2011년 7월 1일 부터 적용되는 new points test에 대한 FAQ I – Old | |||||||||||||||||
2011년 7월 1일부터 적용되는 새로운 포인트 점수가 2010년 11월 11일 발표되었습니다. 관련 내용을 정리하여 드리오니 참고하십시오.
연방정부 홈페이지 http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-testfaq.pdf 에 있는 내용의 FAQs 에 간단한 comment 드리오니 참고하세요. Frequently Asked Questions – New Points Test Why is a new points test being introduced? (새로운 포인트테스트의 발표한 이유?) On 8 February 2010, the Australian Government announced a series of reforms to the skilled migration program, including a review of the points test. The points test review found the current points test had led to a skewing of applications toward a small number of occupations and does not always lead to outcomes that are consistent with the objectives of the skilled migration program. (9개월 전인 2010년 2월 8일 발표된 내용 중에 points test 변경 건이 있었고 그 내용을 발표함)
How was the new points test developed? (어떻게 만들어졌는가?) The Department of Immigration and Citizenship consulted widely in developing the new points test. On 15 February 2010, the department released a discussion paper inviting responses from stakeholders and the general public. More than 220 responses were received from a variety of individuals and organisations including industry peak bodies, education providers, migration agents, current and former international students, prospective migrants from outside Australia and the wider Australian community. State and territory governments were also consulted on the various options under consideration. The department also took into account research on what aspects of the skilled migration program delivered the greatest contribution to the Australian economy. (각 분야 220개 단체 및 개인으로부터 의견 수렴하여 만들었다고 함; 또한 호주 경제에 가장 많이 기여할 수 있도록 프로그램 개발이 됨)
How is the new points test different from the current points test? (현행 및 새로운 포인트테스트가 어떻게 다른가?) The new points test provides for migrants with a better balance of skills and attributes. As no one factor will guarantee migration, successful migrants will need to possess a combination of skills and experience. The changes focus on better English language skills, more extensive skilled work experience, higher level qualifications obtained in Australia and overseas and different age ranges. The new points test will continue to award points for study in Australia, regional study, community languages, partner skills and a Professional Year. Points will no longer be awarded on the basis of an applicant’s occupation, but all applicants must still nominate an occupation on the applicable Skilled Occupation List. (SOL의 직업군에 해당이 되더라도 더 이상 응시자의 직업군에 대한 점수에 의존하지 않고 기술과 경험에 의존하며 여기서 기술이란? 영어 능력, 해당 분야의 많은 경력, 호주 및 해외의 높은 학력 그리고 일할 수 있는 나이에 따라 또한 호주에 기여 (유학, 해당 직업군으로의 근무경력) 정도에 따라 점수가 할당되는 제도로 변경됨.
See: www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-fact.pdf (보다 자세한 것은 링크 참고)
Who will the new points test apply to? (어떤 비자에 해당하는가?) It is important to note that the new points test will only apply to one component of the skilled migration program. This change will not affect every type of skilled migration visa and only applies to applicants for the following visas: (6개 비자 모두 적용) Subclass 885 Skilled Independent Subclass 886 Skilled Sponsored Subclass 487 Skilled Regional Sponsored Subclass 175 Skilled Independent Subclass 176 Skilled Sponsored Subclass 475 Skilled – Regional Sponsored.
