2011년 7월 1일 부터 적용되는 new points test에 대한 FAQ II – Old | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
밑에 post에 내용이 짤려서 두번째 내용을 아래에 담아 드립니다. ———- Australian work experience (호주 직장 경력) The following table outlines the number of points an applicant will receive depending on their Australian work experience. (자세한 점수는 아래 참고)
Overseas work experience (해외 직장 경력; 한국포함) The following table outlines the number of points an applicant will receive depending on their overseas work experience. (자세한 점수는 아래 참고)
Why are more points awarded for Australian work experience, compared with the same length of overseas experience? (해외에서 일한 경력 기간에 더 많은 점수를 주는 이유?) The points test recognises the extra value Australian work experience provides in assisting migrants find skilled employment and settle easily in Australia. (취업 및 정착하기 쉬울 것을 판단하기 때문)
Will points still be awarded under the new points test for the completion of a Professional Year? (Professional Year를 마치면 점수를 할당해 주는가?) Yes. Under the new points test, five points will be awarded to applicants who complete an approved Professional Year in their nominated occupation or a closely related skilled occupation. (관련 직업군으로 Professional Year 을 마친 경우 5점 할당됨)
Under the new points test will applicants be able to claim points for both a Professional Year and Australian work experience? (Professional Year 점수와 호주내 경력점수를 동시에 요청할 수 있는가?) Yes. The current points test is designed so that applicants can only claim points for either Australian work experience or the completion of a Professional Year. The new points test allows an applicant to claim points for both completing a Professional Year and meeting work experience requirements. It is important to note however that work conducted as part of the Professional Year program will not be eligible for consideration as work experience. (현행 포인트 테스트와는 달리 두가지 점수 모두 요청 가능하지만 work experience로서 고려되지 않음에 유의)
What points will be awarded for education qualifications? (학위 점수는 어떻게 바뀌는가?) The following table outlines the number of points awarded for an applicant’s highest education qualification. (고학력자가 유리하게 됨)
Why will the new points test award more points to higher level qualifications? (왜 고학력자에게 더 많은 점수를 주는가?) The new points test awards more points to certain higher level qualifications as higher level qualifications generally result in increased earning capacity. (일정 고학력자가 더 많은 수입능력이 있다고 판단)
Why doesn’t the new points test award extra points to an applicant who studies a Master program after completing their Bachelor Degree? (학사와 석사학위를 가진 신청인에게는 더 점수를 주지 않는 이유?) Applicants who complete a Master program after completing a Bachelors degree are not awarded extra points, as research indicates that the labour market outcomes of previous skilled migrants have not been improved by holding a Masters degree. (예전 자료 분석결과 고용마켓결과 (취업율등) 석사학위를 가진 것이 득이 없다고 판단)
Under the new points test will I be able to claim points for two qualifications? (두가지 학위 점수 요청 가능한가?) No. The new points test will only allow applicants to claim points for their highest level qualification. For example, if an applicant has completed a Bachelors Degree and a PhD, they will only be able to claim points for the PhD. (안됨. 즉, 학사 + 박사학위를 가진 경우 박사학위만 점수 할당됨)
To claim points for a qualification or apprenticeship obtained overseas, do I have to have the qualification recognised? (견습점수를 받기 위해서 인정되는 학위를 가지고 있어야 하는가?) Yes. To claim points for a qualification or apprenticeship obtained overseas, it will need to be recognised as being of a standard comparable to that awarded by an Australian education institution. Further information regarding the process for having an overseas qualification or apprenticeship recognised will be made available closer to the date of implementation of the new points test. (그렇다. 호주 교육 기관에서 인정할 수 있는 기관에서 견습을 해야 하며 이 내용은 7월 1일 전에 가까워지는 시점에서 발표될 것이라고)
Are there any restrictions on what Australian qualifications can be used to claim points? (호주학위 점수를 요청하는데 있어 제한이 있는가?) Yes. To claim points for an Australian qualification, the qualification must have been undertaken while the applicant was in Australia and it must have been completed as the result of a course of study that was at least two academic years (that is, 92 weeks as registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)). (있다. 호주내에 거주하며 최소 2년 학위 기간의 공부를 하는 코스여야 한다. (즉, CRICOS 등록된 92주)
Will the new points test still allow points to be claimed for the Australian study requirement? (호주유학조건을 만족할 경우 점수 할당이 되는가?) Yes. Applicants who have studied in Australia and who have met the Australian study requirement will be eligible for five points under the new points test. (호주 유학 조건을 만족할 경우 5점 할당됨)
