물맑은 호주이민닷컴


기능직 (요리사포함) 분야로 유학하고 485 비자(졸업비자) 신청시 학위수준은?



호주에서 요리쪽으로 공부를 마치고 485 비자를 신청하려고 하는 분이 아래와 같이 질문을 해 주셨습니다.


—- 질문자의 질문 요지 —-


호주 온지 2년정도 되어가고 에볼루션이라는 요리학교에서 COOKERY certificate 3 를 마치고 diploma 과정도 다음주면 마치게 되서 다음비자로 485 졸업생 임시비자를 생각중인 학생입니다.

제가 여러곳에 문의를 해봤는데 어떤곳은 서티 4가 꼭 요구된다하고 어떤곳은 디플로마와 서티 3로도 apply가 가능하다고 해서 혼동이 많이 되어서 연락드립니다.


—– 질문 끝 —


질문의 요지는 요리사 (cook)으로서 485 (졸업비자)를 신청하기 위해 Cert III가 필요한가 아니면 Cert IV까지 학력이 필요한가에 대한 질문입니다.


답변은 간단합니다. Cert III도 가능합니다만 보다 자세한 것은 아래에서 설명하겠습니다.

(TRA 기술심사 기관의 내용을 그대로 발췌해서 설명 드립니다.)



Step 1: Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA)


Under PSA, TRA verifies the authenticity of your Australian qualification, and that you have had exposure to a range of tasks and duties relevant to your nominated occupation in an Australian workplace.


A successful PSA outcome can be used to apply to DIBP for a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485).


You can complete the remaining steps of the JRP on a Bridging Visa A while waiting for a subclass 485 visa.


(TRA의 기술심사에는 몇가지가 있습니다. PSA라고 해서 임시 기술심사입니다. 이 기술심사는 485비자 (졸업생 비자)를 신청하는데 사용될 수 있습니다.


2.1.1.  Eligibility (임시기술심사 통과기준)

To be eligible for a PSA you must have:


  • held an international student visa to study in Australia (학생비자 소지하고 있을 것)
  • a qualification relevant to an occupation assessed by TRA, and awarded by a CRICOS RTO as a result of study in Australia (TRA로부터 심사되는 직업군에 해당하는 학력수준일 것 그리고 CRICOS라고 하고 호주교육기관에서 제공하는 학업을 마친 경우; 보통 학생비자를 가지고 공부를 한 경우 해당함)
  • evidence of a minimum of 360 hours employment and/or a vocational placement relevant to your qualification and nominated occupation, completed in an Australian workplace within the three years prior to submitting a PSA application. (임시 기술심사를 신청하기 전에 지난 3년안에 호주의 직장에서 누적시간으로 신청하려는 직업군과 공부한 코스와 관련된 업무에서 최소 360 시간 동안 일을 했어야 함)


2.1.2.  Online Application Process (임시기술심사를 위해서 온라인으로 접수할 있고 비용지불 가능)

You must complete all mandatory fields and pay the application fee on the online portal. When you have completed the online submission and payment, select the Submit & Print button to submit your application details and print the PSA Summary Page.


2.1.3.  Application documents (필요한 서류들)

For your application to be registered, the following documents must be received by TRA within 30 working days of the date you applied online for a PSA:


  • the PSA Summary Page signed by you and your agent if you have representation


  • a copy of the biographical identification page and all arrival and departure stamped pages of your current passport


  • a current passport‐size photograph


  • a copy of all your Australian qualifications relevant to your nominated occupation, and the full academic transcript of results including the commencement and completion dates of study in Australia


  • claimed employment: copies of work statements and pay evidence such as pay slips, payroll printouts, invoices and bank statements to support any periods of claimed employment completed in Australia in the last three years. Work statements for employment must:


  • be on letterhead used by your employer’s business
  • state the occupation in which you were employed
  • state the exact dates and hours of employment
  • include a detailed description of the nature and content of the work undertaken, along with the machines, tools and/or equipment used
  • be signed and dated by the employer or a person authorised by the employer, including

the name, position and telephone contact details of the person making the statement.




  • vocational placements: copies of work statements and timesheets or log books to support any periods of claimed vocational placements completed in Australia in the last three years. Work statements for vocational placements must:


  • be on letterhead used by the RTO
  • confirm the vocational placement was undertaken as a requirement of a training course
  • state the exact dates, hours and location of the vocational placement
  • include a detailed description of the nature and content of the work undertaken along with the machines, tools and/or equipment used
  • be signed and dated by an authorised person, including the name, position and

telephone contact details of the person making the statement


Please note, all pay evidence and/or time sheets/log book evidence submitted must total a minimum of 360 hours.


Your application documents can be emailed as a single PDF attachment to jrpdocuments@education.gov.au. If your documents are provided in any format other than a single PDF, they will not be processed and will be returned to you.


When emailing your application documents, please ensure they are scanned in the following order:

  1. PSA Summary Page
  2. Passport pages
  3. Recent passport photo
  4. Australian Qualification/s
  5. Work Statement/s
  6. Pay evidence


Alternatively, your documents can be posted to:


Trades Recognition Australia

GPO Box 3022



TRA will acknowledge receipt of your application documents.


PSA applications are generally processed within 30 working days of receipt of the application documents. Processing times may vary and are dependent on the volume of applications received as well as the complexity of the verification process.


To support a fair process, your application will be assessed in order of receipt and TRA will not consider any requests to expedite the processing of your application. You will receive a skills assessment outcome letter when your application has been assessed.


