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457 비자가 폐지된다고 호주 수상이 오늘 발표했습니다. (호주 노동시장은 자국민에게 먼저임을 강조하면서) (발표 내용 영상으로 보실 수 있음)
On 18 April 2017, the Government announced that the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457 visa) will be abolished and replaced with the completely new Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa in March 2018. (457 비자가 폐지되고 완전히 새로운 임시기술부족 비자로 2018년 3월부터 적용될 것입니다. 줄여서 TSS비자라고 부름)
The TSS visa programme will be comprised of a Short-Term stream of up to two years and a Medium-Term stream of up to four years and will support businesses in addressing genuine skill shortages in their workforce and will contain a number of safeguards which prioritise Australian workers. (2가지 비자가 있겠습니다. 2년짜리 비자와 4년짜리 비자입니다. 호주의 일자리를 호주인들에게 먼저 할당한다는 정책하에 만들어질 것이라고 말콤 텀블이 강조에 강조를 하고 있습니다)
This new visa is part of the Government’s significant reform package to strengthen the integrity and quality of Australia’s temporary and permanent employer sponsored skilled migration programmes. (한마디로 호주인에게 호주일자리를 우선 배당한다는 정책입니다.)
Key reforms include:
- Introducing the temporary skill shortage visa with new requirements, including but not limited to: (새로운 비자는 아래와 같은 특징을 갖게됨)
- new, more targeted occupation lists which better align with skill needs in the Australian labour market (호주 노동시장에 필요한 기술을 갖는 보다 정확한 직업군 리스트)
- a requirement for visa applicants to have at least two years’ work experience in their skilled occupation (해당 직업군으로 최소 2년 경력)
- a minimum market salary rate which ensures that overseas workers cannot be engaged to undercut Australian workers (최소 급여조건 만족)
- mandatory labour market testing, unless an international obligation applies, (필수 노동시장 테스트)
- capacity for only one onshore visa renewal under the Short-Term stream (딱 한번 더 연장)
- capacity for visa renewal onshore and a permanent residence pathway after three years under the Medium-Term stream
- the permanent residence eligibility period will be extended from two to three years
- a non-discriminatory workforce test to ensure employers are not actively discriminating against Australian workers (차별법에 적법)
- strengthened requirement for employers to contribute to training Australian workers
- the Department of Immigration and Border Protection will collect Tax File Numbers and data will be matched with the Australian Tax Office’s records, and
- mandatory penal clearance certificates to be provided.
- Tightening eligibility requirements for employer sponsored permanent skilled visas, including but not limited to: (고용주 스폰서 영주비자의 경우)
- tightened English language requirements (영어 능력이 높아야 한다고 오늘 발표에 강조함)
- a requirement for visa applicants to have at least three years’ work experience (최소 3년 경력 요구)
- applicants must be under the maximum age requirement of 45 at the time of application (45세 미만)
- strengthened requirement for employers to contribute to training Australian workers, and (고용주가 호주인 피고용주 교육에 기여)
- employers must pay the Australian market salary rate and meet the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold1. (급여조건)
- Concessions for regional Australia will continue to be available:
- Employers in regional Australia will continue to have access to occupations under the temporary and permanent visas, to reflect their skills needs.
- Existing permanent visa concessions for regional Australia, such as waiving the nomination fee and providing age exemptions for certain occupations, will be retained. Consideration will be given to expanding the occupations in regional Australia that are exempt from the age requirement.
- Significantly condensing the occupation lists used for skilled migration visas, including the subclass 457 visa, from 19 April 2017. (2017년 4월 19일부터 457비자를 포함한 기술이민비자을 위해 사용된 직업군 리스트가 엄청나게 축소)
The implementation of these reforms will begin immediately and will be completed in March 2018. (이 새로운 비자법 구현은 2018년 3월부터 완성)
Further information on different aspects of the reforms will be published in due course. (보다 자세한 것은 앞으로 계속 발표 예정)
PM의 발표 짧은 영상:
Date: 2017년 4월 18일 오후 4시
호주기술이민전문 = MOMO Migration Service (since Feb 2002)
Soonchul Shin
Ironman RMA
Skilled Migration Specialist
IT Migration Specialist
Member of MIA
MARA Registered (0208335)
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