Under the new points test can I use the same period of study to claim points for both qualifications and Australian study? (두가지 즉, 호주학위 및 호주유학에 대한 점수를 모두 요청할 수 있는가?) Yes. The new points test will allow applicants who have studied in Australia to use the same period of study to claim points for qualifications and for meeting the Australian study requirement. For example, if you obtain a PhD and meet the Australian study requirement, you can claim 20 points for the PhD and five points for the study inAustralia. (가능하다. 예를들어 호주내에서 박사학위가 있을 경우 호주학위조건을 만족하여 20점을 호주 유학조건을 만족하여 5점을 요청가능함)
Will the new points test continue to award points to applicants who have studied in regional Australia? (지방에서 공부를 한경우) Yes. Under the new points test applicants who satisfy the Australia study requirement while studying in regionalAustralia will continue to be awarded an additional five points. These points will be available in addition to points claimed for the qualification and for meeting the Australian study requirement. (추가 5점을 더 받을 수 있음)
Under the new points test will applicants still be able to claim points for fluency in a designated community language? (designated community language 점수도 claim 가능한가) Yes. The new points test will award five points to applicants who meet the requirements to claim points for community language. (할 수 있다. (자격조건 밑에 참고))
Will the new points test change the evidence required to claim points for community language? (community language를 위해서 증빙서류가 필요한가?) Yes. The new points test will recognise applicants who are accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in a designated language. 해당 언어로 (NAATI) 자격증을 가지고 있어야 하며 더 이상 해당언어로 대학을 졸업한 것으로 점수 요청이 불가함 Points for designated language will no longer be able to be claimed on the basis of having obtained a qualification from a university where instruction was in that language.
Will applicants still be able to claim points for partner skills under the new points test? (배우자점수 요청이 가능한가?) Yes. The new points test will continue to award five points where the primary applicant’s partner satisfies the threshold criteria for GSM. Under the new points test, to claim partner points the primary applicant’s partner will need to meet the following criteria: (다음 조건을 만족할 경우 가능함) l be included on the same visa application as the primary applicant (주신청자의 신청서에 포함될 것) l not be an Australian permanent resident or citizen (시민권자 또는 영주권자가 아닐 것) l be less than 50 years old at the time of application (50세미만) l nominate an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List, and be assessed by the relevant assessing authority as having suitable skills for the occupation (SOL 직업군을 선택하여 기술심사 통과) l have Competent English (과락없는 IELTS 6.0 확보) l have been employed in a skilled occupation for at least 12 months in the 24 months before the application is lodged. (접수전 24개월 중 12개월 경력)
Will the new points test change the award of points for sponsorship? (스폰서쉽 점수가 변화되는가?) Yes. The new points test will award points for sponsorship as follows.
Will family sponsored applicants still be eligible to apply for a permanent Skilled – Sponsored visa? (친인척 스폰서쉽비자를 위해서 친인척스폰서쉽 영주비자를 신청할 수 있는가?) No. As part of the changes accompanying the introduction of the new points test, from 1 July 2011 applicants for the Skilled – Sponsored subclass 176 or 886 visa subclasses will need to be sponsored by a state or territory government under a state migration plan. 불행히도 NO! 반드시 주정부 스폰서쉽을 받아야 하며 더 이상 친인척 스폰서쉽을 통해 비자 신청이 불가함. There will no longer be a permanent family sponsored skilled migration visa however eligible family members can still sponsor relatives under the provisional sponsored skilled migration visa. Holders of a provisional sponsored skilled migration visa may be eligible for a Skilled Regional (Residence) visa (subclass 887) after meeting certain eligibility criteria. 그렇지만 임시비자인 487 또는 475 비자를 가지고 있는 신청인중 일정 조건을 만족할 경우 887 비자를 신청할 수 있음.
Will family sponsored applicants still be able to apply for a provisional Regional Sponsored visa? (친인척 스폰서쉽 비자의 경우 임시비자는 신청자격이 되는가?) Yes. The new points test will continue to award points to applicants for a subclass 475 or subclass 487 who are sponsored to a regional area by an eligible family member or a state or territory government under a state migration plan. Holders of either of these provisional sponsored skilled migration visas may be eligible for a Skilled Regional (Residence) visa (subclass 887) after meeting certain eligibility criteria. (지방에 거주하는 친인척 스폰서쉽 또는 주정부 스폰서쉽을 통한 임시 비자 475 또는 487 의 경우 신청 가능하고 조건을 3-2-1 조건을 만족할 경우 887비자를 신청할 수 있음)
Is there a specific contact number that I can use to find out more about these changes? (이와 관련하여 특별한 연락처가 있는가?) The department is operating a dedicated telephone line to respond to any queries on the new points test. Telephone: 1300 735 683
이상 http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-testfaq.pdf 의 내용을 원문 그대로 발취하여 comment 드렸습니다.
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