian community or segment of the community. Where possible, corroborating information (such as a statement of facts, charge sheets, arrest warrants) is sought from the relevant jurisdiction (such requests must be made via formal Interpol channels).

Cancellation and Character Support Section has a liaison role with Interpol Canberra, and can also obtain copies of Interpol notices and/or seek further corroborating information (email cancellation.support@border.gov.au).

Interpol information may be sensitive (some notices are published online, others are not made publically available). This may mean that the AFP (as a gazetted agency) may require the information, or part of the information, as being confidential for the purposes of s503A of the Act.


In assessing whether or not you meet the character requirement the following might be taken into consideration: (신원조회 통과 여부는 아래 항목을 만족여부를 통해 평가하게 되지만 구체적인 내용은 위의 테이블에 해당이 되지 않는다면 신원조회 통과를 그렇지 않고 하나라도 고려대상이 된다면 통과 가능성은 낮아짐)

  • you are assessed as a risk to Australian national security (호주 전역 보안에 위협을 준다고 평가된 경우)
  • your presence in Australia: (호주에 있으면서)
    • is or would be against Australia’s foreign policy interests (호주의 외무정책의 관심과 위배되는가?)
    • is or would be against Australia’s Autonomous Sanctions Regulations (호주 자율 규제 정책에 위배되는가?)
    • might be directly or indirectly associated with the spread of weapons of mass destruction. (직간접적으로 대량학살무기 확대와 연관되어 있는가?)
  • you hold extremist views, such as the view that violence is a legitimate means of political expression (정치적 관심에 있어 극좌 / 극우적 관점이 있는가)
  • you are likely to vilify or defame the Australian community or part of it (호주 사회에 비난 또는 부정적으로 헐뜯는가)
  • you have a record of causing law and order problems, such as by addressing public rallies (집회를 유도하며 법과 질서에 문제 야기)
  • you act in a way likely to be insensitive in a multicultural society, such as by advocating that people in particular ethnic groups should adopt political, social or religious values well outside those acceptable to Australian society (다민족 사회에 이해력 부족)
  • you are active in a political movement that aims to achieve the non-peaceful overthrow of your own or another government (평화적이지 않은 방법으로 정치적 움직임에 포함된 경우)
  • you have planned, participated in or been active in promoting politically motivated violence or criminal violence, or are likely to propagate or encourage such actions in Australia (폭력적 시위에 정치적으로 조장하는 경우)
  • you are likely to provoke an incident in Australia because of the conjunction between your activities and the proposed timing of your visit and the activities and timing of a visit by another person who might hold opposing views (상호 다른 관점을 가진 사람을 만나고 그런 사람들과 행위에 동참하여 호주에서 사건을 만들 가능성이 있는 경우)
  • you are a war criminal, are suspected or accused of war crimes or are associated with a person or group involved in war crimes (전쟁범 또는 의심받는자)
  • you are known to be or suspected of being involved in organised crime (집단 범죄에 포함되어 있거나 의심받는 경우)
  • you pose some threat or harm to the Australian community or part of it (호주사회에 위협이나 피해를 주는 경우)
  • your presence in Australia is likely to be contrary to Australia’s foreign policy interests (호주에 있는 것 자체가 호주 사회 외교정책의 관심과 적대되는 경우)
  • you claim to represent a foreign state or government that is not recognised by Australia (호주에서 인식되지 못하는 외교상태 또는 정부를 대표하는 주장을 하는 경우)
  • the Minister is aware of any other credible material that might be relevant to specified public interest criteria. (PIC 라고 하여 호주사회의 관심과 관련하여 장관이 문제가 있다고 볼 경우)

한번의 단순한 음주 운전이나 폭행사건은 따라서, 신원조회 통과 못하는 사유는 되지 않을 것입니다. 그러나 일정한 시간을 두고 꾸준히 음주운전 / 범죄를 이르키면 다른 이야기가 될 수 있으니 참고하세요.


물맑은 호주이민닷컴

이민법무사 (0208335)