When will the new points test come into effect? (언제부터 적용되는가?) It is proposed that the new points test will apply to applications made from 1 July 2011, unless the applicant is eligible for transitional arrangements. (기본적으로 2011년 7월 1일부터) 그러나 유학후 기술이민을 준비하던 응시자는 따로 적용될 수 있음. Transitional arrangements apply to people who, on 8 February 2010 held or had applied for a Temporary Skilled Graduate visa (subclass 485). Until the end of 2012, this group is able to apply for a permanent skilled visa under the points test in effect as at 8 February 2010. Student visa holders who lodge an application for points tested skilled migration from 1 July 2011 will be assessed under the new points test. There are still transitional arrangements which may apply to those students affected by the reforms announced on 8 February 2010. People who held an eligible Student visa on 8 February 2010 still have until the end of 2012 to apply for a Temporary Skilled Graduate visa (subclass 485) under the arrangements in place for that visa as at 8 February 2010. See: www.immi.gov.au/students/_pdf/recent-changes-gsm.pdf (더 자세한 것은 이곳 참고)
I am a current international student, and am not eligible for the transitional arrangements detailed above. Will the new points test affect me? After 1 July 2011, if you are not eligible for transitional arrangements and you lodge an application for any of the visas listed above, you will need to meet the requirement of the new points test
Will the pass mark change under the new points test? (패스점수는?) Yes. The pass mark is a tool that allows for management of the skilled migration program and is always subject to change. It is expected that the pass mark will be set at 65 points. (65점으로 될 것임) There will no longer be a distinction in the pass mark between independent and sponsored visas and permanent and provisional visas. (기술독립이민과 스폰서쉽 또는 임시 비자의 통과점수에 차이가 더 이상 없음)
I am considering applying for a points tested visa. Should I apply now, or wait until the new points test is introduced? (비자를 신청할 예정인데 새로운 포인트테스가 발효될 떄까지 기다려야 하는가?) The decision is one for you to make. The department recommends you carefully consider your situation to determine whether the current or the new points test would be of most benefit to you. skilled work experience may benefit under the new points test. For example, people with higher level qualifications, English language proficiency or more extensive (자신의 결정이고 자신의 상황에 가장 잘 맞는 것을 찾아 신청하여야 함. 예를들어 고학력자 영어 능력이 좋은 신청인 또는 오랫동안 일을 한 신청인 또는 그런 것을 종합하여 보다 좋은 상황이라면 기다리고 그렇지 않은 상황이라면 신청해야 하는 것임)
I have already lodged an application for a GSM visa. Can I choose to have my application assessed under the new points test? (이미 신청한 사람도 새로운 포인트 테스트에 적용되는가?)
No. Applications lodged before 1 July 2011 will be assessed against the current points test. (2011년 7월 1일부터 적용되는 것이기에 답변은 ‘No’) If you want to have your application assessed against the new points test, you will need to lodge a new application after the new points test is introduced. It is important to note that if you choose to lodge a new application, you will be required to pay a new Visa Application Charge (VAC). You will not be able to have the VAC you paid in association with your first visa application refunded. (새로운 포인트테스에 적용되려면 새로운 비자신청서를 제출해야 하며 신청비는 이민성에서 반환해 주지 않음)
I will not be ready to lodge an application before 1 July 2011 and under the new points test I don’t think I will be able to meet the pass mark. What are my options? (2011년 7월 1일 전까지 신청서를 제출할 수 없고 새로운 포인트 테스트로는 통과점수를 받지 못할 것 같다. 다른 옵션은 있는가?) Australia is fortunate in that there are many more people seeking migration than places available. Skilled migration to Australia is highly competitive and requirements adjust over time according to Australia’s skills needs. Not everyone will be able to meet the requirements for skilled migration. (호주 기술이민은 매우 경쟁이 치열하고 요구조건이 호주 기술요구에 따라 변화된다면서 모든 사람들이 기술이민을 위한 조건을 만족하지 못할 것이라고..)
You may want to consider your eligibility to apply for an alternative migration option, such as the Employer Nomination Scheme or Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme. Further information on these programs is available on the department’s website. (고용주 스폰서쉽 비자 또는 지방에서 취업하여 영주비자 신청하는 RSMS 비자 옵션을 생각해 봐야 할 것이라고..) See: www.immi.gov.au/skilled/ (더 자세한 것은 링크 참고)
Will there be more changes to the requirements for skilled migration? (더 변경이 예고되는가?) Australia’s skilled migration program is run to benefit Australia. The program is designed to help deliver the skills the Australian economy needs. The skilled migration program must remain flexible to adjust to economic circumstances to select the best people to contribute to Australia’s future. The program will continue to change over time. (주석: 항상 그렇지만 호주에 이득이 되도록 이민프로그램이 만들어 집니다. 호주 경제 요구에 만족하는 기술을 제공하도록 하는 것으로 경제 상황에 따라 이 프로그램이 언제나 변화할 수 있습니다.) The introduction of the new points test is part of a suite of reforms announced on the 8 February 2010 aimed at delivering a skilled migration program that will select migrants with the high value, nation-building skills that are needed by the Australian economy and labour market.
