빅토리아주 – ICT 직업군 노미네이션 받기 | |
빅토리아 주정부의 경우 ICT 직업군은 따로 관리를 하게 됩니다 (다른 직업군과는 달리) 즉 선 EOI 제출 후 invitation 발행 (NSW주와 동일하게 처리) 따라서, 반드시 EOI 제출시 거주할 주는 Victoria주를 선택해야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 절대 invitation 을 발행해 주지 않는다 명시되어 있습니다. (If you are not selected by the Victorian Government, you will not receive an email. Your EOI will continue to be considered for as long as it remains in DIBP’s SkillSelect system)
How to apply for Victorian visa nomination: ICT occupationsNew application process for ICT occupationsDue to the high number of ICT applications that Victoria receives, we have changed our application process for ICT occupations. The aim of this is to reduce processing times and hopefully improve your experience with our program. To apply for Victorian nomination (in ICT occupations), follow these steps:
Selection considerationsThe Victorian Government will review and select the top ranking ICT candidates from SkillSelect, who have indicated Victoria as their preferred state. Candidates who are selected to apply are still required to meet Victoria’s minimum eligibility requirements, including demonstrating employability and commitment to Victoria, and are not guaranteed nomination. (기본적인 190 비자를 위한 조건을 만족해야 하며 기술심사 통과해 두어야 하고 또한 고용 가능성에 대한 자료 빅토리아 주정부에서 최소 2년 거주할 생각이 있음을 보여줄 자료가 제출되어야 하겠습니다.) If you are not selected by the Victorian Government, you will not receive an email. Your EOI will continue to be considered for as long as it remains in DIBP’s SkillSelect system. Exemptions from this processThis application process is for ICT occupations only. However, if you are an ICT applicant and currently hold an offer of employment in your nominated occupation in Victoria, or meet the streamlined 457 or PhD pathway, you are exempt from this process and can lodge a Victorian visa nomination application directly without first being selected by Victoria.
Last update: 2017년 11월 6일
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