WA 주 457 비자 자녀 학비 | |
2015년부터 WA 정부는 457 비자 가진 분의 자녀(들)가 공립학교를 다닐 경우 자녀의 숫자에 관계 없이 일인당 학비를 1년에 4천불을 지불하도록 했습니다. In 2015 the Western Australian Government introduced a tuition fee for families on 457 Visas (temporary skilled workers) whose children attend public schools in this state. The fee is $4000 per family each year, regardless of the number of children a family have enrolled in public schools. 물론 더 이상 공립학교를 다닐 필요가 없거나 또는 비자의 상태가 바뀐 경우 (예를들어 영주비자 획득)에는 공립학교를 지불하지 않아도 되며 What if I am not/ no longer eligible to pay the fee? your children leave the public school system; or You must notify each of your children’s schools of the change to your status. This will ensure a correct Fee Advice is issued and you receive any refunds for which you may be eligible. TIWA will notify you if you are eligible to apply for a refund for any excess payments you have made. 참고 링크: https://www.tafeinternational.wa.edu.au/your-study-options/study-at-school/dependants-of-457-visa-holders |