Why have occupation points been removed from the new points test? (새로운 포인트 테스트에서 직업군 점수가 소멸된 이유?) The points test review found that the current points test gives undue weight to a person’s occupation, as an applicant can claim up to half the points needed to meet the pass mark on the basis of their nominated occupation alone. The introduction of a more targeted Skilled Occupation List (SOL) means it is no longer necessary to award points on the basis of occupation, as all applicants must nominate an occupation from the new list. (포인트테스트를 검토한 결과 현행 포인트 테스트는 과도한 점수를 신청인의 직업군에 제공하고 있다. 즉, 전체 점수 120점에서 최대 반을 할당하고 있기 때문) 점수를 직업군에 할당하지는 않지만 새로운 리스트로부터 직업군 하나를 선택은 해야 한다.)
Will the new points test changes apply to the threshold age requirements? (나이 조건에도 적용되는가?) Yes. The maximum age threshold for applicants will be raised from 45 to 49. This recognises that in many professions, workers do not reach their full potential until their mid to late 40s, and that significant work experience is a key factor in determining a skilled migrant’s labour market performance. While applicants aged 45-49 will be eligible to apply, no points will be awarded for age. This means that those applicants will have to have outstanding results in other areas in order to meet the pass mark. (45-49세 까지도 신청인이 신청 가능할 수 있지만 해당 나이 점수는 없다. 이 뜻은 다른 분야의 점수를 만족하여 65점이 되면 기술이민 신청 자격이 된다는 뜻)
Will the new points test change the allocation of points across different age brackets? (나이점수 변경되었나?) Yes. Australian Bureau of Statistics data and the department’s research indicate that highly skilled migrants who come to Australia between the ages of 25-32 add the most benefit to the Australian economy in terms of lifetime earnings. The new points test will award points for age as follows.(아래처럼 변경됨)
I am over the age of 45 and wish to apply. Do I need to wait until the new points test is introduced? (만 45세 이상으로 새로운 포인트테스가 적용될때까지 기다려야 하는가?) Yes. Themaximum age requirement will not be increased until the new points test comes into effect. (답변 Yes)
Is there a new minimum English language requirement? (최소 영어 점수가 있는가?) For all skilled migration points tested visas the threshold English language requirement will be Competent English, which is a minimum score of 6 in each of the four components of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test. No points will be awarded for English language where an applicant has Competent English. (과락없이 6.0 을 확보해야 하며 새로운 포인트테스트에서 0 점이 할당됨)
Will the new points test allow applicants to claim points for higher levels of English language proficiency? (6.0 이상일 때 영어점수에 대한 포인트가 있는가?) Yes. The new points test will recognise applicants with higher levels of English language proficiency. The new points test will award points for English language ability as follows.(다음과 같이 적용됨)
Will the new points test award points for both overseas and Australian work experience? (호주 및 해외의 경력 모두 점수가 할당되는가?) Yes. The new points test gives more recognition to applicants who have more extensive skilled work experience, either in Australia or overseas.
Will the new points test award points for experience in any skilled occupation? (어떤 특정 직업군에 점수가 할당되는가?) No. To claim points for work experience under the new points test, the experience must be in an applicant’s nominated occupation, or a closely related occupation. (더 이상 직업군 점수는 없지만 해당 직업군 또는 관련 직업군으로 일은 해야 함)
I have worked in my nominated occupation in Australia and overseas. Can I claim points for both overseas and Australian work experience? (관련 직업군으로 호주 및 해외에서 일한 적이 있다. 두가지 분야에 점수를 모두 요청할 수 있는가?) (요청 할수 있다. 예를들어 5년중 3년을 해외에서 2년중 1년을 호주에서 일한 경우 각각 5점을 전체 10점을 요청할 수 있다.) For example, an applicant who has worked in their nominated occupation overseas for three out of the past five years and in Australia for one in the past two years will be able to claim ten points for work experience – five points for their overseas work experience and five points for their Australian work experience. Points for skilled work experience will be awarded as follows: |