2.1.4.  Verification process (서류의 진위 확인과정)

TRA will verify employment and vocational placements by contacting the person who signed your work statement/s. This means TRA must be able to link the landline or mobile telephone number/s to the business or RTO. Once a link has been established, TRA will only attempt contact three times. If a link to the business or RTO cannot be established, the signatory will not be contacted.

If the signatory cannot be contacted or does not respond to call back requests from TRA, your work will not be able to be verified and your application will be unsuccessful.


2.1.5.  PSA successful outcome (문서검증과 신청자격조건을 모두 만족하면 임시 기술심사 통과됨)

Your application will be successful if TRA is able to verify your documents and you have satisfied the PSA eligibility requirements.


2.1.6.  PSA unsuccessful outcome (통과하지 못한 경우)

Your application will be unsuccessful if: (다음과 같은 경우 통과 못함)

  • your application documents are not received by TRA within 30 working days of the date you applied online (온라인 접수후 30일안에 TRA가 서류를 받지 못한 경우)


  • your documents are not relevant to your nominated occupation (관련된 직업군과 관련이 없는 서류인 경우)


  • your documents contain insufficient detail to satisfy PSA eligibility requirements (자세한 내용을 담고 있지 못한 경우)


  • TRA cannot verify your qualification or work statement/s (경력 및 학력관련 서류 검증이 안되는 경우)


  • documents are found to contain false or misleading information (거짓 또는 허위 정보가 발견된 경우)


2.1.7.  Review of an unsuccessful PSA outcome (재심요청 가능)

If you receive an unsuccessful outcome, an Application for PSA Review form will be attached to your outcome letter. If you do not agree with the outcome, you can apply for a review within 30 working days from the date of the original assessment outcome letter. A review will only reconsider the documents you provided in your original application; no new evidence will be considered. ( 결과 나온 다음 30일 안에 재심 가능)

The PSA Review fee of $300 is payable through the online portal by selecting the PSA Review link. Your PSA review application will be assessed by a different TRA officer, and not by the officer who provided the original assessment outcome. You will be advised by letter of the outcome, and if the assessment is overturned, the review fee will be refunded.


Alternatively, you can submit a new application and new documents at any time.


To submit a new application you must register again for the JRP. You will receive a new username, password and TRA Reference number. There is no limit to the number of times you can apply for a PSA.


여기까지는 심사에 관련된 내용입니다.


다시 질문자의 질문의 요점에 돌아가 봅니다.

485 비자를 신청하려고 하는데 요리사로서 Cert III가 필요한가 아니면 Cert IV가 필요한가?


A Provisional Skills Assessment requires applicants to have a qualification relevant to an occupation assessed by TRA which has been awarded by an Australian CRICOS registered training organisation based on studies in Australia. Generally, the qualification will be at the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate III level.

(일반적으로 학위는 AQF Cert III가 필요합니다. 그런데 때로는 아래 내용처럼 밑에 기술된 직업군의 경우 Cert IV 또는 Diploma 또는 Advanced Diploma까지 요구하는 경우가 있습니다. 따라서, 직업군에 따라서 TRA의 기술심사의 학력 수준이 달라지는 것입니다. 그래서 질문자가 어디서 어떻게 질문을 했는지는 모르지만 때로는 Cert III가 때로는 Cert IV가 필요하다 어쩐다 하는 말이 오고 갈 수 있겠습니다.)

Some occupations require a qualification different to that of an AQF Certificate III and the most common of these, and the required qualification level are listed below. If you have completed another qualification, or a combination of qualifications, you need to ensure you have completed all the units of competency in a relevant qualification at the level listed for your occupation.


아래 내용은 모두 TRA 기술심사기관에서 제공한 내용으로 직업군 vs 학위입니다.

More information on Australian training packages and qualifications can be found at www.training.gov.au

​Occupation ​AQF Qualification level
​Camera Operator (Film, Television or video) ​Certificate IV
Chef ​​Certificate IV in commercial Cookery, Patisserie or Asian Cookery
Child Care Centre Manager ​Diploma
​Clothing Patternmaker ​​Diploma
​Dental Prosthetist ​Advanced Diploma
Dental Technician Diploma
​Drainer ​Certificate II
​Dressmaker or Tailor ​Certificate IV
Electrical Engineering Technician ​Diploma
​Electronic Engineering Technician ​Diploma
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) ​Certificate IV
​ICT Customer Support Officer ​Certificate IV
​ICT Support Technicians NEC ​Certificate IV
​Jockey ​Certificate IV
​Lift Mechanic ​Certificate IV
​Make Up Artist ​Certificate IV
​Optical Dispenser ​Certificate IV
​Optical Mechanic ​Certificate IV
​Plastics Technician ​Certificate IV
​Radiocommunications Technician ​Certificate IV
​Telecommunications Technician ​Certificate IV
​Television Equipment Operator ​Certificate IV
​Vocational Education Teacher ​Certificate IV
​Wool Classer ​Certificate IV


결론적으로 질문자의 학위는 Cert III가 필요하며 그리고 해당 분야의 업무에서 360시간 최소한 일을 했을 경우 485비자용 임시기술심사를 통과할 가능성이 있는 것입니다.


PS 모든 기술심사의 최종 판단은 TRA의 skill assessor (수십년간 일해오신 기능직분야의 기술자분)께서 하게 됩니다.


Last Update: 2017년 11월 30일


물맑은 호주이민닷컴

이민법무사 (0208335)
